fe C$ÉVER FAI % (thëXgbeatj I [C0NQUER0R.1 A SPEOIFIO FOR WW EPILEPSY, SPASNS, CONVULSIOKS, FALLING SICKNESS, ST. VITUS DANCE, ALGK0H0LISM, OPIUM EATING, SYPNILLIS, SGROFULA, KINGS EVIL, UGLY BLQOD D1SE&SES, DYSPEPSIA, NERVOUSNESS, SIGK HEADAGHE, RHEUMAT1SM, NERVOUS WEAKNESS, NERVOUS PROSTRATION, BRA1N WORRY, BLOOD SORES, BILIOUSHESS, COSTIVEKESS, KIONEY TRQUBLES AND IRREGULARITIES. ; y$1.50 per bottle.'r9@ For testimoniáis and circulare send etamp. The Dr. S. A. RichmondMed.Co., Props.( L3t. JcsepU, 2Eo. (11) Correspondence fiLly anaweted by PhysiciaiiB. Snlil by all Druggists. Lord, Stoutenburgh & Co., A?pnts, Cliiongn, Illinois. ' Infants and Children Without Mornhine or Tfarcotteo. ííat gives nur Cllillren rosy cheeks, tv nat euros toelr levers, makel them slepp'Tis f'HKtoria. ' When Babies fret. and cry hy turns wñat (jures their eolio, kills tlieir worms, lint CastoHa. What quiekly euros Constipation Sour Stomaeh, i'ulds, Indigestión : Kut Pastoría. Farewell then to Morphine Ryrups Castor OH aud l'a repone, and ' Hai] Castnria. Centaur Liniment.- a absolute cure tbr Rheumntism, Spaains. Burns, Gails, &c., and au íustautaacous Pain-reliever. CAÍN Health andjappiness. & ? DOASOTHERS y?UP $ HAVE DONE, 4F?, your Kidneys disordered? , "ÍVJ i ?Ürt, 1'"uKllt m trom my grave, a it wore ,afterlha,l jwn giren üpbj i.llt (Ii.otorsin De trolt." M. W. Deveraux, Meclianic, Ioilia, Mich. Areyour nerves weak? Kianey-Wort ourert me f rom nervoiw weakneM c., arUT I was not cipected to Uve" Mra M M. B Qoodwín, EU. Christia!, Monitor, Ckvclüa; & Haye you Bright's Disease? juuney Wort Mirod me when uiy water was just i ' Uko i-halk and thwi llke blood." ' "JUBV Frank Wllson, Peabody, Mass. Suf f ering f rom Diabetes ? KliliMj-WWt i tilo moat raomMful remeily I have ever uuml. ülves alinost finin. -díate rulief " DE l'hllllp C'. lialluu, M. .111, t,.n, Vt. Have you Liver Complaint? ufteVTpSfedio Xd"1U oLchrolllli W3St Henry Ward, late. Ou!. 69th Nat. Guard, N. Y. Is your Back lame and aching? i Miliu-y-Wort, (1 bottle) onrod me wlieu I wan so lame I had to roll out of bed." O. M. Tallmage, Mllwnuki-e, Wís. ( rHaye you' Kidney Disease? r Kldney-W ort made me soundlnllvor aiid kldncys arter yoara of unsuccessful doi-torlng. Its worth 10abux."-Saml Hodges, WUUamstown, West Va. Are you Contipated? Kldury-Wort causOR easy evacuatlons aiid curnl mo atter 16 years uso of other medicinal " Nelson Faü-chUd, St. Albans, Vt. ; Have you Malaria? Kidm-y-Wort has done better than any other rcmi-üy I have ever used in my praetiee." Dr. U. K. Clark, Suutli lluro, Vt. Are you Bilious? Ki.luoy-Wurt h donemo moro Kooil than nny other remedy I havo ever taken." Mrs. J. T. Ualloway, Elk Flut, Oregon. Are you tormentad with Piles? ¦XidncyAVorl , iriimiíí mirad me oi blocdinir piles. Dr. w. e. Kline mcommanded it to me " Uro. H. Horst, Cashior M. Bank, Jlyerstown, Ta. Are you Rheumatism racked? "Kiilniy Wort curcrt me, after i was elven up to dm l,v ptjlMuiud I liU.lBuir.rcdthirtv T-n," KlbridgeMiücoliu, West Iiátli, Mulno. Ladies. are you suff ering? Kltiney-Wort eured mn of peculiar troubles of seyeralycaiSiftunillnit. Many friendsuxpand piaiiio lt HrH. H. Lamoreaux, Isle La Motte, Vt. If you would Banish Disease i and gain Health, Take ' I . wj ¦ B I kj ü SJapcjk' i Ë it lh idl The Blood Cleanscr. Jiolkc of InteiilIon to Chang-c Tamc. OTA.TK OV MICHKiAN, County of WnshO leiuiw, s. l'rohnte Court o' sald Counlv. Notice 1h hereby sivon, ttmt I lnteod, on iiie Iwenty-Klxtli ilay of June noxt, atten o'clock in tno forenoon, to malee application to saiil Probate Conrt fur au order ooaoslDg my name trom Junius Einery Heal-Klelil to JuiiIuh Bmery Beal, aooordiag to tlie provlsions of tne statulc in such easn mado mui provlded JUNIUS B. BEAL-FIBLD Ann Afbor, April 22, lXtil. 11I2 'Jj If Oatarrh lias destroycd your seuso of imell and hearing, llall's Catarrh Cure will cure yon. 75 cents per bottle. Sold by Ebcrbacli & Sou.
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