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BICTCLES AND TRJCYíLffi FOK THE BOYSGIRLS! A lot lust reoclved nirjlng in price from $7.50 lo $3'-. AlsOt th futlowlng dMoribod leoond-h&Dd Tïii's olaa : 56 Incli al) hrlglit-bnll bearine.. I75.00 út " Harvard " " " 85.00 SS " Iiritlsh Clinllpnge- full nlckcled, buil hearings 120.00 52 " Expert- full nlckeled- ball bonrings 125.00 5-2 " Expert, half nitkeled, ball bearings 100.00 5'2 " Harvard, all bright, ball bearlngs, 75.00 B2 " Standard, half plaia " 65.00 51 " Standard, 45.00 50 " Expert, full nlekeled, ball " 100.00 50 " Standard.half brlgbt.plaiu " 10.00 For furthor particulars send stamp to C. W. WAGNER, 21 L. Main St., Ann Arbor, Michigan. „M-iao, Ann Arbor Skating Rink Open Every Aftemoon and Evenlng1. The Finest Rink and Best Floor in the State "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. Every pergon owes tberasolves a certain amount ol enjoyment, and the quextion is wherecan the most enjoyment be had for the money, this Is answered lu four word, "at the rink." In order that every pcrson, rlch or poor, can have a chance to enjoy themsel vos the foilowing price will bo charged until further notlce: Evknin-o- Single admission 25 cta., or 5 tickets for $1.00. ¦ Afteksoon- Single admission 20cls.,oi' 6 tickets for $1.00. Skate tickets 10 ets. Skate owners' tickets, 10 for 75 ets. On all afternoonsand evenings of Monday, Wetinesday and Thursday, ladies wlil bo admltted free, but cliarged to skat. All objectiomiblo persons excluded. Hkates for sale at the rink. Ouly Fenton skates allowed. Every Saturday, from 9:30a. m.tlll 12 o'clock will be Chiidren's Day. Admission, with Skrttes, 10 ceuts. l'areuts with children admitted free. J. E. WYM.vN CO., Prop. M. Shekiian, Manager. 1 have employed the Roy Skater for one j'ear to teach ladies to skate. [OR SALE. A two Btory frame dweiling house, barn on rear of lot. Locatedon the nortliwest corner of Fourth and North Streets, Ann Arbor, Mich. A large part of the purchase priee can remain on bond and mortgage. Enqnireof JOHN FKRDON, State Streeffor of I!. DAY, Washtenaw Ave. I " I Mr. William Astorliasa floatingpaliice. So have we. Ouly hia lloats on the water, and oiirs lloats iu the air. - Clmttanooga I'eople's Paper. $100 Reward. IsoilVreJ for anjT case of Catarrh that can't be cured witli" HaU'i CaUrrh Cnrc. Taken internally. Price 7" cents. Sokl by Kberbaeh it Son. One goose may be told from anollier by the ditlerence of a pinion. "Buchupaiba." Quick, complete, cures all annoying Kiduey, Bladder and Ürinary Diseases. $1. Drurist.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News