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mi áiVIIflVWffiínrf pyiiiiifliiM f !¦¦¦!¦¦ mi M r , r "OOKOyMARTYBS" I - iV 'I centiiltH niauy tHpn I I A V Hl' BLOrlC üf IUOHtBfS' I 1 ƒ A I J nlzlng suírerin S I V V- Doilung. (¦Ulicrln trnir or pie! ure, con ti" njore itis'.r stiul tliuq CO sharp, s.'vcre. Blwollnir pnliis dalle rii1 nlXtfk eixUirou by tlnise w honro nutrtyru to tlio II ¦ terrible torment. NHimü;lii. To I rhl of rJ inajtyrdoui u llus lirsi ul U wlio safier. ÁTIILornoiuM Mnratiía nnrvt, auü .kiM i tljl)i'i"i of Wmrahilu. Athi,opiioros taita hothh i IiWiti. sufferers whomlhe maal líiUlful iibj'gUlaa liava jiot buu alilo to ÜBOt Athi-oi-iioiu oterates on the bloed, mui. tu. iindjülntó; anddtesotvlugtlie acftp tim sMfeu lihemmaüsm, reiuovea mmíiu froui lUe sysiooi. Athlothobos is proroROCOd liy all who In t+rt It un fpdiwer Bpèolac lor tbese Read the testimony of one of the sufferers. David Little, Sumner, Benner Co., lowa, writes: " I mu p8t 77 yeara of age, have had the nheumaüaiu thxeo yeara aiid eigüt iuouüíb; lodt oiie-thirJ jf luy weiífht; could nol walk, but ibnfllcd aluiiif ou crutebea; could not sleep; nerven shatterud, uo Btreumh In my hauda, wristn, luieea or feot But thauksbetoGod foryourgreatdincovery! Themodlclne arrived Baturday núflit. I took a doee Suuday inornlnK, íolt It all over me, and kept on ilh it. Mouday morniníf I got up und drLriBed uiyí, aud walked out iuto the kitt.heu without tho aid of crutcli or cañe, and wiued them ulla hapiy New Year. I reist well niífhtfl, aiu g-jhiuig in Ktrenpth, and ouce more enjoy Ufo. Wish I could put Athlüi'Hohob in the hai ut of every sufferer f rom this terriblo diaease." If you caunottcet ATHLOPHOP.onof your drnKgiüt, we will eend it expres paid, on receipt of refftüu price- one dollar per liottle. We prefp.r thatyou Imy It froin your lru(-'t,'ift. but if he btsc't it. do not lie perfltiaWd to trj' houiething else, lut order at once f rom iMi oh directed. ATHLOPHOBOS CO., H2 WALL ST„ KEW YORK. UUMKlMJie-IIUUJIJUlWiuwiMUUUl "COMFOKT tCOXOSV AND SrEEl). Tlie time wlicn llic see'Ucr of o ncw home in the far West and hU vvea.ieil faot'dj wei1 requlred fo siitlVr the fatiüuc and ilisooinfoit (if alon.ii jonri ey in i n (rular daj; coach, witli nu hedí but tlif whIS, lias lotiid siiicf passcil by: ii grêat inajority of snch piisfenjferK beinji unl)l i piovidi! Ilieiifiinnlies wltli llie luxuiies of Pullman Pul Slc( ping cars, on ccc uul oi Ilicexpense. Tlic Aichison, ToDf'íH A S mta Fe KI?. '¦).. beiTüii. ieveriJ yt-ais ago, to equip its lines vvith slt-eping cmis whicli woud afiord couifoitable sittinr room tor its pa-isageis by (la-, and arco able Bleoplpg apartineiits at night, and to opn tliest accoinmoilations williout extr Charge to all persons traveling. even on the low tares unifoimly furnished tocekei-sof homes ia tliencwcountiy now opening alonar tho line of the roati, as well as to the Pacitic coast. These sleepinf; cars ure not uphoUtcreci,but are finished ou the interior in h;ml woods, and after eacli trip are tboroiijrhly warijed, and made as clenn a when tlay lirst canie lïoin the biiilder's hands. These cars are ilsowell liülited and ventilaied, provideil with closcts and lav:itorieí, and arelibenilly Bup Ued with water and fnel. so as to make Üw.n cJQifeirtn bitat all 8UUSO118 it ttie yenr. The agent of the ('o:npany at Ka sas ('.tv will take especial pains to lócate pas .(.iimi'Is (it the saine nationulily trigether, anl clHSfcify paisengers with siune consideration of Hccommouation and conenialIty, 80 as to make their tripas coinpanionable and enjoyableas possihle. The train uien are also mstructed to look carct'ullv al'ter the comtort of tliese jiassengers. Assigninents df beiths are made at Kansas City. by which passenger may beassured of letainiufr their places through to the Piioitic coast if desircd. These cais form a part of the expres trains hot ween Kansas City and The Needies, and Kansas City and Deining, and i;isseii{;ersthus have all the piivilejies ' emnfortable cars at the extreme low (ates of fure, and urive at their destinatiou hs promptly as if traveling in Pullman Palace Sleeping ( ',irs. Partita de&irlóg any fint lier Information will, by adiin ssing the uudersiüiied, prompt and coiirtcous attentinn. J. O. l'iiii.i.ii'i'i, W. General Agent, ll'JJ-1200. M Clark st., Chicago. RINSEY & SEABOLT'S iiiisijiliii AND Flour and Feed Store. We kep conetantly on Irtnd, BUEAI), CRACKERS, CAKES, ETC., For Wlii.lcsiile and Retull Trude. We shall also keep a eupply of SWIFT & DEUBEL'S BEST White Wheat Flour! Dellii riour, Kyc Flour, BiicUm iit:il Flour, Coru TI :ii, l'eed, Ktc, At Wliolesale and Uetail. A t;enerl ttock of GROGERIES M PROVISIÜNS Constuutly on hiinci, which wfll he snld on as reasonahH' terrpg as t any other houae tn the city. Caeh nad for BUTTER, EGG, and OOÜNTBT PRODUCE gonerally. (ioortx drlivercd to auy purt of the city without extra charge. BOSEY & SEABOLT.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News