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Humor has t ihat another rink will he erected at this place. T.J. Fallen lias two silver piecestlie r"ates of wliich are 1097 and 1700 Beat tliat if you can ! A Mi-s Moore, aged sbout 70 vean, while Koiii{ down stairs a few duys (tab teil and brokeher left hip. The post of O. A B. :it. this place is now ! lul liifcuuULUllpUuil wilh whicli Ki Ijuild a monument to the memorj of lullen heroe?. e undurstaud our ciüzeus are respondmg ÜOerally. DEXTER. A roller skating rink 40 x 110 feet, vvitli 16 feet posts, is being put up in Dexter. The Hoor space will be 38 x üS feet. The craze has struck Dexter at last. Froni the Leader. The faiuily of Albert Latbrop have returned to their old hon:ein this villaje. Jos. Knapp, at woik for Felix Dunlevy, had bis fingere neartyamputated by a circular savv. Mrs. A. Davis and her motlier, Mrs. Brass, stai -led for Uiuaha. ATel. last'ïuesdayntght to visit wilh Mr. uid Mr Kessler a lew weeks, then they hrtend to eo to west Point to viiit Albert Brass ; will visit lowa and oilier places-on their way home. MANCHESTER. Dr. Sheldon bas been elected heallh ofticer tor Manchester, alter quite ft contest in the couiicil. The annual con vent Ion of the Woinnu's Ohristian Tempera nee Union of this congrealohal district closes its 3ession at lUanchesler this evenhig. From the Enterprise. The next meeting of the S. VV. farmers' Srut will beat Frank Spafaid's, three miles west of the villaje, on Friday, Muy ít, at 1 o'clock p. ui. L. D. Watkins' litttle boy had lila arm put out of joint, while wrestllng at school ju Tuesday. Dn Lynch being called xed ihe lad up all riufht. Eoswell Randall, our efficiënt correspondent at 80 years of age.but lic is frisky witli a pencil" By the way, ie is still a ineniher of the Baptist eho'ir in that Vlllage, and takes much deliitlit in tuiste. Jannfc rt.i. „_j i i.. .,r ii ir,.f,(J,,.„ d lioniu iVoni Ueniiany, Toeray iiiglit, ¦.oanipunied bj' u paily of Gemían iriends. They ooth say that tliey were not pleased with their visit, and that they jo not want to go over iigain. Mr. Reichsrt was slck most of the time. SA LI NK. Saline has an engine house project luider lieadway. The 4öth annual nieetiuir of the Washienaw Baptist Association will be held in Saline next week, May 7th and Sth. From tlie Observer. Up to date the b ise-ball f e ver liasn't broken out in Saline for this season. Monday J. II. Bortle. Jas. Iloyt, Oone Warneï and No man Wood deposited 10,)00 younff brook tiont in varlous little treams hereaway. Mr. Bortle tells us liey have spoken for 20,000 more from ihe State fish hatehery whicli tliey will ixpect liere in a few weeks. Gforge Ei. Jewett, who is now nctinj; as "oreman in the prison blacksmith shop at Jackson, canie home Saturday to visit lus jaughtera over Sunday, and was accomlanied byhisniece, MissCanle Jewett, of Jackson. Mr. Jewett say.s Wilson, the niinlerer of policeman Bullard, of De,roit, is under his cha' ge. Ths Odd Fellows lodge In this village we ire glad tu know i.s in tiie most prosperous ondition sinee its inception, and wortfcy oembergHCe lolnlnff it continuall}". Since heir removal to Union block they have rteatly beautifitd their room, and have ;his week just capped the climax b placug' upou tlieir floor :i ricli haudsome carpet. We wish this nohle, benevolent ind worthy order the lUCCRM It should receive. ÏPSttAKTI The Ypsilanti papers inonounce the oritoi io concert there last week a success; it netled about f 100. Bpeaklng of some parts of the program the Ypsllantlan bas the foHowIng: The most artistic feature Of the eTening was the piano solo by Miss Mary Wood of Ann Ai oor, wbosé faultless execution was ably seconded by Miss Julia Caruthers, the twoladles uppearing onc In thoiifrht. Miss U'ood isuertainly a brilliant and acconiplished artttt, while Miss Caruthers is nol farbehind in ability. Under the diiectio of Mr. O. Caily the Amphion Club of Ann Arlior, wilh Misses Whedon and Maek na soloi.-ts, rendered m fiue inanner the falryohorus from Mid3ummer Nlght'a Dreun, lesponding to au encoré with a bugle song. This bevy of ladies cannot be too higlily praised for their careful work. From tin; ïpsllantlan. At the roller rink at Light Guard Hall ;he Light Guaid Polo Club won six straight goals In the polo contcst,althougli the TpilTaiitl boysdid wclK Ollicer Shemeld of this city is one of the letectives who followed up and arrestad Allen, at Ilamilton, Ontario, on tlie charge jf being impliCiitcd in the Oroiich murder. Trof. Ed. Ilogan, a formerYpsilantian, s the most prominent professional 8Brolaut in the country. Last Friday lie went ip in a large bal 1 000 lo whicli was attach.¦d a Jackson wagon- a novel advertUing icbeme. The house on the Aincnnan place, occu:iied by E. W. Thoin, caught tire fiom a poorly proteged pipe last Saturday mornngaud was totally destroyed. Mr. Thorn 'aved most of his fnrnlture but lost aboul 200, uninsured. The house was insurcd. "Isee by the papers," said Gilpin, at the store the other eveuing, " that Mrs. Langtry has a cacoethes scribendl." By thunder, you don't say so,'1 saiil W'ither?puon. "Well, I had expected i t, ever since I icad about her clolnga with Gebbardt." _____M____ '¦ May I have the honor to couduct your daughtcr to the tapper table ?" askfed a society gentleman of a lady from the country. " May you take her to mpjMr ?" was the response; " why, of course, and you c in take me, too. That's what we carne herí1 for.''


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News