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W. T. Perk ins, law '84, is in the city. Dr. H. C. Adaras is back f rom Cornell. C. L. Carter, law '85, has fione east to travel during the summer. The Lecture Association banquete at Hank's Friday night. Saturday next, at Lansing, Agricultural nine vs. the Universitie3. L. M. Dennis, '85, sailed for ï:urope last week to spend the summer. The Phi Kap. house, on Washtenaw ave., is undergoing parlor decorations. A. S. Hall, '84, is the principal of the Dundee schools the coming year. Mr. and Mrs. B. S. Waite, of Menominee, are visiting D. Cramer and family. E. O. Grosvenor, '85, accepts a position as clerk at Lansing for the summer. A recent careful analysis of ice from the Hurón decide the water to be very impure. F. M. Bingham, lit., 8G, returned Sunday night from his Detroit visit of several days. '87's $20, cleared on their cla?s supper, gave the committee supper No. 2, at Hank's. DwightH. Ramsdell, formerly of '86, is now au instructor in piano, organ and harmony. The S. C. A. enjoyed a fine sociable at the residence of Vm. Wflgner last Friday evening. They do wy that the ladies' base-ball team of Philadelphia, lias challengcd the Universities. Prof. D'Ooge entertained his Pindar class last evenlnS at his residence on Washtenaw ave. r, N. Scott, '81, wiü probably succeed E. N. Smith as assistant librarían of the general library next year. Mr. Randftll is doing the decorating at the Sigma Phi House. The residence is undergoing extensive repairs. W. S. Mahon, '82, returned the latter part of the week from hia work at the Boston Instltute of Technology. We learn that a change in the arrangements for the Pre9dent's reception on commencement evening has become absolutely necessary. Heretofore it has been entirely open to the public. But now that large classes gradúate in June from other departraentg bcsides the literary and conscquently au increased number of guests from abroad are in town, it is found that the President's house is not spacious enough to entertain the general public in addition to the Faculties, the members of the graduating classes, and the alumni and other yisitors from abroad. Serious discomfort has been experienced by those who have attended during the last two or thrce years. It seeins necessary, therefore, to limit the reception to tne Faculties, the graduating classes, the alumni and the specially invited guests. President and Mrs. Angelí are with sreat regret forced to make this Hmitation, but our citizens generally will appreciate the reason for it. - -


Ann Arbor Courier
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