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m ATHLOPH0RO3 lS a nOYCl Wnrfl tO DiOSt people who speak tho Engllsh lan r a Greeks used it centurios ivo, niAflHfofií I "ÏHE PBIZE-BEAl'.l'.r.." Athi,ophoros is the 6rst íind only 0 medicine wliich luis carried ofi' tho prize as the perfect remedy for Llken matism and Neuralgia. O Liketworelentlesstyr.intstl'.cy !,;; age held thcir BuffcriiiK vicír.:r ;i 0 (Trip. ïhese l'oor pllfl'eiers li;v b-t I a in the power of their oitpreriöürs. ATDLornoROS has entoreil the i?agt;d iu coufiict with tlie monsters, ain i won Uit' victory. As the competitora iu tlw 8re ):i ifamesof oldcouldw-inonlyby tb" -nuls nf abüityand eudurance, bo Aïht.oi'houos ha the prize, not alone by trivüuí temporal bybringin an enduriuK cnre, as well, ti thom vh - bave Buffered the excruciatimf amonios ol Bheniua-, tismand ïïeuraltna. Athlophobo9 is a novelty, nototoly q in name. but in its elements. It is nnlike Rnv prennrrition v t .,+ ¦ diwil Athi.opeoiïos actsonthebl " ¦!. i and joints, rcmovinir the poipon and acid fien the blood, carnes them out of the ByEteni. O Athlophoros Is put up Tvitli consummatc Fkill, and contains nothiiif? that con ioseibly harm the moet delicate constitutiou. Now, doyouwant to suiTer on and on? or do you want to be well ? j G " Athlophoros" WILL Cure You o If you cannot get Atfilophoros of jour drogist, we wlll 8end lt express paid, on recelpt o! regular prlce - one dollar per bolt lc. We prefet that you buy lt from your droggiat, bui ir he hasn't lt, do not be persuadeú to try s ometülug else, hut order at once írom U3 as dlrected. ATHLOPHOROS CO.,tl2 WALL ST., KVÍ YORK. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ". R. hiiiiiiiiiii5i:i RINSEY &SEABOLT'S llllllï AND Flour and Feed Store. We kpep conetartly on huid, BREAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, ETC., For WhoHsale and Retall Tr.ide. We Bball also keep a puppiy of SWIFT & DEUBEL'S BEST White Wheat Flour! Delhi Floiir, Kyc Flour, Uiu'kwlicitt Hoiir, Com Jtlcul, Feed, Elc, At Wliolosalc and itetítl. A general stock of GROCERIES and PROVISIüNS Conslui'tly on band, wliich wil] be sntd on as reasonohle termi M t ny tner house Iu ihe cit). , ('anti nad lor ISKTTEIi, BQG-. and COINTüY PUODIHJK (fenerally. (Jood delivered to any purt or the my without extra charge. RISSET & SEABOLT. COMFORT, ECOfOlY AM) Si'EEl). The time when tb seeker of n new bomc in the far West and his wearied famil.y rere requlretl to suffer the fatigue and illsBomfort ofalongjonrney In aregularday coach, with no beds bilt tlie wats, lias lonjt sincu passed by: n greal majorkv of sucli passengere beintt unable 10 prnvide thelr fiiniiüJs with tlio luxuries of Pullman l'al ice Slccping cafe, ort account of the expense. TheAtchlMn,ToppVa(S SantaFe R B. ('o., bejtan, several yeara ugo, to equip IU llnei wiili sleeplng enrs which wouid nfford eemfortable sittlng room tor it. paiMngera by day, :'lul aíree abli! sleepinjt apaittneuts it night, and to opon thesfc accoinmoilatioMs wiiliout extra chargé to all persona iravellug, even on the lovv fares uniformly furnlabed toeeekers of bornes tn the new country now opening along the line of Uie road, na wel] as lo the Paclflc coast. These sleeping carturenot Bpbolstered,bttt are Qntehedon the interior in liiird woods, and aller cacli trip aro thoroughly wash%fl, and made as clean as when they Jiist carne iïom the bnilder's hands. These care are also well lighted and ventilated, proTided wlth closeta and lavatorios, and areliberally supplled wlth water and íuel, so as to malie them eonafortable at all seasons of the year. Theaitentof the Company at Kansas City will take especial paina to lócate pasBengera of the same nationality togethpr, and classify passengers wilh some C0U81Qeration of aêcommodation and congeniality, so as to make their trip as coropankmable and enjoyableaa possible. The train men are also initructed to look carefully after the comlort of these passengers. Asilgnmenta of berths are made at Kansas City, bywhlcnpMBengersmay beassured of retafiilng their places throitgh to the Pacillc coast if desired. These cars forma part of the expreas trains botween Kansas City aiul l'he Needies, and Kansas City and Denüng, and passengentbus have all the privileges of these eomfortable cars at the extreme low ratee of fare, and anive at thelr dustinatlon as promptly as If travellng In l'nllman Palace Bloeping Cars. J'arties deslrlüg any fiirther Information wlll, by addresalng the underslstned, receivc prompt and conrtcous attenlion. J. O. l'llIl.I.HTl, W. General Auent, I noa 1200. ¦! ( ']aik rt., CnlCHgo,


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News