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-A.T THE POST-OFFICE NEWS DEPOT. A Full Line Of Cheap Libraries! AND STATIONZET A complete BgsortnieDI of cominon umi Fancy Note and Letter Paper. Knvelopes, Invitiition, and Rëquest carde. Writiiig Packots, Fine Bax Paper, snitable lor presents anil all kinds of St:it!oners' supp.ics. : BLANK BOOKS Pas Books, Metoórandnm Book, Scratnli Books, Slndents Note Bóofcs, Rerums, ï?al and Medical Indexes, Bil] Books, and :ll grades of cbnimoa Note Books. WILLIS HOI, Proprietor, And Agent for ill NftWSpipers, Magazines and periodicals. UndoObtedly the most ppvfect Uieycle Anu rii'iin. '(¦o fort li upon your whceled horse, aml Hst nhtnre'a tiichlngs." THE COUÍMBIA B1CYCLES. Aii' mude as strond mid dtimhte :is tlie best and most ski I led tvorkmtuiPlilp oin produce. Thcy Wf nwl by M,rchantB, Clerks, Jlinisti'is, Doctors. Liivvyer'n Colr lectors, Messenirers, and C;ii penters. 'l'hey fiuiiisli tin; nbeHpêit ttlul in st tneans of RAPID TRANSIT, give the rider die liealtliient of nutdoor cxcieise, and ni a uui'l ut TUK PÖPDLVB S1EED 01 T0D.IÏ "IsliaM to wp the tlnif ("me when this ixric.i-u sh ill )r, na pñ ninoiig íinls mil women :ia le'inls and nudance, tor thu nioic fully Mie ptivsical lile of our womauTtlnd Ik ilnvcloui'd ilw better tnr muil as we1l hs wom m " - Dr.JMchnrdtoft of mhm nu tu Tricyclt , ¦ "Now gooil digSBtion wait on aupetlte, and liealtli on botli." THE COLUWBIA TRICYCLE Is ;i now machine for geoeral use by ' both sexei and all ajee. By thp addition of the Coiumbla Tri ryele, Tiih Pope Mf'o. Co. can claim ta f'urnish wbeeU tor THE WHOLB FA.INIII.-V. For s'iandt atlier, RraudoiOtUftr, falhcr, tnotbér, yound man, fotinx lady, ami even to littlc Jonnie and Btskie, Send 3c. .stamp for 3G-pnge Minst! ated Catalogue, wltta prlee-llst and full infurtnatlOD. THE POPE MVXUFACIUHISG CO.. 5'J" Washington St. Boston Mass. Or To Chas. W. Wagner AgentAnti Arbor Mlch., 21 S. Main .St.


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