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W. B. Cady was in the city Monday. Martin Keck, of Chicago, is in the city Miss Marton Pett is visiüng friends in Saline. Mis. Pebbles goes to-duy to I5ay City to visit her son. Miss Stella Wagner leaves for Petoskey next Monday. V. Sheehan contemplates a trip to the Saginaws soon. K. M. Garrison, of Marine City, was in the city over Sunday. Barney Johnson, of Ctoodspeed's, spent the Fourth at Saline. Mr. Pillsbury, Boston, Mass., is in the city on legal business. D. Cramer let the eagle scream ut Manchester on the Fourth. W. T. Whedon left for Boston, Mass., Wednesday night last. Moritz Levi went up to Petoskey Monday for a week or two. Dr. and Mrs. Winchell and Miss Ida Belle spent Sunday in Detroit. Dr. O. C. Jenkins and M. M. Peck spent Sunday at Portage Lake. Mis. Jacob Baur, of Montpelier, O. is Vigltlng John Keek and family. Miss. Olive Paul went Moml.iv in mi,, Mr. Pope's family at Bay View. Mark Howard, Esq , of Hartford, Connecticut, left for home Monday. Charlie Woodward, of the Cook, takes his turn at AVhitmore next week. Zach Roath, of Bach & Abel's. leaves Tlmrsday for a vacation trip east. H. E. II. Bower, of the Democrat, returned from Chicago this morning. Miss Kate Stronor, of Detroit, is visiting M ss Emily Stebbins, Packard street. Mrs. Miiggie Stocking, of Detroit, is visiüng Mrs. Moses Seabolt and family. II. J. Brown returned yesterday from a week'strip to Cincinnati and Kentucky. Joe Martin, of Muehlig's furniture rooms went to Chicago Monday evening. Miss Francés Breakey is visiting her niece, Mrs. Root, and friends in Detroit. Mrs. A. W. Ames and daughter, Ruth, will make a trip to California this summer. James Fogarty returned Sunday night from a short trip to Menominee and Chicago. Mrs. R. M. Barker and son, Flint, Mich., are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Beal. Mr. Birchfield, meichant taüor 011 LibI erty, spcut the Fourtli with Lis faniily in Detroit. J. L. Stone and family, of the St. James, spend the suuiuier t Whiimoru in a cottage. Mrs. Morse and family, córner William and Fourth, have gone to Alpena to spend the summer. Frantz Coe, '70, was about town last week. lie in principal of the schools at Menominee. Miss Wheelock, who has been visiting Miss Minnie Richmond, left for Grand Rápida Saturday. Mr. Randolph and family start for Chautanqna tliis week where they will pass tho summer. Mr. and Mrs. Hascall and daughter, of Tpslantl, spent the Fourth with Geo. L. Moore and family. Henry Beek, of the postofflce, left Monday for a ten days' trip to Bay City and Eaít Saginaw. J. Simón E. S'mke, formerly book-keeper ín the Savings Bank, is now located in a bank in Grand Island, Neb. J. J. Goodyear and wife retuined from Petoskey Sunday night. Too cold. They went out to Whitmore Monday. Miss Ida Belle Winchell ia rotumcj from Boston. She sang last Sunday in Detroit at the First Presbyterian church. Mr. F. O'Keefe, of Hastings, Minn., is visiting friends in this city on lijs return from Grand Seminary, at Montreal, Canada. Rev. Emanuel Schmid and daughter?, of Columbus, O. will probably arrive here in a week or ten days to spend the summer. Don A. Ganvood, '81, is secretary of the Northwestern Agricultural Association, which has a fair in September at Walerloo. Mr. Lew Hunt and sister, Miss Bessicf in company with Miss Lottie Hall, left Saturday for Manistee to spend the week with Miss Jessie W. Ramsdell. John R. Miner and family leave this week with campmg paraphenalia to spend the summer at Straight lake, about thirtysix miles north of Ann Arbor. Miss Bird Gillespie, visiting Miss Richuiond, went up to Xortli Lake yesterday. SUe returns to-day and leaves for Grand Rapids to-morrow, we believe. F. N. Mosher, formerly with