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4-Paw. # H irry Hawley1 ñS-inch Expert came to-d.ty i.v expi-ewM,s. ganker, muiher of Mrs. John Keek, ta lylrijt very low. Decoration l)iy Fi'iday and tlie circus Qtuirdtiy willmake twu lively days. Cari Warden luis reiumed work with Goodyear, to remato in the store during the summer. The Knights of Pytliias, of this city, have been invited to visit the lodge at Windsor, June llth. Anothor 4-Paw car c;inie n Monday nijlit f r special advertising iiumedlately in advance uf tlie sliow. Cold enoush this morüing at nine o'clock, witli tlie sun shiniiig, to finj an overcoat very oornfortable. Blisf & Ross are laying a new floor in the Jewett store room on Main streef, preparatory to opening out a bowling alley there. Did you see the Knight Templara out late last night for a drill? Tliey bad pretty safe escort with city marshal Fall ; ;it their hem!. Mr. and Mrs. Rentschler lost one of, their baby boy twins Snnday, Hged one niontli and eiglit days. The funeral was held ycsterday. John Mdntyre, ninety-four years of age, wlio has lived in Xorthfield since 1S29, was in the city Tuesday. Ile is hale and hearty for one of that age. -- II n. J. C. Watts, Liberty street, met wftj a si'rere accident Saturday nijrlit iti falling down cellar, Slie is reported is dning wcll. however. Probably fuwer will attenil the Cliicairo Convention next week thau anticipated some days since. A. J Sasvyer and J. E. Ueal expect to be in atteudance. : Bert, sou of X. H Winan?, has been , having a rather severc time with inflainmatory rlietunatlsm. We are glad to know he is nmch better a"d able to sit up. Mr. Goo. Kalmbach, clerk of llutzel & Co., and Miss Mary Bradley, of Cornwell's Mili, were married, in accordance with the Catholic service, tbis afternoon itlialf past three. Beginning ncxt Monday, the skating riek will beclnsed every afternoon except on Satunlay. It will be open every evening frnm 8 till 10:30 o'clock. Ladies adinittcd free everv evening. Miss Gr.iee Miiinh rcoeived a pair of $7 00 Fenton skutes for bringing the Jargest number of gentlemen, 24, to the leapyear party at the rink last nlght. There wn a fine attendance. ClassNo. 24, M. E. S. S., accompanled by Rev. Pope nnd Missea Paul and Raudolph, muking a party of twenty-eight, ypent last Saturdav very p1easnntly in a picnic trip to Whitnwre Like. Tlie bicycle dub liad a drill od the cam pus last evenlnfr, at the clo?e of whicli Oeo. Keek and Lou. Taylor ran a loot race m a spurof-the-nioment ckallenge of the Jatter, Lou. coming out ahead. For varlous reasons the June meeting f the Pioneer Society will not be held this ye:ir. Tlie annual meeting will ocrin September at the resklence of WilJiam P. Grovei, of Northtiekl. The lfqnor taxes to date have reaclied $20,070. The following are the latest paid in: Jacob Iloffistetter and A. Lentz, Ann Arbor, $300, and C. Sanzie, $300; Warren Babcock, Milan,$300. As we go to press, the sudden death this niorning, about eight o'clock, of heart disease, of Mr. John II. Taylor, building mover, reaches us. Mr. Taylor's resL lence is 21 South División street. Mr. Everard H. Morgan and lady, English people from India, have recently ?uglit the -Buzzard farm, one-half mile outh of town on State streef, and have mored 0„ (,,c 1)kce whfch fitting up. " J The lodge oñhTsoToTt. George in Ann Arbor was the iirst one in Michigan üd the l30ti. in the U. S. There luve f een 24 added 8nce its incorporation. A Paper publislied m their interests is the Egüsli-Aierican, in Xew York. Wiiies & Worden have recently atkled l'late glass in the tlirce wiudowa at the rear of store. Bj the bye, they wvejust placed in position In the stoie laige mirror, about 10 it. by 4 tt. This h tlie larifest mirror in the city, we believe. Mabel, daujruter of itev. and Mis. D. j Coakley, of CliiCHgo, died of dropsy '1 lis city last Mond.iy. Deceased was 8'xteen yean of age. The remains were enttoAllegheny City, P,i. Rev. Coak;ey' ller father, is at present in New Mexme'iitf'"5 cl'al'lai" tor u numberof n-giForthe information of our Ann Arbor readers we publish the apportioninent of ¦nmary School moneys for the different 'stiicts i the township: Nmnber 8, ; number 16, $70.74; number 5, l''-H' number 6, $31.44; number 7, ?30; number 17, $3(5.03; number 3, '"; total, $303.00. One of the ittractions of Commenceit week will be the reunión of the 'nous Beta Tlietu Pi quartette composed Mewrg. D. E. Osbonie, J. H. Granf, "UI T. Whedon and O. F. Hunt. When college In 1880-81 they gained nota ltl'e repatation by their concert, and fenades. Look out for the latter. At a meeting of the wardens and vestrymen of St. Andrew's church last week, the following delegates were appointed to represent this parish at the Dioccsan Conventlon to bc held in Flint, .Tune 4tl and Drs. II. 8. Frieze, A. B. Palmei and Hou. O. II. Rlohmond. Alternates Mr. J. M. Whecler, Prof (P0. g Monis and H. J. Brown. The first of August will be duly observed by our colored citizens of