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Pron our Rryular Correspond'-nt. WASHINGTON, D. (J., Jum, MO, 188!. Congress wants to adjourn on next Snttnrdny. Oue Bturabllng block (o so early an adjournmeot ta In Ihe conference committees, wuere tlic many addltlona and alterations made by Uic Sonate to the Navy, Consular and Diplomatic, Army, Pension, Indlan, autl Postofflce approprlations, have caused opposlog views on these ineasures to be liekl with great obstinacy. Uut the membere of botli houses are getting very tireil, and they inay Dot allow any politioal gquabble to keep tlieni here. Many of thera say even f somc of the approprlntlons have to be simply brldged over until they meet agaln, they must go. The third house is the lobby is called is still in session, and has charge of many jobs not yet put through. It will tiy to tuck its pet lueasurca quietly nto some of the still pending patch-work bilis, like the sundry civil, legislative, and general dc-ficiency. As is usual in the confusión of a hurndlyclosed session, tliere will be somc crude legtslatton In the next few days. As to the House, it has tiothing to do nou-, or rather it it will do nothlng now hut niake speeches, talk, quarrel, and pass unimportant measures. It is waiting on the Sonate which was late ;ettiiis the Approprlation bilis trom the house. Tlie Senate now lias all these bilis, wliich have not gone to the conference commlttees and when they are out of the way, the resolutlon to adjourn will be adopted by the upper branch, and gratefully conClirred in at the othei end of the Capítol. The senate is worklng energetieally today over tbc Kiver and Harbor bilí, proposing to give Government employees who have worked more than ( ight liouis B day sincc the eiglit hour law was passed, the extra pay ti which they claim right. No conclusión was reaehed. and the subject is go over to the next session. And so will many other bilis. The calendáis of botli houscsare fullof measures whicli ought to liavebeen considered, and wliicli will stand little chance of being properly considered duriiig the next short session. Bat the Senate could do nothlog more than it did. It is already several yeais aliead of the House with vvork. The practice of printing In the Congressional Record, speeches which have never been delivered in the Halls of Congress and of suppresslng speeches which have boen delivered, has caused a good deal of trouble and otlsunderstandiiig, The way in which Senator Logan's record was assalled the other day in au unspoken speech which :i mcmbcr got leave to print, is a case In point. Senator Logail's name appeared in a list ot' alleged "land grabbers" and his friends rushed at once to hiá vindictition thereby springing a lively political debate in the House, and cali Ing forlh a little speech In the Senate frotn Gen. Hawley. The Senator from Coaneoticut, said the object of a statenit-iit tliut Senator Logan held 80,000 acres of land could only be to prcjudice a gentleman whoae circa mstances are such that he can hardly speak for himself, tlioiigli abundantly qualifled, as everybody knows, to do so. Mr. Hawley further suid that Senator Logan was only the owner of the land upon whicli his father died, to which he had added a little In hig oivn state of Illinois. Truly the Democratie party is Uriven to au extreniily for eampaign capita!, wuen such egregious inventions as the above are regorted to. In the House, Representative Valentino, and Cannon explained that Meniber ilcAiloo, wouia not Iiave made tlie statement on the Moor, that he covertly inserted in tlie Record, and th it it was nieant to mislead the country. The Record purports and is intended to show what actually takes place In Congress and afler this session, speeches that have not been delivered in eitlier house will be prohiblted lts pages.


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