County Items
From the Horald Villagfc taxes will probably be about $200 more than last year. Last week witnessed the first deliverv of wool 111 this market, heing a clip of abont 1.400 pouuds brouglit in by I. M. Whitaker of LirBa. On Friday bist L. B. Lawrence, the ohecp breeder, shered a stook ram whoSe clip welghedsOiMiundsaiidlOouiioea and an ewe wüose clip wfligtíed 20 pounds. Meagra. WrigU ml Ereíett h-ive returned from their Florida trip, wnll pleased. 1 heffen flemen have a utee col loc! ion ot sp.cimens, espe.-iully Dr. Wright, wliicU the writer viewed last Tncsday. DEXTER. From the Leader. Sidney Case, of Hudson, bad bis band crusbed on Tuosday, an H00 lb. mill-stone accidentally falliug upon it. Dr. Wii"ht dressed tlie wounded member. Last Tbursday night Lewia Wilhelm captured tbc largesteel evercaught in thls vicinity. It weighed 5% pounds, and was tbrce feet and six inehes long. Rev. Fr. Simmons isengaged in prepar111? a class of catecbumens, numberlng a bout 40, tor cnfirmation. Bishop Bor" gess is expected to visit St. Joseph's cburch towai-ds the close of next month, at wliicb time tuis class will De ready for ooutirmation. B. B. Williams bns the contract for building tlie link. To give our readers some idea of the dimensions of the building, we have but to say that 45,000 feet of luuiber of yarious, and a bout 50,000 shingles v il 1 be used in It erection ïlie total cost will be about $2,000. Died In Webster, on Friday, April 25, 1884, at the residence of Uur son, H Jay Suyder, Aan .lanet Gueinsey, aged 88 ycars. Mrs. Guerusey was born in the year 1796, at Athen, N. Y., on the Fludson river, and remembered the time when the ürst steamboat, the Robert Fulton, came np the Hudson river, and frlghtened tlie people very much. The funeral was held in Webster, on Snnday afternoon last, Rey. Mr. Kirtley offlciating. MANCHESTER. The W. C. T. U. of the second cougressional district of the state heid its tenth aunual sesion at the Pregbyterlan cburch in Mancliester one week ago yesterday. Mrs. Bishop, of Aun Albor, was one of those respoiidlng to the welcoming address of Mrs. G. VV. Hoy, of Manchester. Of the otlicers elected for tlie ensuing year, Mrs. Grosvenoi-, of this county, was chosen secoud vice-pre.-ident ; Mrs. Bishop was made recording secretary, Miss Brown.of Ann Arbor, was electerl superintendent of the Sunday School district work Mrs Stánnard, of Dcter, superintendent of the juvenile work, and Mrs. Day, of Ann A perintendent of convention work There were iibuut forty delegates and visitors present and a very profitable meeting is reported. From the Enterprise. During the past six montbs or more Henry Towfisend, nf Sharon, has been suffeiiHsr with tiouble In bis stomach, and Dr. Küpp pronoiinecd it. cáncer of the atomach All effurts to cure him proved uuuTailiriff. and on Sunday be died. On Monüay Lrs. Kiipp, Taylur, and Sheldon beid a post mortem examinatlon, and found that the doctor bad made a correct I diagnosis. We take the following from the Enterprise concerning tlie recent death of Col. J. II. FellowR, of Sharon, at the age of seventy-five years : The deceased was boni in Onondaga Co., N. Y., April 14, 1809. In 182G he made bis tirst visit to the wilds of Michigan, and was so deligbted with the country tl) al bs made frequent visits. assisting parties in locating land and establishing homes until 1832, when he took up land from the government, erected a house, and the following year married Josephine Kulght,,of Lodi, by Ithom be bad sixchildren, live sons and a diugUCèf. The four oldestsoiis, Randolph K., ot Elkhart; Byron V., of üakota ; Augustus, of Iowa, and Hebrou who now lives a few miles west of thls village, are stil 1 living. His wife died in iföO. In 1863 he married Mrs. Betsey Kitf, who survives him. By hard work and economy he had aeeumulated about 400 acres of fKKd land near the 'great bend in the Raisln," and enough ot tliis vi-orld's goods to have kept hlm coinfortably and left a riñe property for his wife and children, but bis habiU of induxtry were too rinnly set to allow him totake iniich rest, and he was continually at work until a few weeks since, when his nervous system could no lotlgBr stand the 8train, and he had to give up. He