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i-rom nie llerald As fnr as heard, Messrs. H. M. Woods, 3 S. Holmes, L.Qlibert, wül atend the National Republlcan Conventlon vhieh takes place ut Chicago, June 3. The Lotfteran coDgrejfallon has rccently )urchased the briok resldcnce ot George lachman on Summit streel, and wil! at nee complete, und refic t for a parsonge. Tkursdaj last, Judgo Harriman was lu own to examine a Mr. Kniofcn-tmclíer vlio arts uuJ it't litr yrais n a very peuliar inanner. Sinco .'anuary flret he las not been out of hirt ronu, and lordays t a time lie will not partake of Food. As t is not a case of Insauity, the Judga is in quandary what to do, bilt thinks the ounty house the proper place íor hiin. Thronfh the kindncasof Hon. S. G. I ves, we have been permUted to examine sever1 oíd land pitents, grauted to Mary Wians mother of John Winans of this laee, Samuel V Holmes, father Of H. S. Holmes, also of this place, and Curtís íoble, vvhose relatives novv reside at Dexer, and who also was a relativo of Tlios. Seáis, of tliis place. The parcol of land irst mentioned was probably entered Id 833, and is described as the west fí oí he northwest y of section 20, in townhip 1 north, of ranre 3 east, (Unadilla). he Holmes place was traded tbr by Mr. ves duriog the time the cholera raed in lich Ijtan, and without liis ever seeini; it, nd forined the nucleus for his faini whicli t one time contained over4U0 acres. The V'inans place was also boujíht of the r-;inal owner, cousequently only one leed has ever been issui-d 011 these lands. VIr. Ivés carne to Michigan and settled on lis land in 183."), being at the time twoj niles froin auy traveled road, and the aithest in the woods ín a northwesterly irection. The pateuts are maje of veiv icavy paper and bear i.he signatures of wo p residen ts; the Wuians and Noble talents lieaiing the bold signatura of Andrew Jackson, and tlie H limes patent that Oí Martín Van Binen. DEXTKK. Kron the Dexter Leaier. Henry Stebbins, proprietor of the Stebbins House, is quite ill witli broncülal couiimption, Mr. Cinninrliam, of Lyntloii has srone ;o Irel.uul atter a fortune of s)ine $J0 - 00 or $3ü,000. J. F. Clark, who has been absent in Lv n.j, Xcb., for the last two and one-half reare, has returned to Dexter. The doijs killed (i ve of J. Lacas's sheep "rlday uight. Ore of the worthlesa urs eiignirliifr in the -laugíiter has been oundTheodore Hlndelang, of Ciielsca, has üone to Los Angfles, Cal., for the benefit if his hcalth, it liavinif been greatly imaireJ for several years. Mrs. Wade, aa;ed G3 yearn a:id 10 montlis, diediii this villaje lastMonday ntornlng The funeral was held 11 tlie M. E churuh, Rev. II. Ben ton olliciiting. Buried in Webster. At a meeting of the comrades of R. P Carpenter Post No. 41, G. A. H . who reside in Dezter and VictuiCy, held at the ofüce of A. ü. Grane, E-q., on the eveningof May 21, 1884, Comiade A D. Crane was c;illed to the chair, and Comrade W. H. Weston chosen secietary; whereupon a cominittee of arranjfeiuents for the reeeption and enteitainment of the ahove nained Post, whicli will visit üexter in forcé on Deeoratiou D iy - May 3()th- :ind decórate the graves of deceased soldiere - consisting of Coiuradi'S D LUchtield, C. F. Bates, II. Ide, W. II. Weston, W. Ulodgett and L. S. Miles, was appmnted. It was Rcsolued, That a general Invltatlon be, and the saine is hereby teiidored all ladies umi gentleineu who leel iniercmeil in the ceremonies of the occasion, to tillend and brlng with tliem such artlolea of íood íor a picnic supper as they may feel disposed to coulributo. Decoration services immediately after theanival of theafternoon mail train from the west. The table will be spread n Red liibbon Hall, iu the evening. A. D. Crane, Ch'n. W. II Westox, Sec'y. MANCHESTER. From tho Enterprise. Our village trcasury gathers in $2,400 from s;i!oii licjnses this year. John Fahner, of Sbaron, had sCfttaract removed trom lus riht cve, on Wednesihiy inorniny, and the operatioB wassucCeasful. Jolm McMahon, ilie circusman, liavin? had many requeststo pertorm tlie coming senson, final iy concluded to make m engagement, and on Frtdsy last lie went to Jackson andjotned Banettifc Oo.'s show, receivihg $50 a weck saJaiy. OurvlUagB taxidermist, El. G. Kief lias made aa engagement aad will fío to ! Iuissec. Florkla next September, to Uka protessorsTiij) or iiiYidenr '" IIK: 'i'nveriity of Florida. We le.irn tliat he was ohosen from 24 applLcant, eacli of iio n gent specimana oí their work to the institution. Our farmers have lerned that it. is an injury 10 slieep to wasli thein, and believe tliat it does the vh1 nofrood. as it generally gels as t'ull ot dust and dirt as it was bcfoi-e. With nr heavy vfooU It Is cheaper,they mbrait to a reduced price tlmn to wagh the slieep and taka the chances of loss, etc. Wm Bnrtless accompinled Mr.Briyhton to the old tannery lot, on Tnesday afternoon, to sec Brlghton blast som tarjfe scones. When everytlnn.if wa-i ready tor the explosión he went away souie 15 rN. supposlnsf that a sife diítance, hut found n mistake as the etone fiow past hun like h ti o-e hail Btones, Ohh sin ill etone passeil throiiííh hií bat and rtruck hlm on the temple ciuting the skiu and ralsing quite a lump. YI'SILANTI. From the Ypsilant'n. Work has commenced on the passender house of ihe Ce itral, and that building will be thoroughly n-paired mmediafly. The interior will be rermlnted, papered and Btted Up, the ticket office eniar''cd and the whole interior rcjuvenated These improv.-inents are a direct resultot the BDOcesa Mr. Damon bas had in increasLna the roaé'a patronage, and the naine Ypsilanti has with the company he so abiy repreaentf. A number of ouryoung ladies are organiziugalocal society upou somewhat the o-ime basis as the Amphion club ol Aun Arbor, whose singing at the recent concert was so warmly conimended. ihe ; number will probably be limited to twelve "ml will include some of the best tra ned Tá richest voicos of our city. A speched t.iking a course in the University, who has had considerable experienoe in these mattere, will conduct. A ñamo has not yet been decided upon bnt it will probably be some term SQggestlve of the giils in particular. Krom the Commercial. Mr. I). L. Quirk s actiug president of the First National bank. Mr. J. T. Wanzer's barn on the plaitis have xone Into thin air. A child playing wiih matches set tiie dry straw on lire lost Biturday at 5 p. ui. His loss lncludins wiujuiiji, omicni, ere, must be not fai from $1200 to $1500. He has been páld $000 insurance. Come down to the truth of history it Would seem tliat the first bank in lliis city :it the depot was established by Messrs. B. Kollett, Quirk and Dow. Air. Conklin became a iiiember of the concern a year or so later. Mr. Dow soon after went back to Chicago. Mr. Quirk has largely conti -ibuted iiis means to the city's advanceaient. It is a mistake that ex-President Hayes and rood wife are to attend the Normal commencement as iudicated in a Detroit paper. Sorry that it is 80. Principal Willits went to Fremont with every assnrauco of being able to secure Mr. Hayes to make tbe address, but hlscngageinents, very much to his own regret, stood in the wny.