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Baking Powder Figures

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THAT DON'T LIE. ¦ ¦ The Royal Raking Ponder Co. try to frivc the inference tliat tlieir powtler contains more Cream Tarlar and tliat its Lcavciiiiiü Pwcr s greater tlian iny ot her marie, 8 stated in their advertlsement on the " Compavative Worth of B;ikinr Powdens," exhibited by black lines. name was mentlonecl in conneetioD witli oni' of our brand, made of dirterent material? as the trade niight demattd. Our Creani Tartar brand of Andrciv' Pearl was omltted, evidently for a very good reason, judging trom the rclatlve merite of Andrbw's "Phahi, " and the Iioyul. as cleaily demoiistrifted by tlio Government Ciieniist, Dr. Pktku C'nr.i.iRi! of tlie Department of Agrleulture, at Washington, from samples rtceived by hiin from dealen who furuished the samples from their stocks ou iianü in open market. S iKWlng excess of Civam Tarfar In F D PfJI I IPPQ' AM Al VCIC - ¦ - N U. S. Dept. of Aoricvi.turf. I y - Washington D.C., March lü, 18S3. f ¦ C. E. Andrews & Co.- Gentlemen : I reeeived by JT expres fromThos. Lydon and J. P. Harkins&Co., 5 ,.- ==;. Grand Ave., Milvvaiikee. and HarperBroe., Chica, Mi iJ7i77M So, 111, samples of Andrews' Pearl and Royal Bak . W I I infr l'owders. Tlie cans were in good conditlon J Ou I B wlii'n reeeived a.v.0 thesenLa unbrokeu. I find apon 4 [ ff) E ¦ analysis tliat Andrews' Pearl Kaking Powder conS - ! ¦ tains abontfour mi a lial; (412) per cent, more WSjÊBÊM $ p 9 crt-snn tarlar tlian the Jioyal üaking l'owder, X B Illl ¦ and a proporlionatoly larjjcr pcreeiitaye KKSB IS of rurioiii' a l,i jias, and I llutl il to )¦ nËM .E S l'rec IVoiii aluin, aid any ïiijuriosis snbran ? si a saiice. WHEJ 9 Sincerely yours, QL yL' ï' Cv V. S. Ciieniist. Dept. of Agiicul'.ure. . ¦ Bramen! Cïiemist Collier's Analysis as to tlie Leaveuing: Qaalities. ANDREWS' pe&rlWSSSBÈêMBBBSËÊESSBSËÊSÊSESBSMêÊ&s royal 9BBHB Xo wonder the Royal Oo. omitted Andrews' Pearl from their " Comparative ist," as Government Chemiit Collier's analysis shows eonclusively two thinjp: Ist, Tliat Andrews' Pearl eontalns more Cream Tarlar tlian the Royal, as shówn by the outs above; 2d, Tliat the I.cavenitig l'owerof Andrews' Pearl isgreater than the Boyal, as shown by the two black lines above. CHALLENGE. "We will gtfre the Royal Co. or any one else $1.000 or $5.000 if they can prove by anv fair mutual test that Andrews' Pearl aking Powder does, or ever did, contal n tlum or my injurióos substances, and this challenge is open forever. Andrews Pearl Bakiug Powder is sustained by a testimonial asto itspurily and Mrenirtn by the only genuine commissioned Government ohemist, sueh as the Rojal Co. liever have'publislied. Tkv It. ep c E AXBREWS & CO., '287, 289 & 201 E. Water St, Müwaflfcee. 45 Michigan Ave., Cliloago.


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