lo'edn, Aun Arbor & a. I'. li. )t. LOCAL T'ME TABI.P. Golng hito effect Suiulay, Feb. 10, 1834. mu ly Tiüie, GOING NOKTH. gTÏÏN'G SOUTH. f ¦'_ -fH_a 1 STATIONS. áL ó? g zas F.M. .M .! p.M.I 5 40 7 06 Toledo 30 4 55 5 45 7 li Manhatt .lunction í) 26 4 4S1 5 53 7 2: Alexis Junctlon !t Ib 4 8sj 8 02 7 8-3 llawihtiriie 104 3U 6 10 7 46 BsmarU U2 4 22 i' 25 8 06 Lulu 18 47 4 01 i. S0 8 15 Monroe Juuctlun S 4218 60 'i 18 8 80 Unrnlre 8 80 50 1 8 55 8 48 A zalla 8 ü 8 10 7 08 8 ;íl Milán -linicilon 8 0n 3 25 1 I 10 '.i Ü.". Müau B ih, s i:! " ÍS !l UM Nora 7 oil 3 17 7 22 9 22 Urania } u 3 10 7 S2 9 32 Pltmñeld Junction - r ¦'. tu 7 45 í) 50 Aun Arhnr I 7,2 4!t 8 08 ID ir, Leland 7 12 2 :J1) 8 11 10 22 YVonlcn 06 2 15 8 25 10 35 SonihL-on 50 2 10 Connectioñü At Toledo, witíTratlroao a diverglaKl t .vlanhattau Juuctioo, witli Wheeling & Lak'! Erie K. R.; at Alexis Junclion. with M. C. h. K., I.. 8. & M. S. Ey. and F. & P. M. R. R.; at Monroe Juncti.m. with L. S. & M. S. Ry.; at Dundee, with L. 8. & M. s. I?y., M. & O. Ky.; ftt Milán Junction. with W'abaeh. 01. Lou'rt & Pacific líy ¦ at Pittxfleld.with L.. M.8. Ky.; at Aun Arbor wllh MicliigaiiCeutril 1. K., añil at South Lyon with Uciroit, Lai ting & Northern K. R., and Graud Trnnk Ky. H. W. ASULEY, General Supt. V. H. BENNE TT, Gen'). Pass. Attent. THE LINE SELECTEB BY TH-E TT. S. OOVT 1 10 CAREY THE F AST MAIL WEST. ONLY LINE BUNNING TW0 THROTCH TRAINS DAILY FROM CHICAGO, PEORÍA & ST. LOUIS, Through the Heart of the Continent In way of Pact He J u net i ou or Ouiaha to DENVER, or vla Kansas City and Atcliiso.i to Deuver ron. nectlngln Union Depots at Kansas City. Atelnaou Omauaaud Deuver wlth throjgh tralus for SAN FRANCISCO, ana all poluta In the Far West. bconest Llue to KOISAS CITY, And all polnts In the Souto-West TOURISTS ANO HEALTH-SEEKERS Hl!PulLnot for8et tbe factthat Round Trip tickets at ream-Ki rates can be purciiased vla this QM Turoiich llae, to all the Health and Pleuar! J iorm of the West and South-West, liciud )nl íosímuehe80' COLORADO, the Valley of the CITY OF MEXICO, and all poluta In the Meslcan Republlc HOME-SEEKERS Should also remember that thls line leads direct to the heart of the Oovrrnmeat and Rallrnod Lanüs In üu ïïrrïtbr?"'88' TeXa"' ColaTaa a"il ; Uta knownas thegreat THROUGH CAR LIKE f Aiaerlca, and Is unlversally ailiuit tl to te the Flnost Equlppoil Ruil ion,l In the World for all dassen al' Truvel. Through Tickets via thls line for sale at all Ralli"i?dïUPOa Tloket umce8 lo toe UuHed Status aml l.J. PÓTTKR, icu lit.i. aud Oeu. Manager. PJiRCKVAL LOWELI,, Oen. Pass. Ag'i calcago. JNO. Q. A. BEAN, Oen. Eastern Ag't 017 Broadway. New York, aud tfJti WtualULton 16Í., Boalou. R1NSEY & SHAQOLT'S mms AND Flour and Feed Store. We keep constantly on hand, I5REAI), CRACKERS, CAKES, ETC, For VhcHs:ilt' untl Ketuil Tnde. We shall nlso keep a pupply of SWIFT & DEUBEL'S BEST White Wheat Flour! Iellii Floot, ltyc ( lour, liiickwlu-ul Flour, Corn Mcal, Feed, Ule, A t Wholesnlc nud Itetail. A general stock of GROCERIES M PRÖVISIUNS Constantly on hand, which wil] be pold on as rcasoiinbli; tcrmg as at nny otlier houce n the city. Ofttl) patd fOï IHJTTEU, KGG, and COUNTIiY PRODÜÜB ponerally, (oodn deltvered to any iart of thfl cuy wiihout cxirii charge. RINSEY & SEABOLT. Extremo Tired Fecliny. A lady tells us "the flrst bottlu lmsilone ny danghter a great ileul of good, her dim] does not. dlstreU ber now. nor does she l'rom tluit extreme tirt'd feellog uhicli shc did before taking Hood'a Sarsnparllla " A lecond bottle eftVcieü a ciii-c. Noother prepnration contttina smli a conroiitnition of vttallzlng, enriohlpg, iurlrMng and invigoratiug projierties is -lood's sarsaparilla.
Ann Arbor Courier
Old News