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WlXHNÖT CLAIM tliat IIood's Sarsaparilla will cure everything, but the fact that on the purity and vltallty of the blood depend the vigor and health of the whole system, and that disease ofvarious kinds is oiten only the sign that nature is trying to remove the disturbing eause, we aie naturally led to the conclusión that a remedy that gives Ufe and vigor to the blood, eradicates scrofula and other impurities from it, as Hood's Sarsaparilla undoubtedly does, must be the means of preventing inany diseases that would occur without lts use; henee the field of its usefulness is quite an extended one, and we aro warranted in reeommending it for all derangeinents of the system wlneh are caused by an umiatural state of the blood. Why Suffer wïth Salt-Rheum ? Messrs. C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. Gentlemen- I was a great sufTerer from Salt-Rheum on my limbs, for a dozen years prevlous to the summer of 1871!, at wliich limo I was cured by Hood's Sarsaparilla. The skin wonld broome dry, chap, crack open, bleed and Iteh tntensoly, so that I could not help scratching, wliich of courso made them worso ' At the time I commenced taking Hood's Sarsaparilla (In tho summer of 1876) they were so bad that they dlscharged, and I was oliliged to keep them bandagèd with linen cloths. The skin was drawn so tight by the heat of the disease that if I stooped over they would crack onen and actually bring tears into my eyes. The first bottle Deneflted me so iiiucb tliat I continued taking it till I was cured 1 used one box of Hood's Olive Ointment, to relieve the itthing. Hoping many others may Utarn the value of Hood's Sarsaparilla aud receive as much beuellt as I liave, I am, Very truly vours, MKS. S. 8. MOODY, No. 75 liruadway. Lowell, Mass., Jan. 15, ikb. Hood's Sarsaparilla , Is sold by druggists. Prlce fl, or six for $5. Prepared by C. 1. 1I00D & Co. , Lowell, Mass.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News