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Krom Ihc Dcxter I.ea'ler. Mi.-s Bogo;, white tryinga pair 'of roller skates at home, a short time ngo, fHpped and broke lier ankle. The link opening was a grand success - in iiumbcrs, cnjuyment and tinanrially, the receipts being in exce.-s of sixty dollars. Jacob Hummel recently placed on our table a qwart jar of milk" that lmd stood 24 hours, the eream on which was fully 1% inches dee p. llev. Mr. Stanley luis le-n engMged as Rector of St. James' cliureli in this village, aml will enter apon the discharge of lis dutlee on tlie 2öth inst. We congratúlate the Episcopal cliurch ou having scured a Héctor. There wac u smash-up on the railroad i short distauee w.est of' tliis villnge, on fuesday moruing. A stock traiu from he west ran into the gravel traiu as it was backing onto the main track from the pit, esulting in the wrecking of lifteen cars uid the killingof about 150 hogs. Traius were delaycd a number of hours befare he track was cleared, ind passengen vere obligeU to trauster. The cause of he accident was a failure on the part of he fl igman at t he pit lo go back far enough with hissignal. During the thumlcr-storm yesterday, bo resklence of Mis Carr, in this villaje was struck by liglitning and daniaged to heextentof about $25. The lightning struck the corner of the wing wherc it rojects beyond the ii[)iiglit. and p-issed nto the ])antr}', (Rüklug sad havoc with one entire side ; it passed clear across the building, a distance of 25 or 3U fect tothe other corner of the winr, tearinr off siding and piaster. It also struck a small walnut tree standing a few feet from the ïoi theast corner of the house. The inmites of the house were not harmed. SIANCHESTEU. Chas. R. WnltmaD, prosecuting attorney, delivers the oration at Manchester on the Foiirth. A line program throughout is anticipatcd. From the Enterprise. Mr. Taylor, wbo works Harvey Squire's farm north of town, brought a stool of rye to this oflice which grew from one kernel. There, are 41 stalks on each of whic'u there la ta-a I. That old landmark, the" farmers' mil]," which ürst caught the eye of visitors to our village for many years, and which has been torn down by pieceineal, bas now ahnost entirel}' disappeared. We believe the original building was a saw-mill and it was about the ürst building erected in the village. Lumber was sawed at that mili and hauled many miles away to be used in building up the residenceí, barns and stores in this section. Henrj' Gardner, of Sharon, was taken to the Pontiac asvlum yestei'dav by Jumes Kelly and M. Brenner, of Manchester. He wasconliutd in the Kalaniüzoo asylum tor some time and was returned home a year or so ago, bilt he was not well and has grown worse ever since. His wife and the neigbbors stood in mortal fear of him and Judge Harriman was caüed to Manchester last Monday to inquire into the case, and having satisfied himself that the man wasinsane, he was committed to the asylum at Pontiac. Gardner bas armed himself with clubs, stones and au axe, and it would have been quite risky for anyone to attempt to take him from his lading place in the barn, but Horace Wisner found him iu an outhouse and caught him with little trouble. SAl.INB. From the Observer. Mr. Llndenschmldt purchased of Henry Ettjmmond this week a fine two-year-old steer that dressed ÜOO pounds. The firstof the week Mr. Crissy, tenant on J. Sturm's farm two miles uorthwest of town, showtd as a blade of wheat fully six feet high, grown ou tlie new clearing on Mr. Sturm's farin. During the heavy rain storm of Wednesday noon last, lightning struck the Lutliem'church iu this village, doing some little daüiage. Tlie lightning en tv red on the peak ui the gable roof, passed through the ceiling in tive places, tore the ends oö two pevvs beats, and passed té the inside hall doors wfaere it toi e olt' the lock and absolutely ruined the door. The accident was not disco ve red Mr. Nissly went in to ring the bell this morning. This is the second Mieli a visit withiii about a year, :uid lucky 'tis itdid not caten lire. TPtlLANTI Krom the Commercial. AWerman George has lost 20 Ibs. since that friffhtful adventure at íáilver Lake. He tel Is the tale with tears in his eyes. Deubel and Moore slmdder at the narrow bonudry between lite and death by lire. A man from Ann Arbor, eugaged in the sbwing machine business Ifft his horso iu the suu all the afternoou on Tuesday, tilt about six oVlock, when the old horse jut about "gin out." On re-moving him to a thaily place hu soou recovered. _ - narrj ucsrie, me walker, Uied recentlv at Kingon, a., of the results of a wound received in 1876. At that time he was walking a tight rope a,t Richmond, and was just about to step into an upper window of the building to which the rope was fastcned, when he saw a little girl rolling down the steep roof upon which she and her parents had been watching him. As she fel from the eaves he caught her safely, bu lost his balance, and swung head down wards v:ith the child in his arms, strik hu head against the window-sill as he Í6Ü. But he ching to the rope with his feet, and slowly raised himself upon it witli his burden, while the crowd lilled the air witli cheers. The child was un hurt, but Lcsüo had received a deep gash in his heail. -Bishop Turner, the colored Bishop of the ííoutb, snys that he was recentlv on :i train iu Tennessce with his wife holding fint-olass tickets for both, fron Cleveland to Allanta, when a brakeman ordered them nfio the smoking car. H told ihe brakeman his wife wassick ant could not stand the atmosphere of th smoking car, when, says he, "the roug reply carne, 'Don't stop to argüe wit me; "et out or 1 will put you both out, and he moved toward my wife. I mtercepted him and said: 'Please let me sav a word to you kindly. I want no trouble, and I pray God you will save me from any, but if you touch my wif therewill be a funeral to-morrow in either your family or my own. He gave me a terrible look and then passed on. My wife remained in the car and I wfnt into the smoking car in order not


Ann Arbor Courier
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