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Fresliman supper May 23. Field-day May 24th probably. Ernest H Morse, pliarmic '81, of Detroit, is in tho city. Prof. Hennequia lost i raliuiblc dog receiitly by poisoninp:. II. G. Sherrard, '83, carne out from Detroit to stuy over Sunday. We liear that Prof. Elislia Jones and wife will sppiid th suraiiK'r in Europe. Prof. Hennequin will issue n revised editiou of lus idiomatic analysls in the f all. The senior medies voteel at a recent meeting to aböllsli flo.wen at eommencement. The census enumerator in Sharon, this count3', is Josepli B. MacMahoii wlio entered with '87. Harry Forbus, "81, tells of a finé duck shoot recently at Mouroe. The sunburn speaks for itself. Prof. Olney is reported not so well in Ohio as Lere; hc will tliereforo return as soon as possible. "From the Useful to the Beautilul," by Prof. David Swing, at University Hall, Fritlay eyening next. The Chronicle says "Judge Cooley will not be counected with the law school next year in any oapaclty." In the gaine with the Plymouth team last Saturilay, the unirersities were the vietors by a score of 8 to 3. Miss Elsie Hallock, of the dental department, left last Friday to lócate in Milan where she will practice deutistry. Prof. Payne has a paper on " The Secularization of Schools '' before the Political Science Association thia evening. A new tennis court on the south-vrest corner of the campus soon. This will make the fifUi on the college grounds. The following was .noticcd in a senior's headingof a recent lecture :- " Lecture 18, April - , '8 1. Bolted the last 7 lectures." Games of base-ball as follows on the fair grounds as so f ar arranged: - May 3, Plymouth team: May 10, Adrián; June 20, Bay City. Prof. Burt lias a paper Friday evening before the Philosophical Association entitled"Souie RelationsBetween L'hilosophy and Literature." Dr. Edmuud Andiewe, LL. D , lit '49, and medie 'B, Professor of Surge ry in the Chicago Medical college, delivers the June alumni address this year. Prof. Langley's lectures on elcctricity have a large They are give Monday, Wednesday apa Friday, each week, at 11:30 a. m., Ia room A. A match game of base-ball played on the fair groaadl Saturdfiy morning between the Chi Pl and Zeta Psi frateriüties was favorable to the latter by a score ot 2ÍThe next convention of the Psi Upsilon fraternity will be held at Itliaca, N. T., May 7 and 8. J. II. Tyler and B. V . Shoemaker, both of '84, will reiraseut the cliapter Were. Prof Hudson, of Ann Arbor, formerly ptor of U.e M. E. cliurch of this villK", was iu town last Saturday, calling on bis old f riends. He looks hale and hearty.Dester Leader. W. C. Braisted, '83, having finislied the yeir's work at the New York Medical School, is here to take work the remainder of the year. A lawn tennis tournaiucnt will be held next month under tlie auspices of the Association. It will probably continue for tliree Saturday's, with prizes for the victors frorn the L. T. A. Win. Bwtard, formerly homceop. '85, of 3t. Thomas, Ontario, is in the city on hii way home froni the Uhic:igo medical colege where he has been the past year. He expects to lócate in Manistee, Mich. Dr. C. H. Stowell, who was last week ;lireatened with an attack of his former ickness is about again. We are glad to tuow that hc seems in a fair way of esoaplng the return of the old trouble. W. G. Webster, '8;!, has just been proinoted from a $1,000 cleikhip in the ïreasury Department to a $1,200 position, under the civil service reguiations. He was originally appointedfrom Illinois. Chas. W. Bolser, M. A. '83, professor of ancient lunguages at Mt. Morris college, [llinois, tliis year, has been chosen professor of anrieut and modern languages of Carthage college, Illinois, taking the position next fall. While on '7G's Chronlole 1'. J. Young, iiow editorial writer on the Detroit Times, is said to have been struck with the ide.i of following journalism. Mr. Young reBigned a night edltorship on the Post and Tribune to accept liis present position. We are sorry to state that W. J. Gregory, '85, does not . expect to return to college. He was called home to Kockford, 111 , by a telegntin recently. His brother'n death has ooeorred sincc his arrival home, and hia father is lying at the point of death. Iu ui artielu u ilie May Centuiy, entitled "Recent Architecture in America," by Mrs. Bchuyler van Kunselaei', wc fiad the füllowiitg by that lady concerning our new library : "I wish I could speak from personal inspection of the new Hbrary for the Michigan University whlch Mr. Van Brunt lias also built. Froni the drawings it seems to be a work of peculiar architectural excellence, ahnost wholly devoid of ornament, but admirably adapted to its purpose, and boldly, clearl}', and agreeably expressina; its interior by its exterior. No features, largo or small, exist save such as were dictated by absolute necessity ; but these are so conceived and so arranged that they result in great strengtli and originality and lïignity."