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A nëw liariiershop over Muehlig's. Bnsí are said to be plenty op the river. Mi. Noble, iu Georgia, reporta his heaUb mucU betten Mr Thomas the groeer, now dellghts i,, i new ptofcgh front7Vi- a.-'""' íljiver festival of the Jiapclimch is beid on May 2d. Tbecounty house is beiug reliered of a oamber of lts winter inmates. The Superintendeius of tlie Poor hold llieir regular meeting next. week. Wallace Bliss reacties the twenty-liftli anuiversary of his marrlage to-morrow. TIip latest : Lady on horseback accoinpaniecl by gentleman on his bicycle. Fred Schmid hai just put up an ron fence in front of his house on División street. - ' John Moore, córner of William and División, has about completed his new porota. Tlie editor of the Manchester Enterprise he.ird " Nobody's Claim," played here last week, by telephone._ About forty froin here attended the Hilan I. O. O. F. celebration last Frlday, anti i aplcnditl tlaiu io ieporled. Attlie Inter-State conference ofcolored men at Phtaburgh, l'a. this week, Mr. Sweeney, of tliis city, was represented by - . "Wm. Young, of ClieUea, wants an inJnnotloo from the court closing a Chelsea skatiug riük, on the gi'ound of its being a mi sanee. Divorce suils entered at the clerk's office this week are Elvira R. Gage vs. Oriu W. ftage, Chelsea, and Mary Riggs vs. Chauncey Riargs, Saline. By action of the city coiincil the nHrnber of patrolmen will be increased from two to three. TUe appointments will be made next Monday night. The Michigan Central will isíue tickets to Chicago durin; the continuaneo of the National Convention for one fare the round trip, good for ten days, A new house will be built this season on the first lot west of Juile McClellan's, South University Avenue. The old house now standing there is to be removed. One of the saloons iu the city is reported to have taken in $G0. Sunday of last week. We ive tlie item because it is the usual araonnt, not ljec;iue it is an unuaual one. Itisexpected tliat Mrs. Gariijfiies, the new teacher in Engiish and Elocution in the High School, will give some selections in reading at the Methodist social next Week Wednesday. The LowerTown people aud the fiiends of the Fifth warJ Sunday School will enjoy a treat Friday eveuing:, when Rev. R. B. Popegives his interesting lecture about his Euiopean travels. The animal tax eale of delinquent lands will be held at the e.ounty treasurer's office next Monday forenoon at ten o'clock. Taxpayen would do well to be sure their taxes are paid in time. The city enumerators are, for the first district, Martin Clark; second district, Joseph Dounelly; third district, Mrs. N. H. Pierce They were appointed at the special couccil meeting Monday uight. m The case of Edmund Ferris vs. Charles Stebbins, both of Dexter, for assault and battery, before Justice Breiman yesterday, was dismissed on payment of costs, amounting to perhaps $50, by plalntifl. Alf red O. Crozier spent last week on the Isle of Wight and in London. Saturday he ntended to sail for Kew York and after jrolng to Philadelphla and Washington he comes to Michigan about June lst. Quite a number of our citizens have lost valuable dogs recently by poisoniii"-. No reason whatever, except pure meanness, can be assigned for tlie wholesale slaughterofseveral very fine animáis. The death Sunday morning of Col. Jas. H. Fellows, an old resident of Sharon, aged seventy-six years, is rcported ; also tbat of Henry Townsend, of tho same township, on Monday, at an ad vaneed age. At the session of tlie circuit court MonÚJ in the cases of Mary A. Cooper vs. Pfice Cooper, divorce, and Alta Palmertoa vs. Frank Palraerton, the same, dei crees granted. Court adjourncd to May 6. Refernng to the accesories of the K. of lodgo at Allegan the Gazette among other thing.H remarks tliat " the outfit is aid to consist of a full set of bones from 'heAnn Arbor pickliag vat." How is t here? About one-half the requlred numbei h&ve agreed to take the electric light under the terms of the proposed plant. We ope our citizens will show Ann Arbor's nterprise, and speedily make the plant a certainty here Mrs. Kohl was killed last Friday morng at Havijand's crossing, by the Jack8n express east. 8he is sald to have been Partially deaf, which is assisned a8 the WW cause of the accident, lier funeral was held Saturday. Frank Wam, arrested for stealing three nead of cattle some weeks since from LeoP'd Blaess, of Lodi, waived examination before Justice McMahon yesterday and Was bund over to the circuit court. He w8 committed to jail in default of $500 bail. - - - - MMWI-M Mrs. A. W. Ames will hereafter be a desirable candidate for all subscription apers, for she