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2 "Rougli on Hals." Clean out rats, inicc, ronches, dies, s ants, bed-bugs, gkunkx, cbipmuoks, gopliers. 15c. Druggists. A well-known nierchant was asked b}r his little tootsic wootsie, wifey : " How ! long does it take for a monee to row into R rot ? '" - Scissors. E2T It is a well Kuown Fact ! In the Diamond Dyes more coloring is given than . in any known Dyes, and they give taster i and inore brilliantcolors. 10c. at all drug; gists. They are a great success. Wellí, . Richardson & Co., Burlington, Vt. It is said tliat Tennysou's son is n poet. Tli iis far the oíd man has escaped such an accnsiUion.- Arknnsaw Traveler. 'Moilier Swan's Worm Syrup." Infallible, tasteless, harmless, cath.-irlio, for feverlshness, restlessness, womds, constipation. 25c. The euccefgful c.indidate of last Tuesday says that all his frienda were de-vot-ed to liim.- Williamsport Breakfest Table. Hood's Sarsaparilla Is designed to meet the wants of those who need a medicine to build thcm up, giv thcm an appetito, purify their blood, and oil up the macliinery of their bodies. No other article takes hold of the system and hits exactly the spot like Hood's Sanapai il la. It works like magie, reaeliingevory part of the human body tlirough the blood, giviníí to all ren e wed lif'e and eoergy, $1 a bottle; six for $5. Mi.-s Maddern wil] bood present a new play, " The Professional Besufy, and if t does not take well slum be Mad der-'n ever.- Oil City Derrick. Skiimy Men. ''Wells' Health Benewer" restores healtli iind vigor, cures Iyspep8ia Impotence, Sexual DebUlty. l. ''Violent giils have done much damage in iliis couniy," says a New Qarapehire loca! Phcet. We suppose the editor wrote "galpw1! luit the compositor knew better. -Burlington Free Press. Cures of Llfé. As wc come to tliem tliey are received l)orin! with, .nul passed overwith no more tliiiu a thought, if we are in the enjovment of heulth, but If sufferlng with Piles or skin discase of ,-iny kind they man-nifv - bundred fold. Eberbacb & Son theDruirgists, have Dr. Bosanko'a Pile Kemedy is an absolute cure for any affecMon of tbis kind and is solcl at 0 cents. "Overeóme by gas" is the headline on ¦ dally paper. We knew these tremendona ras bilis woiild kill somebody sooner or later.- Botton Oommerlcal Bulletin. "Cuchiipaiba." Qulck, complete, cures all annnyino Kidney, Bladder and (Jrinary DUeaseá il. Druggtst. Dr. Deerns eaya : " Klasiag is a pttrely American liablt." Itsahabit that many people seem Incllned to set tlieir face against.- Maratiion Independent, Do Xot be Discouragrd even If you have tried niany remedies for yonrKlilney dlssaseor LI ver complalnt without succefs it is 110 reason wby you should tbink your disorders incurable. The most Intratable cases readily yield to the potent virtues of Kidney -Wort. It isa purely vegetable oompound whioh acts on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowela at the same time and thus eleanses the wbole system. Dou"t wait, but get a pnekage to-day and cure yoursclf. Brooklyn policemeu arj not allowed to chew or smoke w hile on dury. It is supposed that they ;et enough refreshmenta from their sleep. - Louisville ComierJournal. Caiis oí Fallare. Want of confldence aceoanta for half of the buslnefs failuiesof to-dav. Eberbuil & Son, the Dmgfl;i8tf, are not T.mble to fail for tlie want of confldence in Dr 1! isanko's Cough and Long Syrup, for be sives away a bottle ft-ee to all wbo mic sufl'ering with Coughs, Colds, Asllnn.-i, Consumption and all nflectlona of the Tliroat and LunL8,


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