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"Oh!" exclaimed Miss Giisliinglon. looking at the potfrolt. "H natural those eyes are ! Tliey look as tbough they were alive!" "Ves," replied Charles, "t is a life's e.ves picture, you know."- Boston Transcript. Dr. Holmes, the poet, says he believes in the spade. If diamond' are trump and his spade isa seveu-spot, his conftdenci; In it is liable to be wrecked before the game; is out. - Tforiistown Herald. The Secret Art of Beauty lies not in cosnietics, but only in pure blooil and healthy action of the vital organs, to be obtained by Burdock Blood Bitters. SKinii) Meu. "Wells' Health Renewer" restores liealth and vigor, cures Dyspepsia, Impotence, Sexual Debility. f 1. Crow i a favorite tliet HOW with politiciane. - Texas Siftings. Th e re is b man on Clark street who a'vertisos, "flee our white shirt for a dollar." It is more money than we would give to sec his shirt. - Cari Pretzel' Weekly. .Eberbach & Sou the Druggists,whn are ahvays looking after the interest! of their ciistomcrs, have now secured the sale of Dr. Botanko'i Cough and Long Syrup, a rernedy tlurt never fails to cure Colds, Palm iii the Chest and all Lung Aflfcetions. For'proof, try a tree sample bottle. Kegular size 50 cents and SI. 00. Even the ways ot' a pin are cmoked sonietimes.- Texas Siftinis. "Biicliupuiba." Quick, complete, cures all annoying Kidney, Bladder and Uiinary Diseases. $1. Driifrgïst. Do military men use army nnns for bait wben they go flldnj4?- Wanww Wasp. 'Mollier Swan's Worm Sjrup." fnrtítr'JJ-tóKí tasteless harmless, cathartic, tor levensuiicM, nSUegiiea Ttxrnro! i.u„ stipation. 25c. The man in the moon is au econoinical chap. He never gives up his last quarter - N. Y. Journal. "Rough ou Kais." Clean out rats, mice, roaches, flies, ants, bfd-bugs, skunks. chlpmuDka, gophers. 15c. Druggists. The stingof a bee al ways parriesaítern conviction with t. Jt makesa man a bee leaver almost i nstantly. -Chicago Sun. Don't Die in the Honse. " Rough on Hats." Clears out rats. niice, roaches, bed-bugs, flies, ants, moles, chii.monks, gophers. 15c. " Do look, how much heavier Digby'8 wife is than he is I " cried Blobson, as the pair referred to rode by in a light buggy. "Oh, no, that isn't t," replied Popinjay; " they are carryin a loaf of Mis Digby's bread to a poor familyaroand the corner, and that is what weighs down her side of the so." Everjr Homan fit the Laiiü owes it to herself and her family to take care of her liealth. When slie find.s her health failing, and debility and weakness undermiiie her strength, her surest and best remedy is Kldney-Wort. It builds up the genera! health, keeps the secretory system in perfect order, regúlales the Kidneys and Bowels, and enables these important organs to perform their natural functions in throwingoffthe accumulated impurities of the bodv A Chester county nmn has a horse which has attaiued lts 38th year. lt is sel dom thut a horse geta as oíd as tliat- in the opinión of the owner; but, probably in this case the owner doesn't wantto sell EgrEconomy is Wealth. No woman roally practices economy unless she uses the Diamond Dyes. Many pounds can be OnlylOo. Simple to use. Wells Iifóhardson & Co., Burlington, Vt. Itissaidtlmt figures doirt lie; bnt the figures ol some society ladies aré vvretchedly deeeptive, to say the leaw.- Chtoairo nun. 6 Compare the dose and quantity of Hood's Sarsaparilla, and yon han conclusive proof of its superior strength and cheapness. Try it. Jnst as Goud. Many unscrupulous dealers may tell you they have remedies for Coughs ai.d Colds equal in ment and in every respect iust as írood as the oíd reliable Dr.' Jioinko Coiigli and LungSyrup, unless vou insist upon tilia remedy and wlll take'no other yon are liable to be reatly deceived' I rice (0 cents awd f 1.00. íoíd bv Kber' Liuch &Son. The man whoenjoys the tnotlmi'lii' "ivitiently" is evideutly the dentist- Boston Courier. 1)1 A I IV IjI í1renllWKr 'k'L furditioi71.Fhü 1 1 4 I V h e' ?ubllh''l t AucuKta, bis hl.torian and MtfttoSySí OT2 D(atfleld. jiuhiiBhed by u, outsolrt tho twcntv ÍSS iby. üut8e8 every book cver ímbl.hjd in thiB world; ,n,my .Keutí ure „clMn" üftv ilally. Agente are making lorlunes. All níw hp ,'ii.uerB Bucceralnl; rand chance lor thfm tía M made by ? lady tgunt the llmt day. Terms luoít iberal. I'articulars free. Belter send 25 cento ?oí poBtaee. etc., on frce outfit, uow ready, Inclnding láJi-OI Allkn A Co., Augusta, Mnine.


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