has had a fortune come to ïer from au aunt who recently died In Connecticut. The draft was received by her Monday. (Jongratulations are in order. Fifty-one years ago last Monday Henry Church, then in Superior, plantod orn which turned out nicely in the rail. kir. Church was the father of O. IJ. Church, of this city. Corn has Bot been planted here atthatdate very recently, we [are say. The old Leonard House is being thoroughly repainted, repapered and newly ritted up wlthin and without, preparatory o its opening soon, as $1 and $1.50 per lay hotel, ander the name of tlie Frankin House. Charlla Hatch will be the lerk there. Some enumerators we have not menioned as yet are : Lima. Eugene Freer; Pittsfield, Jacob L. Wallaee; Salem, Judon N. Thompson; Saline, Myron Webb; Sylvan, fl. A. Smith and John Cook; Webster, C. M. Stark; Ypsilanti Town, Ylouzo E. Ford. Salem reports 30 votes for the juil loan, and 87 votes against it. The official report of the county vote on the juil loan tands, therefore, 1938 " for the loan " a:d 3G06 "against the loan." Mujority against, 1008 rotes. We are glad to have his matter settled " official ly " at last. Cnatham lodge of the order of the Sons of St. George celebrated St. George's day with a banquet on Thursday evening ast, at Cropsey's hall. A bout one hundred and fifty were presnt. After supper, inging and c.omnlptfid a verv ïleasant evening for the participants. Mrs. II. P. Finley changos her resilence from Packard to South Iugalls street nxt week. By the way, perhaps some of ur rendéis may kuow that Mrs. Bates, a sister of Mrs Finley, is the author of the drama of " A Mountain Pink," played in his city recently by Mrs. Laura Dainty. The Beethoven concert Monday night vas largely attended and highly spoken of. Mr. Louis Boos, the Jackson cornetst, deserves especial mention ; also the enditions of the quartette composed of His. Kempf, Mis. Woodward, and Messrs. French and Spicer. The enteraitiment was a fine tucceas. Monday night U. Lathrop, on the Dix)oro road, had stolen from his barn a bay horse, eigbt years old, weight 1,200. On he same night Loren Ban ford, about a mile from Mr Lathrop's, had 8 bay mare stolen, weight 1,100, and eight years old. Sheriff Wallace went to Detroit yesterlay after the thieves, and word was received that he left this morning for Wyandotte, toward which point they were seen driving. The fiiends of Dr. Breakey by the hint u last week's Coürier were soinewhat repared to be surprised this week by tlie announcemetit of something important concerning him. As was suspected it has tiappened, and yesterday he was married n Bloomfield, N. J.,to Miss Louise Renville. She is a cousin of Dr. Breakey's briner wife, and was in the city a wliile last summer. After a short trip the newly vedded couple will return to receive the heaity coiigratolations of the Dr.'s many iriends in Aun Arbor. üpwards of üfty members of the 102d J. S. (Colored) Infantry met at the Court ïouse on the 28th inst. and perfected arangements for a reunión of suid regiment ïere, on the 31st of .luly and August lst. A committee, consistí ng of six memberi of this city, and five from Ypsüanti, were ippointed for that purpose, to meet and eport May 12th, when another meeting will be held. The following were chosen (is a committee of ariangements. H. Freeiuan, J. Freeman, Rey. J. K. Hart, Win. N. Johnson, J. H. Davis and Hon. ¦5. B. Thompson, of this city, and John Bolls, John Anderson, Wm. Ambrose, W. Kodman and Moses Marks, of Ypsianti. Also committees on speakers and reception wi.-re chosen. Ex-Gov. Bhtir, of this State and Mayor IIarrimin will be called upon to deliver addre.sses to the soldier.-, and Hon. Jas. E. O'Uara and Daniel Mills, of Detroit, to orate Aug. 1 A. F. Hangsterfer & Co., immediatcly after commencement, begin a series of improvements on the Main street block, which will add very much to its appearance. The stainvay on the south slde of the block will be removed and the additional space thrown into the south store room, which will be for rent. Au outside stairway well be put up on the north side of the bloek, and a corner plate glass will be added on Washington street; four plate glass will takethe place of the present windows in front. The second floor will be remodeled iuto about ten offices for rental. Mrs. Hangsterfer expects to discontinue active co.inection with the business, removing to a private house. Frank will retain the north store room and continue the business as at present there. His cigar store will be discontinued. The improvements will be at an expense of $3,000. With the electric light n his rooms and the proposed changes abore mentioned, Frank will have a place he may well dellght in.