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" 'J'his is i'un I " ironicall3' yelled an angry man who sat on a tack. It was more likely sit [re. - Wllllamsport Breakfast j Table. %W Keep in the Fashioii. The Diamond Dves alvvays do more than tliey I claim to do. Color over tliat old dross. It Wil! look like new. 'J'hey are warranted. 10c. at druggists, Wells, Bichardson & ( '., Burlington, Vt. A second-rate Ohio paper advertises "pure fun." Tliat's a uew way to spell poor. - Willinmsport Breakfast Table. TVaut of Faith. If Eberbacb & Son, the Druggist does not Bucceed it is not for the want of faith. He has sucli faith in Dr. Bosanko's Cough and Lung Syrup as a remedy for Cough 's Colds, Consumption, and Luiigiiftectiona, tlmt he wlll give away a bottle free to eaeli and every one who is in need of a medicine of tliat kind. cïiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiATiniin A happy surprise it was to Mr, A. 11. Sortoa, of lirtetot, C'onn., wlicn ATuLopaim put hlm oa his reet, and sertt hlm cbrertully obout his business. Let ltm tetï tas own story : "Ahout tlirce weeks ago I w. Uitan with a severe criek iu the back. For Uxx iiij-a I was unabte to tum in bed wittiwit bjelp, and wlieu lifted up could uot taud on lay feet. I wua iuduced to try Athi.ovikos, af tor all Uie usual remedies failed. In 20 ïiiinutcH aftcr tafciu-' the urdt doso I couki bear my weijbt ])on niy 1'eH. lu two daj-s I H able to (?et about and attend tjo btMíiueps. Xn two oíímt cases whili Uuve come to my knowledg-e tb) use La been attendi-d wifíi ttje Boma resnlts.' A poor m:in in Miiladeipliia hail to 1 orrwv a dollar to buv a ixMtle of Arai ornouo . Ouncuouutof lHsporertyhlsnajiii.'jflr -n i ascravt. He had suflered terrltty Iroui lf.i .- tuaüsia. Hegratefully wrHes: " I took my flrat dose Tuesday .ifrnoi. and on Wednesday, af ter Uit eeveu doewi, ] ], ,i :ot a Bharp or Bevere aobe left. Tien I redirtc d tbe doee oue-balf aixl took tbe reinaindcr cf tlxe bottlo. I waö ;iJ to ljoflicady eJL wovk t!5 w iurday, wikeai I took a pavero coid &ud was r.ioulo to nw: ugr (oft koud. I paritaaiotd anotbi. bottko aikl Ijr becUinio T fnmid iw.iuf. Tlio iüUK iue is all you riTioii for ft.1 liivestif,'ateATHi,oPHoiuisaIlyipleiM'! l'iiid all the fault yon clioose wrtfa i! and vet the fect remains, that h ia duing no öther medicine ever could do for UlieuiikiIÍkih and Neuralgia. ]f vou caiiDotfret ATni.opnCKOsni jourdrug;,rW . we wlll senil It express pmd. on rccelpt et regular prlce- one dollar per b:tt.le. We prefcr tliat jou luiy it rrom your drutfglst. but if h basn't It. do not be persaaded u try bomciiiinc elge, bu order it tmee rrom us as illreoted. ATHLOPHOROS CO., U2 WAU ST., MEW ÏDW(. GOBSETS The ONI.Ï ('DRSKT madu that can bfl retiirni'cl by lts puiTlmsi-i' aflr tlirce wnkl mr. if not found PERFEC7LY SATISFACtORY tn eTery respect, umi It prlce retTiml'dty welier. Made in ii iirirty uf Htyie nnd prliM'a. Hold by fínl-t'liuíS dealen evenrwlire. Hfwaro of worthk' Imitation. Kon.' itnui]]c unltKH H haH liull'H name on the box. CHICACO CORSET CO., Chicago, IM. L ForSaleonly by WINES& WORDEN.


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