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Washington, D. C, Aprll 19, 1884. The firat truits of the vote to consider the Horizontal Tarift' bilí have appeared in the shape of a list of the mimes of ninety-two inembers of the House of Representatives, who have notified the chalrman of the eominittee of the whole lllitt tLrj VIU Ul Üellrcr BpreClies uu lljc subject. Siiice the beglnning of the struggle whicU was inaugurated by Messrs. MorrUon, Kelly, and Mills, Bepicscntntive Russell lias told why revenue reform is opposed in Maásacliusetts, and Congressman Cliace has ttated Rhode Island's objections to it. Representativos Blout and Jones have alao ina(e tbeir contribulions to the great question, and even the usually imperturbable Senate fauecumbed to tho tariff infectioii and put askle ita pending question by unanimous consent while Senator Monill proceeded to point out Democratie inconsisteneies on the tariff issue. Tlie action of the pariy was historically 'evieweil to show its shifting policy in regard to tliis and otlier measures, and a horizontal reduction of tweniy per cent. was illuded to as a sweepiniï dose blindly admliilstered, rlghtor wiong, on the bulkof foreign impurts, by quack.9. Tlie poeltiou lately taken by the Kentucky Senator Beek, tllat cowarda and sueaks need expect no mercy ia the Democratie camp lifter the Democratie convenüon uifets, was als) a target for the Senator trom Vermout. He said Mr. Heek always meant business when hc held a whip in his hand. Wheu he concluded the Sonate proceeded witli ths bill for a uniform systtm of bankruptey. lt has duüned tliii class of persons who may apply lor voluntary bankiuptcy to be tliose owin; debts exceeding three hunlired dollirs. It is probable ttio general tariff debate vill continue a month before the biü will je dcclared open for araendmenU and for liscussion under tlie tlve minutes rule. It 9 tliought a nuniber of Democratie memjers who voted to have tlie bill discussed ,vill tinally vote against it. The anti-silver agitation is a feature of ,bis week's work at the Capitol. Commercial delegates from vuriouscities are holding conimuuion wilh Cwngress to urge mpensioii of the coitmge ot silver dollars they have brought out a streng array ot familiar facts. Hepresentative Lacey lias just been instrueted by committee to report favorably his bill 10 prohibit the issue of treasury notes less than five dollars, and to provide for the Issue of one, tvvo, and five silver certifleates. An effort wlll be made soon by Mr. Hatch, chairman of the House agricultural committee, to obtaln consideration of the bill to make the agrlcultural a Cabinet office. Ue argües that it is au outr.ige that the farmers- the backbone of the country- should not have a representative In tho executlve branca of the Government. Secretaiy Folger has promoted a lady of Geneva, N.T-, to an echteen huudred dollar clerkship in the Internal Revenue Bureau. Xtal is the secoud instance in the records of all the departments in [lie recoma ui vi. - i - - Washington in wnicli a female clerk has rancheó tlat grade. In her exaniinatio for promotion the lady obtamed nearly the maximum of one himdred percent. A distinguished coinpany met at Senator Monïll's Washington residence the Other evenlpg, to celébrate hls 74tU bli-thdiy. He has been in Congress nearly thiity years. Havinjt served twelve conecutive years In the House oL Kepresentalives, he wUl next year close his third conseeutlve term in the Senate. Among the guests who tendered tlieir congratulatloiM wcre the Cabinet offleers, the Justices of the Suprema Court, meinbers of the diplomatic corps and BUWiy Senators au.lmemberiüf the Höiwe. The President was repiesented by a basket of Üowers. On Wednesday the streets of Washington presented many lively scènes. Tliouaundl of colored people feil Into line and celebi-ated with rauch enthusiasm the anniversary of tlieir eniancipation. Gayly deoorated wagons, hacks, barouohes, and all kinds of vehicles, loaded witli colo.e.l tamilies from the country, paraded up and down the streets. Goijteous regalia, gay uniforms, flylng bannera and other patr otic inania gave bright color to the som ber procession, while the ear was greete from all directians by the fife and drum "Yes." said Mrs. Sinith, who had just aliühted fioin a horje-car; "yes, I gotmyself all mud, and I guess Tve wet my feet; but I dida't getout at the crossing. These corporations can make rules, but I guees the people have some rights yet, and though Ihe men may t:imely submit, the wouien Boston Transcript. Boston jourualisin 8 rising a little above the dead level. The Baltimoie American man recently wired the Boston Post man to know lf he wanted a special abuut the birtli of a tattooed baby. Electricity flaíhed back in the twinkle of alamb'stail, "No; we keep an able liar of our owii."- Lincoln (Neb.) State Journal. _____ It wis in Mardi Gras: A little fellow dretted as a fierrot, waa trotting along atliis father'í side, crying and howling. "What's the matter?" "Pupa, I want to see some masks!1' Patience my boy, patience. You shall see some masks. You know we are going to diñe with


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