sull"red greatly until death came to his relief. He was known to the old inhabitants of Uiis section as Colonel, a rank he received duriug the wildcat days, while in command of a regiment of state militia. He was a good neigbbor and an honest man. The funeral wis from tlie house, onTuesday at 1 o'clock, Uev. D. B. Munger, of ;he Man-jhester Baptist churcb, offloiating. SAMNK. The 48th animal meeting of the Wnshtenaw Baptist Association held in Saline to-day and to-morrow was preceded by a Sunday School meeting held there last evening. The Observer for last week gires an account of the romantic acquaintance, courtship and marriage of Miss Abbie Wood, a 'ormer Saline young lady who has been teaching in Toledo, Ohio, lor some time. Several years since a letter sent by Miss Wood to lier grandmother in Wisconsin, was bysome unaccountable mistake received by a Mr. Woods, of Lowry City, Mo., who was so mucli plensed with the sentinent and style ot the letter that he opened correspondence with Miss Wood, and the marriage of tlie couple April 2il last, in Toledo, was tlie reiult. From the Observer. A Milán man killed eight weasels on his farm one day last week. It was votcd at town meeting to p.iy a bounty of ten cents per bead woodchurk's ecalps. Thh people of the township of Bridgewater are at a loss to know whether they have a school inspector or uot. Frank Johnson was elected to tliat office at the last township meeting and took tlie oath of office. It now transpires that Johnson was 21 years of age on the day of election, and bis opponent claims to be elected, as the votes cast tor Joünson were vold. YP8ILANTI. The YpMlanttan claims to have bad a subscription conveyed to t by will recent From the Ypsilantlan. Excavatinjc tor the iieir gas works vva begun Tueedav. The Light Guarda nnnonnce the presen tation of a military dnnna- " Llbby Pris on " - for M.iy ir." Mrs. Nothrup ard daughter Jof Salem had a narrow escape from injnrv. nea ellington Depue'g, n Superior. TliuhiUj.Theirhorse became frijhtened at a tram) who rose up from the roadside, anc wheeling about, threw theladies from the buggy and rail away. The iadies were not seriously injnred, but thelr vehicle demolished. Rev. Seth Hardy formerly pastor of tlit Presbyterian church at Stony Creek. departed this life at the age of TOyears. Mr Hardy, since his retirement from the pulpit bas been far from idle. Besides worlc ing physically each day at humble employment, he bas bceu a laborer In the Master's vineyard, acceptinjr the work as signed him as a pleasant duty. Rev. C. A. Lnmb who died Moiiday night, was a Baptist minister, and had been a witnessof the passing away ofsev eral of bis family He liad long waited to be called to rest, and his fnitfo kept him happy in the midst of pain and illness. Nearly 86 years of asfe, he yet feit that lift was not for idleness, and and every opportunity given him he improved. Pcace to IiIh ashes. Frora the Commercial. John J. Kobison the iather of our county clerk, and remembered in our Uepublican county eonventions as the noblest Roman of them all, was a pioneer of Sharon. Last Saturday evening closed the roller nnk for this season. A gaine of Tolo was played, " Detroit City Grayg " vs. " Ypsilanti Club," Ypsilanti club getting three out of tho five goals. We have no especial cholee for a can didate for president. We are certaiiily not forBlaine, toomany weak spots. Arthur, in our judgment, would mike a better run tlmu any man yet mentioned. We luive received a "magazine illustratIng finely by cuts the wondeiful long disstance telephone invention of Mr. Webster Gillett, - a fortner citizen of Vpsilanti. This invention is to prove a bitr thing for scienoe, in the way of practical business, and we hope in a pecaniary wav to the xpsllantl boy.
Washtenaw Baptist Association
Ann Arbor Courier
Old News
Sidney Case
Robert Fulton
Rev. Seth Hardy
Rev. Mr. Kirtley
Rev. Fr. Simmons
Rev. C. A. Lamb
Randolph K. Knight
Mrs. G. W. Hoy
Lewis Wilhelm
L. B. Lawrence
Josephine Knight
John J. Robison
James Harlow Fellows
J. H. Fellows
I. M. Whitaker
Henry Townsend
Hebron Knight
H. Jay Snyder
Dr. Wright
Byron V. Knight
Bishop Borgess
Betsey Kief
B. B. Williams
Augustus Knight
Ann Janet Guernsey
Abbie Wood