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BACH_&ABELCOLU M N . r f Adrertiaements only cat up money if tliey don't ring true. The beat-everybody-else-advertisement is alvvays and justly a proper cause for suspicion. How niRny thingsstated in an advertisement explode the moment tlie light of an honest eye is turned on tliem. No store can stand the cutting of prices on the stock generally to make Haring advertisements and to attract custoniers and to get people to buy otlier goods at full piices, but there is such a tilingas gathering a trade to inake outlets for large quantities and that is what settles concesslons in prices. This is one great and ever inereasing advantage. Is it worth your while to see what we mean? If so, then look In the linen department at our large damask towels at 25c. Look at the fine table linen GO inclies wide, at Tüc. per yard. Look in the hosiery department at our large stock of fuli regular niade hose in all colors at 25c. Look in our notion departnient and examine the daintiest fans the daintiest of French flngers eau put together or their busy skill devise. Pretty enough and coquettish enough,if one is naughtily disposed to use it for other than fannlng purposes. Look at our parasol, the prices we are niaking on thcm.we thinU wortli th tpll. ing, seeing, and by your leave, the buj-ing. Look n onr área goods départment We llave reduced the prices on all of our novelties In dress goods about oue-quarter. Our $1.75 oomblnation suitings rcduced 'o ' 45. Our tricots in all colois reduced to $1.25, „rice $1.50, wldth 34 inches. These goods are very cbeap. Look at our linen lawni. A coolness comes at the sight of linen lawns. A lady may be up to a summer heat, but she never shows it if robed in the flowers and sprays and vines of all linen lawns. Prices rcduced to 20c, 25c, 30c, and 35c per yard. Look In our cloak départment, we will close the entire lot at cost. $10.00 wraps for $8.00, $12.00 wraps for $9.00, $16.00 wraps for $13.00, etc. Look at our Jerseys. Our trade on them goods is immense. Look at $5.00 Jersey, now $3.00. Look at our $3.50 Jersey, now $2.25, braided. Look at our $2.00 Jersey, now $l.C0. And besides these, you will In every départment of the store enough to convlnce you that a fine administration is here, at your service, providing the safest trading A n n Albor has liad for manya day. WE DO NOT CLAIM that Hood's Sarsaparilla will cure everything, but the fact that on the purity and vitality of the blood depend the vigor and health oL the whole system, and that disease ofvarious kinds is often only the sign that nature is trying to remove the disturbing cause, we are naturally led to the conclusión thataremedy that gives life and vigor to the blood, eradicates scrofula and other impurities irom it, as Hood's Sarsafarilla undoubtedly does, must be the means of prerontine mnny diseases that would occur without its use; henee the fipiii oc to ocfniness is quite an extended one, and we ara warranted in recommendini; it for all derangements of the system wliicli are caused by an uuuatural state of the blood. Why Suffer wïth Salt-Rheum ? Mksses. C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. Gentlemen- I was a great sufferer from Salt-Kheum on my limbs, for a dozen years previous to tlie sunnner of 1876, at which time I was cured by Hood's Sarsaparilla. The skin would become dry, chap, crack open, bleed and itcli intensely, so that I coulu not help scratching, which of course made tliem worse ' At the time I commenced taking Hood's Sarsaparilla (in the sunnner of 1876) they were so Dad that they discharged, and I was obliged to keep thera bandaged with linen cloths. The skin was drawn so tight by the heat of the disease that if I stooned over they would crack open and actually bring tears into my eyes. The first bottle beneflted me so ïnucri that I continued taking it till I was cured I used one box of Hood's Olive Ointment, to relieve the itching. Hoping many others may leain the value of Hood's Sarsaparilla and receive as inuch beueflt as I have, I am, Very truly yours, MUS. S. S. MOODY. Ko. 75 Broadway. Lowell, Mass., Jan. 15, 18J8. Hood's Sarsaparilla Is sold by druggists. Price ?1, or six for $5. rrepared by C. I. HOOD & Co., Lowell, Mass. BICÏCLES AND TBICTCLES FOIt THE BOYS ahd GIRLS! A lot Just received ra-glng In mi e trom J7.50 to35. Also, the followlng desorlbed sccond-hand Blcycles : 54 lncl) Harvard Special, all bright, ball bearings f 100.00 54 " Expert- full nlckeled- ball hearings 125.00 52 " Expert- half nickeled, ball bearlug s 1C0.OO 5'J " Harvard special, full nlckeled, ball beariugs 125.00 .52 " Britlsh Cliallenge-full nlckeled, ball hearings 120.00 52 " Harvard, all bright, hall bearings. 100.00 50 " Expert,, full nlckeled, ball beariugs 100.00 Good second-hand bieyeles wanted. For further partieulars send stamp to C, W. WAGNER, 21 S. Main St., Ann Arbor, Michigan. ]oi205 TKE PNEUMATIC FRUIT DRIERS. Awarded the Siiver Medal over all competitors at Kew EitLrJand Fuir, 1883. Ihe opemtion ís imcli that they rethin tlie nrturul fruit fluvor. 'JJie evaiiratioii jh Üiq most rapil, vith leat fuel. All Kizen for farm orf nse. We manufacture the bestEvsioöt:iid turlümstrated Circular. Vt. Farm Machine, Co., 1202-1210. Cure for Piles. The iirst Sjj'mptom of Piles is an intense itclilng at night aftergetting warm. This unpleasant sensation is immediately relieved by an appllcatlon of Dr. Bosanko's Pile Reinedy. Piles In all forms, Itcli, Salt Klieum and Ringworm can be perrnanently cured by the use of this great remedy. Piice 50 cents. Hanufactured by the Dr. Bosanko Medicine Company, Piqua, O. Sold by Eberbach & Son. 1203-1258.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News