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June 22 1 is the longest day of 1884. Circuit Cnirt ronronea agaln next Monday. t m t Kvklently heuting up for commeneement week. A. P. Hansterfer has an altaek of rl] en mutis ¦ Tlie ilepnty county clerk was out to Uie farni yestenlay rusticatiug. Company A go iuto camp at Biigliton f rom August 7tli to llth inclusive. Tlie Summit street bridge costs $521.50. Lucas & Tessmer have the contract. Louis vVade, ex-deputy county clerk, has chaaged bis resklence to Boston, Mass. Miss Alice Cochrane has resijrned her position as teacher in the fourth ward school. m Give the next adininistration a good send off to-uight by attendinj; the ratification meeting. Fred. H. Belser, ileputy county treasurer, sets 'em up. It's a boy, and arrivcd last night. W. A. Sweeny is at Battle Creek and other points working up the boom for August lst. What will be the result of the Xew York State Democratie Co nvention totlay, say you ? J. R. Miner passed our ufflee this morniiig eviclently on the way to the Lake for ii day's lishiiij;. One of the city aldennen was seen dropping iuto a Main slreet saloon last Simday evening. Charlie Wagner last Friday received the first "Star" bicycle Aun Arbor has had. Ii is a 51-inch, small wheel in front A splendld rain feil about noon to-day. Our teleplione rang out a number of times with tlie sharper flashes of llghtning. ______ The senior subs. in Iarge ïmmbers jiassed onr office this morning en route for Whitmore Lake for tlieir cluss-day esercises. MissCarmen's class in the Fourth ward expecting to make a present of it to their teacher. Marshal Pall made some fun for lookers-on last Monday in his arrest of a tramp who was taking a snooze on the court house square. D. Moulton of Toledo was in the city yesterday with a view of gettingup an exrmsion along the Toledo road to this city Emimcipution day. The Royal Arcanum iiolJ their semiannual election one week frora to-night, and the Knights of Pythias on Tlmrsday evening of next week. The campaign was inaugurated at the corner of División and William streets Jast night. The music consisted of a ñfe, or piccolo, and guitar. In May 90,144 bushels of wheat were marketed at thirteen eleyators and milis in this county. Tliat was more than any other county except Calhoun. About forty linie folks were most haudsomely entertained at the home of Ciracie Moore last Thursday afternoon. They all report a splendid time. W. F. Breakey, E. S. Dunster and A. B. Palmer, of tliis city, at the 8tate meet ing last week, were chosen delegates to tlie National Medical Association. In April the highest temperature was 72'; the lo west 23, and the average 44 180 inchesof rain and snow feil aecordIng to observations at the observatory. Rev. Talbot, of Macon, Mo., wlll preach at the Episcopal church next Sunday. Mr. Talbot wlU probably reinain through comtnencement week. the guest of Dr and Mis. Palmer. Ben. Brown W. Connty Treasurer Jtnapp carne out ahead in the supreme eoiu-t last week on the question of allowig wspeetion of liquor lienses Full port elsewliere. The clock, valued at 25.00ind set of soliü silver teajspoons, value $15.00, were a very agreeable surprise for Mr. and Ï8. L. O. Goodrich on their return from üetroit last week. Ask Joe Riley, of Stimson's grocery 8t0'e, if refrigeratorsfreeze butter crocks. e, so we learn, found tliree crocks broken the other day tliat had been placed ffl the refrlgerator. Roben M. Wetzel passed a creditable amination recently before the State Pliarui acy board of Ohio. After graduaron next week he goes to Wooster, Ohio, t0 accept a situation. Th first Blaine and Logan pole in the Otytathe oneof Wm. A. Clark justnortli "' Uw Coukiek office. He made it by Wmmliig up a liandsome evergreen in bis 'Rah for the Plumed Knight ! At the Orchard Lake Military Acad""yabright new monthly paper starts W onder the name of " The Acaderay aiuT '" Tll(! tone of its articles '3 man'y J ,.'ts 'yPJfpUcal appearance very Atable. Weweteoawlt, p heState Medical Society met at Grand 'aP'ils lust week and eK-cted Donald ' aclean president. It is charged that obtaiuea the election by running in ut eighty new membcrs whom he Uro"ghtthere on free passes. A cow, with a rope attached to ht horns and one of the front legs, while driven al011g the ' JJ mineral springs ]ast Monday, began n,nnin .mi threw heiself into the dltdi breaking her neck instantly. Tl e ani' mal belDtiged to Mr. Stein. IJ qutebwTtha7 Compaity A w.ll dlsmlaa about flfteen ortwenty membera of the company soon, and there will then be an opportunity for that number of new recrcits. If the recruits are enlisted before July 1, they will Ko nto camp n AugU3t wlth the com About sixty men of the present forcé WIH be in camp this ycar. The Methodists