Union County Convention
The Union county convention, to select delegates to the state convention at BattleCreek, May 14, convenecl in Blue Iiibbon Hall last Thnnday forenoon. M. F. Guinon, of Aun Arbor, was made permanent chairman, ind W.F. Pattlson, of Ypsllanti, secretary. Flfty-three delegateswere inattemlance. Theeommittee on resolntions rèported five resolutions of the usual nature. Itev. O. Tl. L. Crozier read a protest airainst the mantier n which a largely signed petltlon, a.kiir that action be taken foYorable to th7' temperance people In the matter of acceptanceof llquor bonds, vvg Ignored ly tlie common council of tliis city. Tha protest was ordered printed. TUe delogates chosen trota the flrft distrlet are, John Schumucher, Dr. 'J'. J'. Wilson, Ann Arborcity; Hev. O. II. L. Crozier, Ann Arbor town ; P. Wall, Northfieltl; R. C. RheeveK, Webster;.!. W Wintr Scio; .1. B. Wood and D B. Taylor, Chell sea. Those from the second district are S. V. Parsons, II. II. Walklnton. W. F. Pattison, Ypsllanti; Rev. J. C. Wortley, Saline; J. A. (Joombs, Manchester; Geo! P. Wrlght, Bridfrewater; C. M. Fellows, Sharon; Jacob II. Hicks, Lodi. SI. F. Qulnou, of this city, was elected a delégate at large.
Ann Arbor Courier
Old News