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Mortgage Sale. DKFAULT HAVING BEEN MADE IN THE conditfos of a certain mortgage executed hy -ydiaKirchhoter, of Manchester, in the County of Washteoaw, and State of Michigan, tu Jared S. Lapbam, of Northville, Wayne Couuty, in said State, heaiing date the ieventeenth day oi Apiil A. D. 1S79, anu recorded i i ttie office of the Hegiiter of deed? for said County of 'Washtenaw, in Iiber55 of mortgages, on page "iMÏ, and by which default the power of sle containtd in naid mortgage having become operative, and no snit or proceeding at law or in chancery having been iustituted to recover the umount due on said mortgage, or the note accompanying the same, and toere being now claimed to be due on yaid note and mortgage, the sum of Two Thousand Two Ilnndred aud Seventy Dollars and Seventy cents [$2,270 7(i]. Notice is therefore hereby given thai said mortgage wil) be forccloíed on Friday the ííiueicenth day oí September, 1884, at 10 o:lork in the foreuoou of that day, by aale at public auetion to the highest bidder at the south front door of the Court House in the city of Ann Arbor in said county of Washteuaw, (said Ccmrt House beinir the place of holding the Circuit Court tof snit! county) of the mongaged premisos described in miid niortgage, or so much tüereof as may dj necegsaiy to ö.ttlsty the amount due on uid note and murtgage with reasoiwble cos'a und szpeoaw; wtnch said mortaged premisos are doscrined in eaid mortgtge, as follows : AH those cert;iin parcela ot land sitúate and faling in the Vlllage of Manchester, in the _ ounty of U'ashtenaw, and State of Michigan, known and described ag Iota four (4), Sva (5), six {li), seven (7) and alrht (8) in block one (1) in Granger aud Mo:gan"s addition to the Village of .Manchester, acconüug 10 the record d plat of said addition. Daled, J une 17(U, A. 1)., 1S84. JAKK1) S. LAI'IIAM, E.D. KISNE, M'TH'i -,.,. Ati'y for Mortgagee. ISÜ-12U Estáte of (ieorge II. Olds. STATK OF MICHIGAN, County of Waslit.uaw, _ss. At a session of tie Probate Conrt for thejCour.ty ol Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Oillce. in the city of Ann Arhor, on Tuesday, the seTenteenth day ot June, in the ye:ir one tbooMnd elgbt liundrcd and eighty-four. HÑwnt, William 1). ll;u riman, Judge of l'robate. In thi umtjir of the euute of Georce II. Olds; decetted. On rotding nd ttllug ilie peilUoo, duly verlfled, of Almira O. Olds, that drnlnlatration il: OODll lijn, wiüi t e will ann xed, ol' uld Mtate, mav ba fñntad io Jwoti UanfltJa. ar ome olher suïlable pi-rson. Thereupon It is ordered, that Mondar, tinroarteentb day of Jnly next, at ten o'ciock in the foreiioon, be assi'ned for the hearing of said petillOQ, and that the devisees, legatees and heira al law of eaid deceased, and all other peruons inteieuted in said estáte, are required toappiar at a SOMIOQ ol said courf, then to be bolden at the Proate Ofllce, in the Cily of Aun Arbor, and show cause, lt' any there be, why the prayer of the )t;titioner ghouid not be granted. And it is further ordered, that said adminisirator give notice to thr er8one interested in said estáte, ol the pondclicy ot said petition, and the heariiiL' thereol, bj canstng l copy of this ordiT to bepublislud in the Ann Arbor Cowirr. a newspaper prinled and circulaing in said county, three siuvessive weekH prsvioue to said day of hearing. (,A truecopy.) WILLIAM 1). HAHKIMAN, Judge of Prohate. W.M. (i. DOTTi Probate le_ister. UMQ 1203 C. H. MILLEN, INSURANCE AGENTi Xo. I Soutli Main St., Ann Arbor. The tiklest agenpy In the city. Kstahllshed i qaartw ot oaeinry ao. RepreaeutlDg lie toiiowing ïiist-cias.s ownpanlea : [oma Ins. Co. of N. Y $7,-l88,645 onUnental Ins.Co.of N. Y l.siiT.üJ Niaiim lus. Co.ofN. Y 1,874,024 Gimnl Ins. Co. of Pblladelpbia 1,259,067 Oriënt Ins. Co, of Hartford 1,418,622 'ommen-Hl l' u ion of Lomlon. .11,048,949 itverpoo), Lomlon and (lobo. .34,409,082 talos I,ow. Losses Liberully Ailjusted ml Prompt ly Taid. 0. H. MtLLEN.


Ann Arbor Courier
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