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Win POWDER Absolutely Pure. Tliis powder never varíes. A marvel of parity.strengthanrt wliole%omeness. More económica Uian the oidlnary kinds, and can nol bc s-ld in coin etltlon with the multitude ol low test. Kho t weighl alum or phosphate pgS(g'l%K RoyalBa,cio Í1 mjswmswGuniss A PoHive Cure for Evcry Fortn of Skin and Blood Mistase, froni Pimples to Scrofula. rpiIOUSANDS of Letters 1d oitr poasesslon rei peut this story : I have heen a 'errfble suflerer lor ycara witli Blood and Skin Humor ; have n olilig d to elinu public (Haces bv ro eon of my din11,'uriui humor; bave h d the bent phvsiclans u .ve spcnc huiuired of dollar and eot no real relie' nutíl I nseil the ('dticuha Rki-olvbnt. the new Blood Punü.tr, iniernally, and Outictira and Cutiv.iraSo:p,t'ie GreatSkn Cures and kln Banuti fl re, cxtornally, which have rured me and left ray skin and bl iod aa pure as a child's. Almost Incredible. Jami: E. Kichardson, Cnotom House, New Orleatis, on oith, sayn.- In 1870 Scroluious Ulcera biokeouton my body nntll 1 was a maas of corrup non. Kverjthing known to the medical facnlty was tried in vaiu. I necame a mere wreek. At timereonld not lüt my han. is to my head, cotild not turn in bed ; was in cor amnt pain, and looked upo lite 8 a curse. No relief or cure i ten year. ín 1880 1 heard ol the CuLicura Remedies, naed theui and perlectly cured. Sworj to beiore Ü. S, Cota., J. D. Cbawpobd. Siill More So. Will vlcDon.ild, 25- Desfborn Stn-et, Chicago, irratefulIvaí-kuiíwlcdneiiaCHreof Eczema, or Salt Rtieam, on bend, Dack. lace, arm-, and leí lor uv ute nyears; notabiotomimt, excepton hand :irid küee, lor one year; not alle to h.-lp himcl lor eight years ; tried bundrrd" ol remedie;.; doctora pronounced his cae hopelesa, permauei.ily i-ured by the (Jutlcura Keniudies. Rrtore Wonderful Yet. n. E. Carpenter, N.Ï"., cured of Psoriasis or I.eprosy, o twenty ycari' stnriding, by Cuticura Kemedies. The most wonderful cure on record. A dustpsiDl'ul olscales fell from him daily. Physlcians and hi friends thought he must die. Cure tworn to beiore a justice ol the peate and Hender fioii's niospt pr(jminent cit:z-DB. Don't Wait. Writeto n8 lor these testimonia! in fu'l or send direct to tlie partiea. All are abnolntely true and gtvou without ourknowledgeorsolicitation. Don't waH. Now is the tima to cure every oí i'Chtnff.caly, Pimply, Scrofuloas, inhcrited.ConInglous, a"d Copper colored Diseasos of the Blood, Sk'n and Scalp wlth Loss of Hair. Sold by a'l cirugKisís. Price: Cutlcurn, 50 ctf.; Ri-solvenr, Jl ; Mcap, 25 ets. POT IER DliUÜ AND CHEMICAL CO., Hoston, Aiaes. DC1IITV lor Rou'-'h, Chnpped and Oil BAU I T skin, Uiackheads, aud Skin Blemitíties, use Cuticura CATARRH HeRtl Colds, Watery Discharges froni rho N"ose and Kyee. IMriKiiigNoiscsin the Heud, N'ervousHeadache and Fcver IiiPtantly relieved. Choking ntucus disloged, membrane cleansod and healed, breatli swnetcned, smell, taste, and hearing restored, aud ravages obecked. Cougli, Bronchitis, Droppinp Jnto the Throat.Pains tu the Chest, Dyspepala, Wastiug of Strcngth and Flesli, Loss of Sleep, etc., cured. One liottle liadk-al Cure, one box Catarrhal Solvent and one Dr. Sanford's Inhaler. tn one pnckiw. cf all drugglsta, forsl. Awkfor .Sanford's Iiadical Cure, a nuriídlstillattonof Witch Hazel, Am. Ptne, Ca. FIr, Marlgold, Clover lílonsoms, etc. Pottzk Dril; and Chemical Co., Boston. l ¦¦ CoIUds' V-l'jét Electric Fl&stor M S wkM lustautly affect s the Xervous B II m MWU System and hanlshefl Pain. A BB &B B IB p.'M'"i Knviliir B'TTKBl V I lili comblned wlth a Poroi b YC tiil' n?T JPlahtek for 25 cent. It iuiIb THK CKI nihüates Pain. rltalUes Wcak ' A and AVorn Out Parts, strengthSUFFÊRINfl IERVE en Tired Muecles, prevente DÍMia8e and does more in one-half the time thaii any otíier piaster In the world. Sold everywhere. fllllllir Llllhiiiiiiiiiimimimlli Teil the ohildren to cut out and save the comió Bilhouette plcturea as they appear from íbbuo to issue. They wül be pleased wlth the collecttoa. This space ia owned by BLACKWELL'3 BULL. Of con we men the f imoa udl PP on the tabel of every Rennlne ptaK8of Btackwir Bull Dorhun Smoking Tobcoo. Every dealer keep. thta, the hu, Smoküw T1 Kona genuino without trude-mirk f toe Buil. iinmiP ¦ JSêÊ fort S.nlonlVUI. Kncln Slmp for tircoUr. l.Mr. Ulh Unlvr.lty HwplUli. CGAN'S MPltlAL miSS CO., iox 2288, Am Arbor, Kien. Office. Hamllton Block. AnnjVrlM. SUBSCRIBE for the CüUKIKR.


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