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The Common Council

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At a refular meeting of the common cotincil on Monday eveuiug business as follows as transacted: A peUtioD of lifty residen ts of the city tor tlie construction of an archeü stone uulrert over Allen's creek, on Fiftli streel, was referred to the general strect eommittee. The report of the iinance cointnittce as read and adoptcd. Warrants ere ordered drawn 011 the different funds for the following ainounts: First Ward funil, $78.60; second, $3U9.04; third, $394.41; fourtli, $307.65 ; flfth, $100.01 ; sixth, $381.07 ; general street tand, $428.10 ; general fand, $274.08; contingent fund, $458.86. Total, $3,908.86. W. F. Breakey, N. W. Checver, T. J. Bullirán, Thos. Clarken, and C. George were each allowed $25, total $12,"), their salary as niembers of the board of liealth. Prof. Chas. E. Greene was allowed $200 for his services as consulling engineer to the committee on -water works, and for preparing a plan, and estimates. James Tolbert was allowed $51.63 for services to the city. The repovt of the sidewalk committee recom monding that sidewalks to the number of seventcen be built, as per tions prcsented, was adopted. The saine committee reported favorable to allowing the constniction ofsidewalks on the east side of Main street from Packard south to the T., A. A & N. M. R. It., and on the east side of fourth street, from Packard to Madison. Adopted. The fire departmeut committee reported in favor of allowing S. Granger $10 pay for the past two years, on theground that his name had been dropped froin the company's roll through carelessness, tliough really performing the duties of a fiieman. Adopted. On niotion, $100 were transferred from the contingent fund to tlie fourth ward fund, for street purposes, to be re-t.ra.nsferred to the contingent fund on the lection of the amount assessed In tlie fourth wanl. Similarly, $500 from the contingent fund to the sixth ward fund, to be re-transferred, etc. And again, $G00 from the third ward fund, to be returned Feb. 10, 1885. Tlie treasurer and recorder were authorzed to transfer from tlie contingent to the general fund tlie sum of $1,000. Aldermen Lnick, Khodes and Hiscock were appoiuted a coinmittee to procure a suitable desk tor tlie city recorder's office. Permission was granted the M.C. R. U. to lay a side track across Rtllrosd and IUver streets to Swathel, Kyer & Peteson's milis. ïo tl.e lire department cominittee.with power to act, was referred the matter of the erection of a barn by O. M. Martin on the old Jai] square. A warrant for $28, in favor of Isaac Diinn, was ordeied drawn upon the dog tax fund, for the killing of fin slieep some nionths since. The b)nd of John Sclineider, Jr., was approved. Tlie reports of the city treasurer, city recorder, and city marshal, for the past month, wen reaJ and adopted. followlng whlcli tlie council adjourneil.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News