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The Common Council

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Council met Moiulay night witli a full board present. City attorney reported in favor of allowing Justice Clark $2.00 from the dog tiix fund for exainination of sheep killed uelonging to [saac Dunn, and n favor of allowing Duim payment for loss of sheep wlien he had sliowu that otlier means of securing payment is Imponible. Attorney Kinne presented an ordinanee on buil playing, providing that neither base-ball nor foot-ball, nor any similar game, tior throwing halls of any kind, should be allowed In the itreets of tho city ; and that persons couvlcted of the sanie should be Hable to a fine of not less thmi $5 nor more than $25, with costs of prosecution, and in default of payment of the same should be genteneed to the county jail for OOdays. The same to take eftect aftor publication. Adopted. In tho case of Oatlr.irine liurns vs. tlie city of Ann Albor, for injuries received from a detective sidewalk, Alderman Lawrance reported In behalf of the city in favor of accepting the proposition of the complainant's attorney, namely, to receive $125 in full settlenient of all claims against the city on the part of the plaiutiff. Adopted. A petition by nine residents of the flrst ward for placing a gasoline lamp on Hill street at or uear the T. & A. A R. It. was referred to tiie general fund comniittee. The petition of F. Wagner for the privilege of crecting a frame bain, more than thirty iect from any street, at the easteud of bis lot In the second ward, was referred to the fire department committee. To the committee on finance was referred the petition of Joseph Dounelly, Henry Matthews and John O'Kane to pass an ordinance prohlbiting people, resident in other places, from selling tish, lemons and oranges thiough the Street, orto impose sucli a liceuse as will stop such sale. A paper was submitted to the councll witU propositions for building and operating a city water works as herewith summarized: First.- To construct a system of water works for the city which sh;ill be capable of furnishing two million gallons of water daily. Second.- To lay ten miles of mains through the streets,of the city, so that thereshaübe an ampie supply of water for fire protection. Third.- The works shall be capable of throwing a stream of water thiough a one inch nozle seventy-five feet above the hijfhest hydrant. Fourth. - The works sball be kept In thorougk repair for tuenty-live years; it shall be optional with the city to parchase thesysteru as per regulations of law. Fifth. - The company agrees to lócate ïiot less than 100 fire hydrants whlch shall be kept in repair, and for whlch the city shall pay au annual rental of $75 each for twenty-tive years. Sixth.- If more than 100 hydrants shall be needed the company will extend the number as requirecl, placing fire hydrants not more than 528 feet apart, for whlch the city shall pay an annul rental of $60 per hydrant. Seventh. - The company will begin preparation in thlrty days, and will gnarantee the system in working order within eighteen months after signing the contract. Attached to this paper are the names of Wm. J. Herdman, Philip liach, W m. B. Smith, Cliristian .Eberbach, Keuben Kempf, L, Gruner, Jas. II. McDonald. Alpheus Felch, Thos. M. Cooley, Frank G. Howard, Edward Diifly, Benj. Brown, Thomas J. Keech, Ambrose Kearncy, Moses Seabolt, P. M. Doty. After some discussion, the proposition was submitted to the following special committee appointed by the mayor: Aldermen Vaughn, Luick and Biggs. A resolution by Aldermau Vaurlm that the sum of $250 be appiopriatcd for the purpose of securing a survey and ascertaining the cost of a suflicient water supply for the city, on motion of Aklerinan Hiicock was laid on the table. Fifty dollars was appropriated for the payment of a clerk for the finalice commlttee for one year. Aldermen Vaughn, Iliscock and Hein.mann were appointed a committee to consider the advisability of seciuing a new contract for lighting the streets. Liquor bonds for the following partios were approved: Kugene Oesterlin, Clnistian Saiizie, John D. Heinrich, John G. Schoettle, Jacob Iloffstetter, Henry Luubengayer, Geo. F. Lutz, Geo. W. Elite, John Weidlieh. The bond for $80,000 for city trensurpr B. P. Watts was approvcd witli the followingsureties: Keuben Kenipf, Harvey Cornwell, Edward Duft'y, Ambrose Kearney, John Burg, D. Fred Schairer, Wm. .A.Tolchard, Wm. C. Stevens. Following the regular monthly reports of the city treaaurer and recorder the couneil idjonnied.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News