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The only known spedflc for Epileptic Fita. "j I AIbo for Spasms and Falltng Sickness. Keirous Weakness It instantly relieves and cutch. Hcanses blood and qulckenï slugglsh clreulatlon. Neutrallzes germs of dleease and savea Hlckness. Cures CA SKEPTIC SAID] 1 ugly blotches and gtubborn blood sores. Elimínate Bolls, Carbuncles and Scalde. fJPennanently and promptly cures paralysls. Yce, It Isa charmlng and ¦ healthful Aperlent. KIlls Scrofula and Kings E vil, twln brothers. Changcs bad breath to good, remov¦ !ng the caute. Ronts blllous tcndencles and makel clear complexión. Eqoalled by none In the delirium of fevcr. A charmlng resolvent and a matchleBs laxatlve. It drives 8ick Headaclie Hke the wind. prt'ontalnB no drastlc cathartlc or oplate. Kelierei (THE GREAT) CWElRfVlEXCOWQUlEBORD the braln of morbld fancles. Fromptly cures Rheumatlsm by routing It. Eestores Hfe-giving propertíes to the blood. Is guaranteed to cure all nerroua disorders. jyRellable when all oplates faH. Re. freshes the mind and invigorates the body. Curei dyspepBla or money ref unded. [iNlElYlElRÏFlAlilElsD Dlseasesofthebloodownltaconqueror. Endorsed in wrltlnR by over flfty tbousand leading citlzena. clergymcn and physlclans in U. H. and Europe. IFor sale by all leading drnggists. $1.50. (13) For Testimoníala and circulara send stamp. The Dr.Si. Richmond Metl Go. St. Joseph.Mo. Lord, Stoutenburgh & Co., Agents, Chicago, Illinois. ir ami ir. " If you are suffering froni poor health 'or lanfjuishing on a bed of sickness, take 'cheer, if you are simply ailing, or if jou 'feel weak and dispirited, without clearly ' knowiiif? why, Hop Bitters will surely 'cure you." "If you are a minister, and have overMaxed yourself with your pastoral duties, ' or a Motliur, wom out witlt pare and ' work, or a man of business or iaborer ' weakened bythe strain of yourevery-day 'duties, ora man of letters, toilin over 'your inidnight work, Hop Bitters will 'surely strensthen you.'' " If you are sufTering ' from over-eating or ' drinking, and indescre'tiou or dissipation, or ' are young and growinjr ' too fast, as is often the 'case." " Or if you are in the workshop, on ' the farm, at the desk, any where, and ' feel that your system needs cleans'ing, toning, or stimulating, without 'iiitoxicating,ifyouareold,bloodthin ' and irapure, pulse feeble, nerves un' steady.faculties waninjr, Hop Bitters 'is what you need to give you new ' life, health, and vigor." If you are costive or dyspeptic, or suftering from any other of the numerous diseases of the stomacli or bowels, it is your own fault if you rematn 111, If you are wasting away with any form of Kidney disease, stop tempting death this moment, and turn for a cure to Hop Bitters. If you are sick with that terrible sickness Nervousness you will ünd a"Balm In Gilead" in Hop Bitters. If you are a frequenter, or a resident of a niiasmatic district, barricade your systetn agaiust tho scourge of all countrie8 - malaria, epidemie, bilious and intermittent feveis- by the use of Hop Bitters. If you have rougli, pimply, or sallow skin, bad breath, Hop Bitters will give you fair skin, rich blood, the sweetest breath and health. $300 will be paid for a case they will not cureor help. That poor,,bedridden, invalid wife, sister, mother, or daughter, can be made the picture of health by a few boules of Hop Bitters costing hut a trille. Skinny Men. "Wells' Health Kenewer" restores health and vigor, cures Dyspepsia Impotence, Sexual Debility. $1. Queen Victoria is said to have nineteen grand-daughters. When the old lady and her grand-daughters get on a street car a good many loyal Britons have to hang on io the straps.- Louisville Oourler Journal. "Uoiigh o Rats." Clears out rats, mice, roaches, (lies ants, bed-bugs, skunks, chipnniuks, gophers. 15c. Druggists.


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