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I T)EPORT OF THE COXDITION -OF THE- FARMERS' Si HÉI&' UD AT ASN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, At the close of Buaineu Jan. 7, 1884. Mnde n accordance with the General Banfcui.; Luw of Micülgan. RESOURCES. Loans and D!scounls_ $107,116 19 Overdrafts 2' Furniture and Flxlures 3.3 ¦" Expenses - 150 w (Jhecks and other Cash Items tJW S Daefrom Banks and Baukers ¦? " Legal Tender and Bank Note "S' W Bonds, ü. S 3 500 (W Bonds, Local - '!! Premium on U. S. Bonds $157,áS8 W Capital pald lajüüt .1 M,0C W Surplus Kund 's ProUt and Loss ¦ 'jf Due Deposito ' -j Dlvldeuds unpuid f" w flj7,iSS M I do soleranly swear that tlie above latement la true, lo the best of my kuowU age and belief. _ ... WiLtMX A. Towhard, Cashiet. Subscribed and sworn to before uie, tin eljflith day of January, 1884. Wü. W. Whïüos, Notftry Public. THE AMARBOBSiïïMMK, ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, Trancaots General Banking Business. CAPITAL, $80,000. Ormnlsed undcr the General Banking Law of ttiia Bute, the stockholdors are inclhK.uully lil . lor an additional amouut eql to the stock beid 1J Hu-in, ihereliy erratinfr a ouarantee Fuiid Tur ine benefil of Deposit"rs of $100,000.00. Three per cent. interest is allowed on all Sivingf 11. uoüits of one dollar and uuwards, accordine to the rutai ol the Bank and interest comp 'upded ¦emi-mnnatlly Money to Loan on uoincumberea i reul etale aud otlier t!00d eecurity. DIHECTORS: CHRISTIAN MACK, WM V. HARKIMA11, W. W wixiís. DANIEL 11ICO( K. W1L1IAM Dl.UBEL, WILI.AKuB.SMU'U. OFFICERS: C. MACK, Pres. W. W. WIN BS, Pro. C. K. niSCOCK, fiaBhlt r. AGENTS WANTED FOB PICTUEESQUE AVASHIXGTON. l'l'.N iD PENCIL, SKKTCHKS-á Of its Scenery, Hietory, Tradilions, Public n Hoclal l.ile, wlih enphie descriptions oí the Capitl, Consrese, the White House, aud the Uovemni ¦ nt Departments, wlU) view at ïlounl Vernon, a M,ip of Wathlngton, and J the Hall of Coagrau. Br JOSi:rn WKST il ooit s. To all classes thla is a book of great intorvit. " is concise.irraphic, thoroasb and iuterertini. U1W tratrd by over UK) heaimful new engiavicgs U-ïirïliï tr Amt'rirrtn artists, iind eletranriy bounrt. a book lor uil lioiues. Sold onl) lj Sub Agenta an meettni wilh prand succeii". Auent waiiti'd, nia!e or teníale, in evory to1 shlp in the United States. Pravione eiperieiic , wlme desirabh', Bot abaolutely requlred, a e jive iDHtmcUom uecessary for succesa. If tinemploycd, wrlM us. Kor terms to acento addreas the l'uhli-hers, J. A. Sc. II A. RKID, Providente, B. I11Ü1-93.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News