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The Knights of Pythias have thcir inBtallation of officers to-monow evening. The hoot and ladder boys had ;i .aiVnilM liini' mi Saline on last Friday. Bank reporta of tlic Savings and Farmers' and Mechanics' Banks appear elsewhere, There wlll be 110 'services at the Unitariau clmrcli during the months of July and August. The picnic ou the Fourtli, of the Iiish Xational League, at the Bower property, was a success. Mr.CornelIua Hildener tías been made bookkeeper of the Saviugs Bauk and Fred Henion takes hls forrner position of messenge r. Company A sent thirty up to Jackson on the Fourth. They report a fine time. New recmits to the company are being recieved now. Geo. Oslus & Co. have received to date sixteen cases of goods f rom. across the pond. Eight more of the present shlpinent are on the vvay. Hutzel & Co., for $1,200, have been awarded the contract of putting a new steam heatlng apparatus into the Methodist church. The change is from u liigli to a low pressure apparatus. Wednesday evening of last week the follpwing offlccrs were elected by the blue ribbon club: President, M. F. Guinon; viee-presideuts, Mrs. McOolluu) and Jlrs. Winslow; secretar}', II. Gra treasurer, C. II. Worden; sergeantarnw, Hiiam Weeks; door tender, I?ob Win.slow. ¦ ¦ The attendance at RelleT Park last Frklay was very large, 'tis reportad. The picnic was under the auspices of Germania Lodge, No. 47G, Haiugaiï, we bclieve. The procession formed at the corner of Main and Liberty, anti after niarcliing around the court house square, went out to the park. Last Suiiday night bnrgJars entere Dan Ross's house on División street an obtained a watch and cliain, vahied $50, and $4 in rnoney. The same nigl thieves were discovered in D. Cramei house, on Huron street; theyeseaped an without any spoil. Monday two persons were anested at Dexter who are charged with the acts referred to. They are lield in thecounty jail. íj reorganizaron ot tüe auü Albo Typograpliical Union, No. 154, lias bcc effectad, with charter inembers as follows, E. J. Morton, Robert Shannon, Jas. B. Satandera, C.G. Cook, George Grossinann, Geo. P. Stauch, and Kirk H. J. Clark.' I'he following are tlie ofliccrs of the Union : President, Robert.-Uiannon viceiresident, Geo. P. Stauch ; correspondiog ecretary, James B. Sanndera; financial secretary-treasurer, Geo. Grossmann ; seroant-at-arins. Kirk II. J. Clark. Regular leetings first Monday of eath month. Rev. J. T. Sunderland, pastor of the Unitarian church of Ann Arbor, has accepted the offer made him some time since f the general secretaryship of the Wwtrn Unitarian Conference. Hls duties egin Sept. 1. Tliough Mr. SmuK-iland- eadrjuarters will be at Chicago, hisfamv will ,„;„ :.. ..-=. .:...,, aiiu !,. !,„,,„ ccasionally to address his congregation tliispoint on Sabbaths he ma be able spend in Aun Albor. The pulpit here ill be supplied a portion of the time om abroad. Mr. sunclerland's appointment is one of considerable importance. Last Monday a woman stopped at the residence of Mrs. Stevens, Washington street, and atked for a drink after receiying which she took a seat on the door steps and persisted in remaining there. Mr. Davis, superintendent of the poor, was sent for and the strange visitor was persuaded to chango lier location. On inquiry, it was found that slie had tliree laige tiuuks awailing her at the express oflice, from South Lyon. A wonian answering her description left on an M. C. evening train. It is thought she was insane. Whowasit? Recent loilge elections : Washtenaw Lodge, No. 9, I. O. O. F. : N. G., George Scott; V. G., J. B. Dawson; correspondng secretary, W.C.Hollands; treasurer, E. J. Morton. Ann ArborEncampnient' Xo. 7, I. O. O. P. : C.P., E.J. Morton; S. W., George M. Fitzmeier; II. P., j. Sprague; sciïbe, H.E. Gidley; treasurer, H. T. Morton; J. W., J. B. Dawson. Kniglits of Pytblai : C. C, Dr. V. C. Vaughan; V. C, Dr. C. P. PengrajP.,' Giibert liüss ; M. E., L. Taylor; M. F., Chas. Richards; K. of R.and S., C. Dow'; M. A., F. JSaker; Grand Lodge representatlve, Dr. V. C. Vaughan. ' We ai e sorry to say that the death of Miss Edith Btfrtetgh, who sustained severe injuries In being thrown from a horse Thursday the 2Gth uit., occurred at 51 East Liberty street at 12:30 a. U. last Saturday. Her recovery was from the first very doubtfnl, but the relatiyes and friends were hopeful to the last. An opportnnitj was given to see the reraains at the house Saturday afternoon, before their shipmcnt to N. Y. City on the evening expiess. The floral offeriugs were many and very beautiful. Quite a lar-e number of persons accompanied the friends to the depot. On arriving in New York, services wlll be held at one of the city cuurchós, and the remains interred in Greenwood. Mrs. Blasobard and Miss ïünette will return to the Catskills to recupérate, liy ay of correction, we would say it was not MUs Burleiglrs mtcntion to go upon the stage, as reported she intended to pnrwie work in St. Mary's chool, Episcopal, N. Y„ for several years 'et. The sympathies of a host of friends n Ann Arbor aie assured Mrs. Blanchard ind f.imily in tliis sad bereavement