thiseity, who are making extensive preparations tor a grand celebiation. ArraBjrementa have been mude for the running of excursión traína from Lausing, Detroit and Toledo. tlon. James K. O'Hara, colored meinber of Congress from North Carolino, will probably deliver the uddrew. Mr. W. I?. SUcknay has beconie maniijiing publlaher of Johuson's Natural Ilistory with exc'usive control of its s:ile, and also made arrangeinents with the Kiest publlshlng house of A. J. Johnson & Co., of New York by wluch he becomes General Manager for the sale of Jounson's Oyclopaeilia and Johnson's Atlas. He has recently returned from a short trip to New York city. At a special council meeting last Mond:iy ('veiling, Messrs. Vaugbn, Luick and Biggi, the commlttee appointed by the Mayor to consider the city water-works question, reported at length against the icceptance of the proposal of a nuinber of our citizens to bu lid and opérate a system of woiks. The committee suggested the appointment of a couiniittee of live, with the M;iyor as chairm-in, to give the general question of water-works further consideration. Thomas Burlingame, William E. Parker, Harrison H. Camp, Isaac N. S. Foster, Alan son B. Colé, Jolin H. Speny, Richard M. Nowland, Henry B. Feldkamp and AValter Whitlark are returned to the county clerk as petit jurors f rom Ann Albor township for the present year. Tlie grand jurois from the same town are William F. Bird, Charles R. Gardner, John M. Wheeler, Cornelius Tuoiney, Evan Popkins, Joseph II. Vanee, íelson Gailinghouse, Charles Braun and Andrew Smith. Wben Dr. Breakey went away a few weeks ago and was married he gave his (rienda quite a surprise, so, to get even with him, they fllled lus house Monday evenlng upon his return and gave him a reception. He had known nothing abont it and consequently wa6 not a litlle surprised at so warm and general a welcome as he received. Botli himself and lady graclously received the cordial greeting extended to them from the large gathering present. The five weeks' vacalion Whicb the Dr. took was the longest he had indulged In for a long time and he improved it well. The enumerators of the State Census wlll commenee thnlr labore uext Monday in ihis city. As they have but one inonth to compiete their work our citizens are requested to look up their family records and be ready to ansirer all qnestiona asto ages, birlns, marriages, deaths &c. Parents will be rt-quired to give the l)irlli place of tlieir párente, and f any deaths have occurred in the family duiing census year from May 31,1884 to Jane 1, 1884, the monta of the death, and the name of tlie disease must be given. The nuinber of volumes in public and private librarles must also be given. The polo g.ime at the rink last Saturday evening between the Detroit City Greys and the Aiim Arbor team was a fine on. lesultintr n a score of 3 lo 2 goals u favor of the Greys. The visiting team was made up of Messrs. Farrell, captain, Wolley, Wclton, Fuller. McFarian, Strachan, anil AIcWorter. In the home team ware Messrs. Wiiey, captain, O'Urady, Miner, Watts, Ciimplon, Hubbell. and Kline. Messrs. JVIurpliy and Hodges acted as judges for the Greys, and Guioan and Davenpoit for the Ann Arbor team. M. C. Sheehan was the referee. The flist two goals were for the Greys, the next two for the home team, and the last for the Greys. _ The tenth anuí versa iy of the organizition of the Michigan State Pioneer Society will be beid in LaulBg, June 4th and 5th ncxt. Ainong the historica! papers promised are ".Life of D. Darwin Hughes," by Hon. T. M. Cooley, "The Schools of Michigan During the Territorial Period,'1 by Miss Lucy M. Salmón, A. M., '83, "Land Grants for Education in the Northwest Territory - Michigan," by Geo. Knight, of this city, and "Land Grants for Wajjon Roads and Canals - Michigan," by Mr. Bliss, also of Ann Arbor. Keduced rates have been secured at Lansingand Toledo. Geo. H. Greenc, Lansing, Mich., wlll furnish further nt'oimation. The Superinteiidents of the Poor made their semi-annual visit to tlie county jail, as required by the statute, on Friday of last week. The jail register showed that there had been 227 commitmonts during the last six months for the following causes: Drunk, G7; drunk and diaorderly, 9,"; iirson, 2; larceny, 25; vagrancy, 3; burglury, 2; entering railroad cars wlttl intent to obtain carriage, 19; insane, 7; malicious todwelling, 2; forgery, 1; false pretensos, 1; obscene language, 1; assault and battery, 2. Total, 227. The jall was fouml to be in excellent conilition. The cells having all been whitewashed. The doors newly painled. The bed-clothing clean, and in all respecta grejil improvement over many j'ears past was conspicuously inanifest. Great credit is due to Slieriff Wallace for the great changa that has been made in the interior of the building, while it is unsafe and entlrely inadequate for the safe keeping of crimináis, its sanitury condition has been greatly improved.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News