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A Call To Prayer

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IlL-M'írAI!TKItl N'. W. C. T. I"., i 1( Kast llthSi., N. Y. l Tu All VhiíMan Peoplr: " Rlghteoueneu ulteth a imtion, bnt si" s a reproach lo any people." Our nal is to-day a lejía! partner iu the business of selling intoxicitiug liquont as driuk. Thl fact dtflncs tlie greatMt, mmt inunediate, uiost vital iesue m National politics. Government of the people cannot siteccBSiully co-eiiít side by slde iih a traille protected by lw, wbose rcaiill is to render the individual iucapable o( olf-gOTenunent. The Lomes oí America are imperillud by the saloons whoso patronage Ís cunstantly recniited from thc tkeaido and th'j eradle. We.thcrefcire, motben and sister s wivee and daimhtora, buseech a!l vvbo bdhve iü God, to j.íiu with us in soleiun, earnest and importúnate prayer that the hearts of the people niay be ao turned unto Him npon wíiosí; 'etlioulder the government ghall be, that bypomo party sucii principies may be declare, atid fttchcandidHtes chosOOi that Christian men may conscientioiiBly their ballots ibr the same, being asenred that they have thus struck a blow lor the Nationai Protaibltlun ol' tlie truflic in stion drink. We name Tuesday, May '3Tth, as tbla Day of Prayer aud urge all onr local L'nionrt to observe this date, enlisting all pa-tore and eharehea to coopérate, t?o far as poasibie, with us, and resjuctfully requestin pastors to preach ou the subject of God in Government, on the fcuuday precedlug or followlng this day ol' prayer. W suggcst the following programme : Tuesday, May 27th, 10 to 11 a K. Bnbject: Vm the Leaders of th W. C. T. U.: That they may be wise as serpents and harraless as doves in tliis great controversy ; that thoy may have the coui-age of their convictions and be trtie to the Xational motto, "Kor God and Home and Native Land ; " that a divine charity may pervade all their utterancee, that they may meet argument with argument, mi.-judgment with patience, and all their difflculties and dangers with prayer. IltoISH. For Christlan Pastors and Editor?: That their trumpet niay give no uncertain tound; that thev mavso siieak and write as Uuu who hhall pive account to God ; that a leaders in our Chri8(ian civil:z ilion they m:iy demílnd the outlawing of the liquor traffle. 1 to a r. K, For the Platforms of Parties : That they muy not seek to revive sectional issue, or glitter with old-time gneralities, or conceal thonght nuder snbtletlea ol' eipresslou, but tint they may pointedly declare that The Saloon Must Go. 2 to ö p. m. For the l'reeideütial Candidates : That they inay bc men of sucli perwonal habits as the mothers of this Nation miglit safely hold up as inodels for their sous ; men committed by character and public piedle to National Prohibition ; men who fear God and work righteouoness. 3 to 1 r. m. For the Christian Voters of the Repub'ic, with whom rests the balance of power : That their spiritual insight may be greatly quickened ; that their consciences nny be alarmed ; that tne cry from broken hearte, defeneciese homes and ruined sou Is miy stir their whole being to lte noblest possibilities ; that they may see that thero is uo postpouement of dtity wliich (iocs not involve irremediable loss : that they may bti oonvinced that the rigut is always expedient, and resolve to walk woithy of their high calling, and to mike uo compromlse with wron ; that they may bc inspirad to sec their duty to their Home Consiitueucy, and to represent the women whom they love and honor by outlawing the Saloon aud protecting the Home. Let tlie leaders be- one for each hour- duly chosen and aunounced. Bible teil, illustrating and enrorcing the five general topics here given, may be readily collated. Yours for a Kepnblic whose ru!ers sball be men of God. Gen. Offlcers National W. C. T. V.


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