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Tlie Demócrata hardly know whether tlie...

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Tlie Demócrata hardly know whether tliey wnnt i Flower-barrel or a Paynekiller. ___________ A year ago it hardly seerned imponible lor tke Republicana to ekct another President. Ilowever, liy the w!sc course of iiBrni and the indiseretions of tlie Demoerats it is very probable the nexi oocnpant of the White House will be a soumi República, llero's to success. The Klaiuu men luwe been claimiiift the vute of Mr. Joe T. Jacobs, Washtenaw's delégate to Cliicago, lut we have to inform theni tliut Mr. Jacobs's tirst oliolce tor the head of the ticket is Sdmunds, vith Harrlson, of Indiana, tor the vicepresidency. Th is is the purport of a recent interview with Mr. Jacobs. T. D. Gilbert, the ex-liegent of tlie University, carne before the last State convention as a candidato for delégate at large, anti althougli lie was stontly baeked by liis district añil a packed jalleiy, the the convention remembeied hld tonner record as Regent, and accordingly relegated hini to the obllvion of a back seat. 8ic sein per tiranuis. Aun Arbor needs "more manufactoiies, and to that end her enterprising citizen6 sliould encourage the establishment of them In our midst. We are glad to see a move in that direction made by a firm in our adrertislng columns, and if others vll be as generous, and at the same time as (ar-Siffhted, some substantial institulious may be brought Èiere greatly to the benefit of the city. The Albion college people are couslderably exercised over the poluta made on their favorite college by a correspondent reeen tly, through the clumns of T.'ie Ooutier, and they are ti-ying to make tliemselvcs and others believe that he is not a gradúate of Albion, but au outside eneiny. As he contributed haiuomelj to the observatory fund, that ouglit to show that he is a liyal alumnus.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News