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Who Sells The Clothing At Ann Arbor?

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1HE TWO 8AKIS. Who Sells the Hats? THE TWO SAMS. WHO SELLS THE F1NIST FÜRNISHÍNG 6OQDS? THE TWO SAMS. Who Sells the Children's Clothing? THE TWO SAMS. 5 Who Sells the Boys' Clothing? .j ?Jj THE TWO SAMS. ö Wiio Sells tlie Youth.s' Olotliiag ? Ij jl THE TWO SAMS. hJ Who Sells the Best White Shirt ? (} THE TWO SAMS. WHO SELLS COLLARS AND CUFFS ? H Q THE TW. SAW.S. j fc Who Sells the Finest Neckwear? 5 THE TWO SAMS. W H Who Sellsthe Beit Overalls to Fa mers and Mechanics? {ti THE TWO SAMS. jj M THE TWO SAMS. g H WHY IS THIS THUS? BECAUSÊ! 5 The TwoSam? Buy for Cash. TheTwoSams S Sell Strictly at one Prlce. Thé Two Sams do as theyagree. The Two Sams will Refund Money if goods are not right. Come and see ourprices. Farmers and Mechanics look to your interest. Rememberwe want your trade, and must have it. We would say that we have in our employ Mr. Wm. Tuomy, of Dexter, Who will at all times be pieased to meet any and all of his friends and old customers at the Two Sams. Theonly One-Priced Clothiers anti Hatters in Ann Arbor. BLITS k LANGSDOBF, The Two Sams.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News