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Figures Of The Tariff

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A.8H1NGTON, Airil 28. - Mr. Nitnmo, C'liief oí the Bureau of Statistics, iu S.tirday handed to the Secretary dI' the Trensury liis report in regard to the operatlong of the ïarift' act of March 3, !-¦.¦;. It appeara tliat tliat act caused a reductioD i about alx per rent in the average ad valoren) mte oiiluty on tlie tmports. in detail the cbangèa weie as follows: Sugar and niolusses, a ivdiiclion of 9.82 per cent. ; iion and steel and manufacturera tliereof, a reduction of ü.lö percent; clothing wool, a reductiun of U. SS per cent; couibing wool, a reduction of lï.27 ]er cent; carpet wool, a reduction of ö.ui percent; manufactures o! wool, a rediietion of 4.2 per cent; manufactures of cotton, an increase of l.W per cent: manufactures oi silk, a rcdiiciiouof s.82 percent; eartheu and china ware, an lncreaw of 18.11 percent; glass and glassware, au Inerease of ï.u'.t percent; pirils and wfnes, an Increase of IS. 20 per cent, and malt liquors, a reduction of 59.61 percent. The report, vvhich is ft document of seventy-two pages, embraces a somewiiat elabórate stateniont in regard to the changas In ad valorem rates caused by the taïïff act of March 3, 1SS3. and by the fall in the import piteas of commodities. It contalns abo a considerable aiuount of statisties, and otber inforiuation in regard to the productiou of sugar, iron, wool, uianufacture of silk, and of spirits and wiues in the United States. The ïePort treata wlth sume partioularity of prodUCtiOll I) tlie ÜIlllcJ btaton l UlM grcut classes of wool known to our tarilï laws, namely, clothing, wool, contblng wool and carpet wool, and the exlPiit to wliich these Kinds of wooi are u.sed in tha maniifanttyc oí worsted and woolen goods, hatá, carpeta and other articles. Illli SKNATE AI1EAD OK THE IIOlsi: 1-N WOEK PJKBFOBMF.I). Tha Senate lias already sent nearly tliree hundred bilis to the House, a greater lortion of whicli are hopelessly buried. 'l'here seeins to be vcry little use fot' the Senate to perfect any more legislation for the purposo nierely ol loading up the calendáis of the House or the Speaker"s table. Soine of tho Important Senate measares have not eveu bee:i treated with suffleient consideratiou to be referred. Jlr. Edmunds has said that it is a waste of time for the Senate to do business in this way. It has been pioposed that, i f the House shall not make more rapid progress witn ils business, the Senate sliall ask the censeut of that body to adjonni over for a week. Uf course this consent would uot begiven. But the reqüest niight serve as a wholesoine reniinder to the House. There aro hopes ot' better proirress soon. XHB CiVIL-SKUVirK fOMMISSIOTS. Dr. ürejrory, of the Civil-Sorvice Coinmission, will, in a few days, leave for the West to hold exaniinations for the general departmental service in various cities. Tlie dates of exaininations are arranged as follows: Way 13, Des Moines; 15, Omalia; 17, Lincoln; 20, Donver; 24, Topeka; 86, Kansas City; 88, St. Jjouis; 29, Milwaukee; 31, Chicago; June ", Dubuque; 10, Miiineapolis; and 11, St. Paul. Minneapolis and St. Paul have been udded to the list of post-officee coming under tlia Civil-Seivice rules, as over fifty clerks are now eniployed in each of theso offices. J'JiOHIUlTIXO FOEEIGX COXTHATT I.AHOR. Washington, April 86. - The Senate Couiniitteo on Education and Labor has agreed to report favorably a bilí prohibitiruc the itnportation or iiuuiigratiou of any alien under contract to work for any American corporation. AH such contracts slmü be considered nuil and void, and any .id vanee of the cost of transportation or ayreement to pay sucli transportation made by any persou or Corporation is prohibited under penalty of S500 fine for eacli violation of tliese provisions. It is also made a inisdeineanor for an ofticer of the Government or master of a vesscl to knowingly bring in any alien who is under a contract. OPPOSED TO WOMAN SUFFEAGE. Washington, April 25. - Four reportson the woman-suffrage question have been prepared by the House Judiciary Committee. 'l'lie adverse majority repon declares that it would be eitlier useless or pernicious to permit the entrence of political contention hito the nenies of tlie people- useless tí man and ¦vife agreed, and pernicious lí llioy differed. Ju the former event the volume of ballot alone would be increased, aiul in the latter the peace and coiiteiitnu'nt of lióme would be exchanged for a bedlam of politIcal debate and become a scene of base and demorallzlng Intrigue. While a few intelligent womeii would defy all obstaeles Id casting their ballots, the great mass of the retined woineu would siirink from rude contact with the couiinoii crowd, leaving to tJie ignoran t and vila the exclusive rlgbt to sprak for the sex in public affaire. The minority report tliat woraaii lus au eii:ü right to the ballot with man. Mr. Dorsheimer saj's that, while not willing to l?ave the bilí como up at present, yet he tliinks the time wilï soon come when women should have the riglit of suffrage. Mr. Poland declares that he can not believe that any large portion of the intelligeut women of the country want suffrage or would perfonn the duties if grauted to tliein. CONGRESSIONAL, PROCEEDINOSI. from the Ohio Leifislature was prcsented in tlie Senate on theSSd, rocoinmeodlng the grantingof pensions to prisoners of tbe lato war. Tlio Plfuro-Pnoumonia bill was further considureil In the House a resolution was adnptcd In tlio Kansas contcated election case of Wooil vs. Peters, pivlng tho feat to Mr. Wood. The Naval Appnipriatiou bill was discussea in Comniittee oí thu Whole. Bills were passcd in the Benate on the 34threlatingto trespass on ludían land, and to proide for dispositie of abandoned military reservations. A ilrely debato took place on xhe Pleuro-Ptieuirionia bill, but no action was taken In the House an adverse report was made on the bill to i; ¦mpfl resi'lenta of one State to altend as wltnesfeeS in the oourtsof anolhcr State. Tho Senate utnenduieotó to the Naval Appropriutlou bill, except the item of JflOO.O K) to próvida an armatuuiit ior the ül'W cruis"rs, wero defeated. A resoi.l'tion was adopted In the Senate on the 2öth to deposit in the Smitlisonian Instilule a íiaií made ol' Amorican 6ilk, pro sented by Joseph Newman, of California. Mr. Wilsou addrossed the Senate on tht) question dl Inter-State Commerce. Mr. Blair, from the i'ommirtee on Rducation aiid Labor, reportad favorably on the House bill to estaElish aad niaintafn a Kurnau of Labor statistici. AdjiMirnefl to the -8th. ... In the House a favorable report wi made on the bill to glye Mi-s. Myra Clark Gaines patenta for '¦IS,K aeres of land olaimed bv her, or pay -M. L'ó per acre tor ¦o inucli thereof as has been sold. An eveninr session was held al whloh several ponslou bilis were passed. The Senate was not in session on the 26th. ... In tho House the Fiee-ship bill was passedi with an amcudment provldlng that any American Citizen may import free of diity iron or steel pteamships of not lesa thau four taouüand tons measuremeut.


Ann Arbor Courier
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