Short adverttsemenls not to exceed three Unes, of Lost ana Foumt, Housos for Sale or Kent, Wants, etc. inserted three weeks for !i$ cents. Situations wanted, free. riïAR WALKS- Made or repalred by J. P. _L JI'DSUN, Kast Universily Avenue. Post Box 1187. FOR SALE-HOKSKS- Four flno Horses. Address W. R. KKNUALL, 15 S. Thiiyer Street, Ann Arbor. WANTED-Ladles or Gentlemen in city or country to take nlcfc, ltghland pleasant workat thelrown homes ; $2toSaday easily and quietly made; work sent by mail; no iiiiivussins; no stamp for reply. Please nddresa Ueliable Man'f'g Co., Philadelphia, Pa. UlhMltt IjlOK SALK- Platform Sprtiic Waijon never . Uöefl : will sell cheap ; owner haö no uöeiorit. At No.o Willaidbtreet. A FEW TONS of Clover Hay for sale. W. W. W'HKDOX. ÏAKM FOUSALE.- Kourmiles wist of Ann Arhor, on Dexler road. M. J. ST. CIjAIR.
Ann Arbor Courier
Old News