II. J. Brown. will locate at Lapeer, Mich, this being his most central point on his route for a Detroit firm. He moved last Saturday. Mrs. C D. Otis and son, of Chicago, are the guests of Mrs. S. T. Otis, Huron street west. Mr. C. D. Otis, who was here last week, left for home Monday night. D. E. Osborne and wife leave today for a short visit at Chardon, O., and Indianapolis, Ind., before sailing for China. Their numerous friends wish them success in their new home. Miss Flora McDonald is at home from her Muskegon school, and Miss Alittie Curtís from her work at Monticello Seminary, Godfrey, 111. The former does not expect to return to Muskegon next year. Mrs. Dr. Steele arrived in San Francisco on the 29th uit. feeling but slightly the effects of the long journey. Miss Guppy, who accompanied her, reached her home at San José soon after, aiid reports a pleasant trip. J. E. Beal went to Detroit yesterday evening to attend Willis Boughtorfs wedding. Junius leaves this morning for a two weeks trip up the lakes. He will headquarter at Baalt Ste Haria, the guest of V. B. Cady. A fishing expedition is looked for some time previous to his return. Some of those who will attend the National Teachers' Meeting at Madison, Wis., July 10-18:- Profs. W. H. Payne, W. S. Perry, B. E Nichols, C. H. J Douglas, L. C. Huil, W. H. Butts, and H. M. Slauson, Messrs. E. C. Williams and C. E. Lovvrey, and Misses Anna and Flora McDonald. Five thousand teachers from all parts of the country are expected to be in attendance. Win. Galpin. lit. , has returned to Aun Arbor to spend the summer. In an article upon the schools of St. Clair City the Port Huron Morning Telegraph of July 2, 1884, sa jrs : "The schools are in a very efficiënt condition, due in no small degree to the personal attention of the superintendent, Win. Galpin, whose zeal, energy and general trustworthiness cannot be too highly commended." ¦ . w "'¦ - - W. R. Henderson is n Chicago. Jesse Booth left Monday night for Centralift, JIo. Mrs. Charles Wilmot returned Friday to Grand Rapids. Eugene Best returned Monday from a trip to Staunton, Va. Mrs. Smith, of Alpena, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Wines. C. G. Bush goes out to Whitmore tonight for a week at Hudson's cottage. Misses Huggins and Henriques remain in the city until about the first próximo. Mrs. Judge McClellan goes to Auburn, Ind., next Tuesday to attend a wedding. Frank Hangsterfer expects to visit "Hub" Hill again this summer in Muskegon. Mrs. David Rinsey and son went into Detroit to-day for a short visit with friends. Miss Irene Bird, Cincinnati, O., who is visiting Miss Wagner, returns home Monday next. Mr. York, who has been the guest of lis brother Frank for a short time past, eft for home Monday. Mrs. O. E. Wagtier, who has been abMMit for three weeks on a visit to friends n Danville, 111,, is expected home next week. Mrs. E. Dexter ïefft, of Auburn, Ind., is expected here on a short visit Thuisday by Mrs. C. A. O. McClellan, south University ave. At Chicago this week : W. D. Han - man, J. N. Bailey, C. II. Richinond,, J. J. Robison, Thomas W. Leonard, and Henry Merithew. Miss Minnie Belle Wilson, of Dettoit, is spending the summer months with her mieles, Messrs. J. V. and E. S. Alexander, of Webster. Jas. Brower, who has been in Danville, 11. for several weeks past, bas returned nd will occupy his old position at C. E. Wagnert grocerv. Judge Jas. I. Best and family left yesterday for Waterloo, Ind., whence they go to Chicago to-day. From the latter place they leave shortly for Minneapolis, MiHn., to spend the summer. Chas. II. Denison, who visited friends in the city about ten days, left lor Saginaw City last Thursday. Recent news from there reports Fred McReynolds, well-known in Ann Arbor, visiting in Saginaw.