Mrs. VV. O. Doty bas returned from her Homer.vislt. Mrs. Dr. Steele will spend the summer in California. Miss Allardt, of Port Hurón, has been visiting in the city. Harry Sayles, the Evangelist, salled for Europo last Frlday. Judge Hariiman started Monday for a short trip to Missouri. Mrs. J. T. S wathei starts for New York city on business toinorrow. J. C. Watts, of E ast Saginaw came down last night for a few days. Mrs. L. A. Ilowe returned home Frlday evetiing from a visit in Ohio. Mrs. Thompson, ntéRogers, of Jackson, spent Suuday with Mrs. 6. VV. Rogers. Mrs. Chiipin, corner Fifih und William streot, is spending a week in the country wilh her son. Mrs. Gooding, of Chicago, with son and daughter, is visiting her aunt, Mrs Judge Beakes on Fifth street. Miss S. T. Spcechly is absent from the city this week, looking after some business interest in Corunna. Mrs. J. C. Watts, who h:is been sojournii'g ia Florida since Nov. 1, 'S3. returned Saturday improved in health. An aunt of Mrs. H. J. Brown, from central New York, Mis. H. H. Tomlinson, is visitiug with her this week. Mrs. Sinclair, of Detroit, come out Tuesday evening to spend a few days with her sister, Mrs. Beakes, and friends, Miss Tompkins, Thompson street, ex" pected to go into Detroit this uiorning to spend several days with friends. Patrick Sheehan is in the city expecting to move his family to Menominee, Mich., where he is now located in the clothing UUBllIBflK The Mlsses Pluntington, of Detroit, wljo give the ch&mber concert this evening at the l'niTersity, are theguests tf Piesident and Mrs. Angelí. Mrs. H. W. Hogers expects to leave here about the 2Oth inst. to meet Mr. and Mrs. Evans, now in the east, and sail for Europe a few days Liter. J. Wm. Hangsterfer was in Detroit Monday and bought au elegant residence on Lincoln avenue, where he intends moving his family in a few weeks. James L. Stone, of the St. James, took his final leave of the Goodyear House, of Manchester, last Thursday. líe wasconnected with that house about scven years all told. C. J. Ruel, of the Journal, was on Monday notified of the death of hig mother, Mrs. M. A. Reul, at Monterey, Pulaski Co., Indiana, aged 75 ycars, 8 mouths and 3 days. A. L. Noble retnrned from his four weeks' southern trip last Friday, reporting betkT health. Nr. Noble thinks Marietta, Ga., a place in which he stopped a few days on his way home, has the best climate for hlm. By the bye, whilo in ChaUanoora lie called on Dr. and Mrs. ISillmyer, former reidents of Ann Arbor: he foliad them in fine health and the doctor huving a splei did dental practiue. Near Clnittanooga, on his return home, Mr. Noble met Mr. George Jaycox, a former Ann Arbor boy, who has been sleeping car conductor for some time on a road between New Orleana and Tallahassee : he was just taking his car through to Cineimiati on special order. A. L.'s trip cuvered ibout 2.Ü00 miles.
Ann Arbor Courier
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