of Indiana, Michigan and Ohio will hold a Centennial JubFlee at Islaml Park Assembly, July lOth and llth. A host of prominent men will take part, including Reva. R. s. Rust, J c Hartzell, John Alabaster, J II' Ford Washington Gardner, A. Marine, J. m' Arnold, J. S. Smart, R. B. Pope, E c' Hammond, H. M. Joy and others We happen to know whereof wespeak when we say tbat there is no truth whatner iu au itetn appearing n one of last week's papers, clipped froni the Ann Arborcorrespondenceofthe Saline Observer. The item referred to spoke of Forepaugh's leaving with aChronicle editor one liundred tickets to be distributed among the University professors, &c. Meanwhile, the übserver's correspondent ire,s wonld do -en hereafter to observe inore cautlon before giring circulation to an untruthful item of this sort. St. John's day, nest Tuesday evening, at the Episcopal churcli, the Ann Arbor Commandery of Koights Templar will hold public services, beginning at 7:30 o'clock, Kev. Thomas W. McLean, of psilanti, conducting the sanie. Sir Knights will lie here from Ypsilanti, Chelsea, Dexter, South Lyon and Milan. Following tlie exercises at the cliurch, the Kuights banquet at the Cook. It is expccted that about fifty memhers of the Commandery will be in attendance, in addition to some others. To tlie services, which are said to be very fine, the public are cordially invited. H. J. Brown goes into Detroit to-day to meet with the committee on legislation of the State Pharmaceutical Association. The Association will doubtless urge upon the Legislature the establishment of a State Hoard of Phaimacy for the examination of persons desiring to practice pharmacy in the State. Similar boards have been established in other States. A renewal of certificates from tho State board, should such be eslablished In Michigan as conteinplated, will probably be required eyery year. The move is 8 good one. The second annual meeting of the State Association will be held in Detroit September 9, 10 and 11. We have been iuterested for some time in a collection of pictures owned by Mis. C. M. Stone, of tliis place, now on exhibition at Randall'a gallery. Familiar faces recall pleasant recollections of the hours spent in foreign galleries containing tlie origináis of these, and we find ourselves dropping in again and again for another look at some face which has especially attracted us. A faithful copy is not plways an easy thing to be purchased, even inEurope- as any one who hastraveled and has learned to discrimínale UeiUeeU Wliat io sood anil wKt o only a piece of soulles3 canvass can teatify. As the subject of Art in all its various branches is receiving considerable attention in our city, we are always glad to see and note anything especially vvorthj' of attention. We ma3r, perhaps, in another article, notice some of these rare faces which have particularly iuterested us. While i Mr. Davis's office rccently the secretary of tbe county pioneer society, we noticed a specimen of apple tree wood, two inches In thickness and nearly two feet in width, cut froin the body of an apple tree, which witli a number of others lias an interesting history. Perbaps it is sufflciently explained in the following which we found attaclied to the specimen: " March 1, 1S84. Presented by Henry D. Platt, of Pittsfield. The tree was planted by Oliver W. Whitmore in 1826, on what is known as the Whitmore farm. The apple was known as the Detroit apple, and was regarded as an excellent variety. The tree has not borne fruit for a number of years. A number of Rliode Island Greenings planted at the same time are yet iu bearing. The Detroit was n fall apple. The trees blossomed every spring but did not produce fruit. This was the first orchard in the county.7' The president of the High School alumni association wishes us to make it very distinctlj' understood tliat all are very cordially invited to attend the lkerary part of the exercises at the Baptist church, next Friday evening, at eight o'clock. The subjet of Dr. Jones's address before the association at that time will be Jlalbheit : - the scholars' halfness; and we are perfectly confldent that wliat he will have to say will not be excelled dming the commencement season. We will be much mistaken if the house is not filled to overflowing. The treasurer, Mr. L. D. Taylor, of the First National Bank, wishes as mauy as can possibly do so would immediately inform him, in person or by postal if tliey expect to be present at the banquet: this will enable the executive committee to provide for any number of covers that may be reqnlred. Tickets admitting to the banquet can be procured of the treasurer or at the entrunce, for which a slight charge of fifty cents will be made as usual.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News