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i ( The only known speelfle for Epíleptlc Fits. "3 Also for Spasuis and Faffi&g Blcknew. Klttou Vr;ikncBSit intantly relieves and cures. Oleanses blood and qulckens felugtfish ciivulallon. NeutraHzes germs of dlsease and saves sickoess. Curei [A SKEPTIC SAID) ugly blotches and stubborn blood sores. Elimínate Botls, Carbunclos and Scalds. pPermanently and promptly cnrt-s paraléis. Yes, It isa charmlng and healthf ul Aperient. KUl Scrofula and Klnga E vil, twlu brothcrs. Chango bad breath tu good, rcmoT Ing the cauto. Kouts billons tendcnclcs and makct cloar complexión. Equalled by none In the delirium of fever. A charmlng resolvcnt and a matchlcsa luMtlve. H drives Slck Bcadache llke the wind. tir-Contalns no drastic cathartic or oplates. KelleTei (THE GREflT) CNEBfVlEXCOlWQUEBlORD the braln of morbld fanclci. Promptly cures Iiheuniatlsm by routing lt. Restores life-glvlng proporties to the blood. Is guaranteed to cure all nervous disorders, tyiiellable when all oplates fafl. Bi. freshes the mlnd and Invlgorates the body. Curei dyspepala or money reiunded. Dlseases of the blood own it a connueror Endorsed In writlüK by over flfty thousand leadins citlzens. clcrg-nien and physlcians In ü. s. and Europe. L#"For sale by all leadlng drugglsts. $1JÜ. (13) For Testimoníala nd clrculars send stamp. Tha Dr.S.A. Richmond Med Go. St. Joseph.Mo. Lord, Stoutenburgh & Co., A?ents, Chicago, Illinois. 4 Miaammissi THE SURE CURE FOR - - - KIDNEY DISEASES LIVEit bumpLAiNTS CONSTIPATION, PILES, AND BLOOD DISEASES. JPHYSJCIANS ENDORSE IT HEARTILyT] "Kadney-Wort Is the most successful remedy I ever used." Dr. P. c. BaUou, Monkton, Vt. Kidney-Wort is alwaya reliable.' __. Dr. N. Clark, 80. Hero, Vt. Kidney-Wort has oured my ¦ ife after two yeara uflonng." Dr. C. M. Summerlin, Sun Hill, Ga IN THOUSANDS OF CASES it has oured where all elae liad falled. It Is mild but efficiënt, CEKTAJN' IX IT8 ACTION but harmless In all casea. Wit clean.e the Blood and Strentthen. r.d Srv?eW."'e to aU the inPrtnt organs of tho body. The natural aotion of the Kidneys is reBtored. The Liver is oleansed of all diseaso and tae Bowels move treoly and healthfully! fromrt."' "MaBC'' arS eradid PEICE, $1.00 UQCID OR DRT, SOLD BT DRIIBOISIS. Dry can be sent by mail. LL8, KICIIARDSOX,ll,rto„ Vt. Infants and Children Without Morphüie or Narcotúi. -hes onr Cliil.lren roír clieek's KTat cures tbelr ferore, ...aleJ'ním sleep'TU fastorlH,.' AVhen Dabios fr.-t, :má cry turn, H bat ouroe thoir 00U0, kilis , i,,.r örm Jtut Castorio. Uliat gilicldy oium Constipation FnrfwelHI, to Morphüw Bynipe Gaator Olí and Paregoric, and Centaur Ljníment.-a.. ah. soluto cure for Rlioumati sm, Spi-ams, Burns, GaUs, &o., and an utstantaneous Pain-reliever. Estáte of John Henlej. gTATKOF MICHIGAN.Ooumyoi VFashtenaw,.. Ato sesslon of the Probate Court for the Countv of VVajotenaw, holden at the Proba office in he cty ol AimAi-Doi.on Weilnewlav 'the wen v elghth ri,,v of Muy. In the ycar one I o?," .ul D. Iluminan, Judsrc ol l-rilalo wiinmn In the maner ol Iha Mtata of lotan Henle%,Jn"iX[T h, ',9 '" L tnirüeth dny r,f Jnne next, nt ten oVIock iíi al forenoon, bo as9j;n(.d for th h"rii B o f s, leascd.n iaalloiherporsoii8lntereteii in saicl etnii are rfqiiired to appear at ,1 s,.k,íou o ?e ¦ d un tnc n lo be holden at the Probata offlee, In iheci y ó A ñ id .Í?h S ÍS A,"n '¦ r""r ""'". newipapwMtat ed and droulatlng In SUid countv, threa BncoeMtv. weeks previo,, to lid dav oT bemnV (Ateï! VM. O. DOTY Probate ReiBtef "f u&'l'JgSj C3T In the Diamond Djps more color Ing is glven than in any known Dyet and they givo taster and morebrilliant oolors. 10c ut al drujrgUts. Welig, Richardson & Co., Burlington, Vt. Sample card, 83 colors, anil book of dlreotlons toi - .-tainp. Joih Btlllngs: Sllence is said to be godlen, but it is a reiiiaikiible tact that the best fools the world crer produeed luid notliit)r to av on nnv subjppt.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News