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Obamber Concert to-night at the IJniversity. G. A.K. entertainment Prlday night at the Opera House. " Uiicle Tora's Cabln," Opera House, Tuesday evening next. St. Louis vs. Universities, exhibition I game of base ball Saturday afternoou. The Mendclssolin Qulntctte club, of Hoston, whlch togetbcr with the channing soprano, Madame Cora Giese, appears at University Hall, Saturday eveuin;, has ahistory which is almost a recrd j of the growtb and development of musical education of America. Organized in 1849, its concert work has been one of the larjjest elements in popularizing the best class of instrumental music, and its influence bas extaiuled througliout the length andbreadlhof the country. After baring extended its popularity bcyonü the bounds of the United States and the Cañadas by a tour throufhout Australia, it has receutly returned to Boston with newhonorsgained by the aitistic work of its members. The club wcrc cngaged last season by Mr. Hcnry E. Abbey to travel as soloists in conjurction with Madame Christine Nilsson in the series of concerts giveu by her in all the large clties of the country.


Ann Arbor Courier
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