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jífROYAL S&,ïi$ Jfc B POWDER Absolutely Pure. Tliis powder liever varíes. A marvel of purlty, strcngth anl wholcsomeness. Moreecouoinical than tbe oidlnary kinds, and can nol be sold in eompetition with tbe multttude oí low test. shot weight. aluin or phosphate powders. Kold only in caus Royal Baking Powdek Co., 1W) Wall St. K. Y. HM Af ISTHE T1ME II ÜI I i Uta To cure y HUW i SKIN HUMORS.II ihtB sea-on when the Pores open freely and iho PenplratíoQ is abundant that Disügurint; Unmoie, Humilisting Erupiiuii Iithint,' Tortnree, Sftlt Whtïura r Eczema, Fsuriaeii, Tetter, IÜDffworm, Baby Humora, öcrofula, Scroiuloua Sorefí, AbíCessep, and Discharginu Wounds, and tvery Bpeclea ol Itchlna, Scaly, and Fimply Dieteaes cl Uie ski and Scalp are most speedilj and economicüily cured by tho Ccticdra Reue DIK-. IT IS A FACT. Hunclreds of letters in our posseselon (copies ol which may be had by return mail) are our Htithoiïty for the aesenion that Skin, scalp and Blood Humors, whether Scrolulou;, liiherhed, or Uoritayiouï', may NOvV be permai.eutly cured by CUTiuuB. Uesolvkvt, th iiuw Blood Puritter, iuturnaliy, It one bah the time and at one haif tne expense ut" an otüer suhbud. CREATEST ON EARTh7 Cuticuha Remedie are tue greateat medicines on earth. Had tlie worst case öali Rheum in this country. My molüer had it twenty yeara, and iu tact died f rom it. I believe Cuticuha wouid have pu ved tier lile. My arnm, breast and head were covercd Ier ttiree ye:ira, which nothing relieved or oured uLtil 1 iiíed tbe Cuticuba KBoLyaNT, inturitally, and Cuticuka and Uuticuba Soap, cxternally. J. VV. Aiïams, ewark, O. GREATBLOOD MEDICINES. '1 he buil has not been told as to Ihe great cnraive Dowera 01 the iaiticura Remedie. I have jaid huiidredB oí' dollarB lor medicine . tn v ""? jíscumso ui me uiuua .m mnu ana never foana ¦ invihiiif; yet to i-qual the üuncuRA Kemkdies. Ciiab. A. Williams, Fruvidence, K. I. CURE IN EVERY CASE, Your Cuticüba Remedies outeell all other j Icine I keep lor skiu dlseases. Mj customers and patients eay that they have tffected a cure in every inistauce, where oiher remdies haye iailed. j H. W . Bkockwat, M. i. FraDkllu Falls, N. H. j Sold by all druggists. Price: Cuticura. 50 Cfs.; Kesolvünt, Hj Soap, 2öcts. Potteb ükoo and j Cheiical (Jo.. Bostou, Mu-s. Send f ..r"H.w to Cor Skin Diseawss." J -f-% Tf A fTrX3rFor Suubarn, Tan and I BEAU A X Urea-ySkin.Blackheads l'iiupii-s, oKin Bleuiieties, and infantilo Hnmore, ( use uuncuuA Soap, a real Beaatiner. SANFORD'S RADICAL CURE FOK CATARRH. ( 1 Complete Treatment with Inhaler for One Dollar. rpnE Great Balsamic Distlllation I X ol Witch Haze , American Pine tjgw_ CuBHda Fir, Marigold, Clover. Ka Blossom, etr., called Sanfords aBSí Kaoical ure, for the imme tf díale reliefand permanent cure of A every form of Catarrh, from a J simple Cnld in the Hffiid to Lon B J of Sinell, Taste and Smell, Congh Cae and Catarrhal Cousuniptien. ComiMi píete treatment, coneistine ol one mlii 1 bottle Kaiiical Cure, one box Ca Vil - tnrrlial Solvent and one improved IW Ê Inhaler, in one package, my now ¦Yïïi V be had of all Druejíiets for $1.00. k-% Ask for SANFORD'S RADICAL CURE. ._ . ? l"-ís . Monroe, Lewisburg. Pa. 'K „o Vound acasetha, it did not relieve at ¦ice "-Andrtw Lee, Manchester Mass POTTtBÜIlOO AND CHEMICAL Co., riOStOH. i-i Jíew ffe for Sliattered i i M CiNerves, Painfnl Máseles and ¦Jfl-l"lllTVVeakeiiert Oriruns. ColVOLTAIC l n' Voltalc KUctric ïn fSh Flast r instanuy eneets VJl )W thu uervous system and ¦ -'i ttt banisties pain, nervonness 'V 3EVand deWlity. A perfect W flr t leo tro - GBlvanle ELECTRIC uatiery o.omblned ASTw final Piaster lurüCin. AH drugífists. til fiíl IN CASH GIVEN AWAY To the SMOKERS of Blackwell's Genuine Bull Durham Smoking Tobacco. The genuine has picture of BULL on every package. For particulars see our next announcement. èvërTlivêIiêrchant 1M AS ABBOB. Should Advertise in THE COURIER.


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