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BACH & ABEL'S COLUMN. We have in stock this week, 500 pieces Ottoman Ribbons In all the desirable liapcs at ten and fifteen cents per yard. Bach & Abel. We have some very nice Caskincres t 2, 50 and GO cents. If you want a eastinere dress, we are keadquarters for these oods. Bach & Abel. It would seem that no lady need be vithout a Blaok Slik Dress tliis spring, inless she waits until this surpiising purhase is gone. We have on sale this veek two numbers of Black Silks at il.25 :ind $1.50, the best valueever shown n any city at the price. A good body and color, close woven, and witk more war in them than tnany silks sold for louble the money. Bach fc Abel. - ¦ . New Spring Hosiery now on exhihition at Bach & Abel's. Ladies are iinazed at the prices when bey viit our Ladies' Uuderwear Department, and see our elegant White Musliu and Cambrlc Skirts, Cliemises, Drawers, iight Oresses. Corset Covers and Infntit's Wardrobes, it does not seein possible that hey could be made for the money. Baoh fc Adeiji We place on sale this week the finest ine of new black goods ever shown in Ann Arbor, consistingof Drap D'Alma's, rmures, Cashmercs, Tricots, Ottornans, Ien riettas, Barytheas, and Satins. We vould like the privilege of showing them. Bach & Abel. New Laces, New Ruchings, New Neekvear, New Collars and New Buttons, now on sale at B;ich & Abel's. We will give you this week the best 31ack Jersey you ever have seen, at the ow pricc of $2.00, all wool. Couic and ry them on if vou don't want to buy. Bach fc Abel. JLn$mifo l.%a unen The above deplcts a yery pleasant feature of bicycllng as a sport. The club have ridden from their headquarters in the city, to a suburban village some twenty miles away, where they await tbc arrival of the racing members who were to etart just thirty minutes later, Five minutes more and the two foremost of the racing men - Fri, on bis ' Harvard," and Yonson on his"Yale," appear in ight. The pace i tremendous : the men are neck and neck, and Dodges, the captain of the club, whom you oburve is leaning on his " Shadow"light roadti'r, in the foreground, declares the race a tle. " Where are the other men ? " ho asks. ' Oh, behind, somewhere," ia the reply. "Are thcre any 'HarvardV or 'Yale's' or 'Shadow's ' omuiig tUemï " 'Not one." " Ab ! tbat accounts for it," say thê captain. American bicyclors as a body will relize tht fnree of the captaln's last remark, but the thounands of new riders which the ooming year will produce, should each om" of them realize that the only true oconomy in chooBing a bieyele is to be content with nothing less than the very best that money will procure. Each hould flnd out nll he can about bicycles before making his choice, nnd in order to awist enquirer in their nearch for information, we will.'on receipt of a a threecent stamp, send to any addres, a copy of our lorge illuslratcd catalogue by return mail. THE CUNNINGHAM COMPANY, The Pioneer Bioycle House of America. [EstaMislicd 1877.] laportiiig Manufactur' of Bicycles & Trtcycl Odü Fellows' Hat.1,, Boston, Mabb. CHAKLE8 W. WAGNER, Agent, 21 South Main St., Ann Arbor, Mich. "Let me kiss hini for his mother," is what Desdeinoua remarked abont Othello before she became a plllow case. $100 Revrard. Is offereel for any case of Catarrh that cau't be cured with Hall'a Catarrh Cure. Taken internally. Plice 75 cents. Sold by Eberbach & Son. An intemperate citizen of Jersey City calis his stomach "Hades," because it is the place of departed spirits. Hiill's Catarrh Cure is taken internally. It actsdirectly upon the blood and the miicous surfaces of the system. Pitee 75c. For sale by Eberbach & Son. Small fcet are considered a thing of beauty, and if sraall pocketbooks were considered likewise most of ua would be really handsome.- Pliil. Cluonicle. Neuralgia and Slck Headache. Io Aurora, 111., lives Mrs. Wm. llenson. Shesuys: "Samaritan Nervine cured me of neuralgia, vértigo and sick headache." A lish-pole kas been invented that will register every fish caught. Tkat inventor will die in the almshouse. No fisherlaatl will use it.- Phüadelphia Cali. Cause of Failure. Want of confidence accounts for half of the business (allures of to-day. Eberbach & Son, the Druggists is not Liable to fail for the want of confidence in Dr. Bosanko's Cough and Lung Syrup, for he gives away a bottle free to all wlio are suöering with Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Conramptioa and all affections of the Throat and Lungs. I5rothers-iu-Hw- lawyers. A Galveeton m;in, who has a nmle for sale, hearing that a friend in Houston wanted to buy a mulé, telegraphed hira: "Dear friend- If you are looking for a No. 1 male don't forget me." "Biii'luipaiüa." Quick, complete, cures all annoying Kidni-y. Bladder and Urinary Uiseases. $1. Druggist. The new name for it is "Jamaica gingemed." It sounds nicer than "drunk." IW Gct the Best Djes. The üiaiuond Dyes for family use have no equals. All popular colors easily dyed tast and beautiful. Only 10c a package at druggists Wells, Kichardson & Co., Burlington Vt. Sample Card, 32 colors, and book of diiections for 2r stamp.


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