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An Open Letter

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To the Courier: The readers of this paper will flnti an advertisemeut in this is-ue that lias been earefully studied, not alone as an advertisement, but as an interest whic'.i tlie nnderslgned have in the progress and future of one of the most noted cltles In Araerfca(AuD Arb'r) is a peut of learnin{- Wliile this is true and undisputed and togetlier with ts flne location for a healtby place to live, rjar and edúcale a family, with its fine stie.'ts, bandsome m msions, carefully and artisticajlv plat "il. and sliad0'1 irU& trees in eacll and every part of the city, while tliis has been acconi] lislied slovv progrese froro canful and wateliful citizens, it now tthooves those who have lived here tor many ye irs to come forward and make the oircle more complete, by altending to the business future of Ann Arboi' in establiabing manufactorles of different kinds with In the limita of our ran-s, lclievinuf that enterprlses ot tliis kind ure absolutfly a necessity for the future With the many facilities that Ann Al'bor aftbrds - gach as rallroad connectiona - the Michigan Central runninr ca-t and west, the Toledo, Ann Arbor and (rund Trunk, north and Boutb, givlng u all t tui t could be asked, brlnjting cual :tml lumher to our doors; then the Uuron rivtr, whicli has a water power 8i:fflcien( u warrant any manufaoturer to invest, - with these iidvantauc-, we cannol see why not at once push this matter and :isU cnpitRÜBts to invest. here, by off rlnjj u few dollars bonui, which each biulnesa house can afiord, and for whlch they will be doubly repaid in a few years by i return too many fold to be eatimated. We Bill"' mfCaxAia liH idli; afVl' :it a numencal strengtn 111 popúiaVmil of ten thousand. It is ourduty toaid in inercasng tliis miniber b}r invltlng inanufacturing establistiments to bulld, and with thelr presence bundreds of familie will be added to our numbers. We shall then have employment for all, wbo now are anxiouely waitinij; (rom day to day for work. This wiil be an avenue for tliom to Meady employment, and in this interest we have this day published, in our resrnlnr Bpace, an offer of Fivr ECONDRBD D0M.R8 ae a bonus to any manufacturing institution that will lócate here and pennanently maintain an establishment that will employ one hundred worklngraen. We defire co-operation front our business men in this enterprise. Our offer in this matter is an open one uu til August Ist, l! 84. " The Tivi) Sains." A VN A.BBOR, April 2!l, HSt.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News