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Where .lul that oold wave come froni Sunday nlgliO Goodyear claims the bifigest tish catch of the MMon at whitmore. Ostu & Co. rejoice in a new floor In thelr store, putdownjMt week. Anotlier liquor license tas of $300 receired last week at the cotmty treasurer's offloe. , , , The noniinations of coiinty officers wil) probably not bc made uutil the niiddle of September. _____ S. W. Olarkson was last weck chosen caablet of the Fir?t National for the ensiiing year. _ .- Tlie Register force versus the CouRlER force, picked nines, play a match game of bate hall soon, 'tis said. The simimer season is improved by quite a somber of oor tnerchants ior taking au invoice of stock. The Camp'lLou party at North Lake came in last Thursday. Four of the gentlemen go out this week Friday again. At eleven of the nineteen elevators and milis in the county, 16,334 busliels of wlieat was marketed by farmers in June. Goodiich & Guiñan this week sent a package of gooda to Fied. L. Iloughton, au Ann Arbor boy, who is with his unele in The Balies, Oregon. At a special council meeting Monday evening M. Martin and M. C. Peterson were grantedtlie privilege of eiecting barns on the oíd jftil íqaare. The riflenien of company A practice on Wednesdays end Fridays. Five will be selected to represent the company at the contest In camp at Brighton next nionth. Levi D. Wines and S. S. Blitz, to flll vacsneies were both made offleers of the Royal Areaneum, on their initiation last week, the former, Sentincl, and thelatter, Vice-Regent. In this part of the State pcaches proinise20% of an average erop this season; the average for the State is 20#. Apples promise here 72Jï of an average erop, the average for the State being 76% . Recorder Durhelm bulletined the teleRiams from Cliicago last week. The crowd in waiting for the results was noticeably not so large as at the same place during the Republicao convention. 1,442,3S8 busliels of wheat, it is estiniated, was the yield of 69,279 acres in Waahtenaw la 1S8Í!. The probable yield the present year of the 67,655 acies of wheat in the county is placed at 1,091,393 bushels. A valuable colt of Edwin Snmner'i was killed by its dam falling upon it In trying to extricate hereself from some difflculty in a box etall, where she was turned loose for tlie night, having been In pasture duiing the day. l'p to the 12tu inst. wool as folio w bad been purchased by Chelsea buyers this season : R.Kempf&Bro. 150,000 pounds; Babcock & Gilbert, 100,000; V. Judson, 50,000; Wood Bros., 23,000. Total 323,000 pounds. l'retty good. About the first of August Gerhardt Josenhans, wlio Jias been employed with Douglas, Henderson & Co. for some time takes a half interest in A. D. Seyler's boot and shoe store. The firm will probably be Seyler & Josenhans. A good one:- A well-known Deraocrat of Ann Arbor is reported as asking last week what convention was in session at Chicago! Again: - Tbr: conversation turniug on Gov. Begole, 'tis said the same party desired to know who Begole was! Messrs A. SI. Doty and George Feiner will forra a partnership about the middle of August, the latter taking a halfj[interest in the stock. Mr. Feiner, now on Washington street, will have charge of the maniifacturing department of the linn of Doty & Co. One day the latter part of last week, a lioise tied near the feed store on Fourth street threw his foot over the hitching 'trap, broke loose and ran about half a block befoïe being stopped, the wagon striking the lamp post at the northeast corner of the court house square, md liattering the globe. Dr. Rose carne home Saturday of last week, thePacking Company by whom he 'as employed baving stoppcd woik for the summer. Beforc lcaving hc was presented with a very handsome cane which Wars the following inscription : " Dr, P. & Rose, f rom bis friends the employees of tle A. A. P. & p. Co." 'l'he Ann Arbor Turn Verein haselect1 officers as follows : President, Jobn Haarer; vice-president, Herman Hutzel; recording secretary, C. J. Reul ; correspotiding secretary, C. F. Dietas ; treasurer, Wil] lam Frank ; llnancial secretary, JWeiss; steward, II. Schlittler; stand ard uearer, John Fisclier. Mrs. Alvah Pratt, who went to San Francisco last summer to make her home her son, Arthur, a gradúate of our Uiversity, writes Mis. K. O. Whiting, lílat sle has seen Ma Dr. Steele several times slnce her arrival, is their homes are "ly two blocks apart. They are revellng n peacheR, plums, apricots, etc. The econd erop of strawberries is now being Mhered. She says Mrs. Steele speaks yW feehngly of the kindness of her busBand's parishioners, and they highly apPfeclateit. Chauucey Millen caught a fivepound pickerel at Whitmore yesterday. Quiteanumber of Ann Arbor people are enjoylng thcmsclves at Whitmore. Au ron fire escape ladder was put up on the soutli end of the Cook house Monday. Miss Irene Grosyenor hasresigned her position as teacher in the Fourth ward school. The Knightsof Pythias installatlon liad to be postponed to Thnrsday eveniug of nex t week. Rev. J. N. Alcott, of Kalamazoo, will deliver a teniperance address in this city next Sunday. In the absence of Agent Phillips ut the Toledo road, A.D. Hitchcock am'. ('harlie Bennett officiate. About thirty of the Turn Verein members spent Sunday at Pleasant Lake, south-west of here. Dropping into Mr. Babcock's Monday we found hini at work on a nice set of harncss for Mr. Duffy. He is busy. Mrs.J. T. Jacobs gave a very fine party for her younger children, on Friday last. About sixty children were there to enjoy the fun. That so-called ratitication meeting Saturday niglit last would more appropriatelj' have been called an apologetic meeting. Eli ? Three or four of the classes of the Presbyterian school spent Friday down the river, with Miss Fannie Steele and others in charge. Dr. A. L. Worden and brother Will go out to lndependence Lake to day tochann the tish there with a $1.00 worth of chubs secured for tlie occasion. At the Dexter skating rink to-night Michael Dolan, of Dexter, and a lad by the name of Swartout, of Chelsea, skate a three-mile race for a $10 prize. Henry Butts, of Dexter, and a person by the name of Leach, of Chelsea, run a hundred yards' foot race at one o'clock to-day in Dexter, for $25.00 a side. We know of an Ann Arbor democrat in good standing who referred to last Saturday night's apologetic meeting as a good display of ürewoi ks and a boom for local aspiran ts. A couple of the uieiubers of the bicyqle club recently made the run from this city to Ypsilanti in forty minutes, and the forty mile's run to Detroit in five houis on the same trip. Messrs. Fall and Henderson, of the pólice forcé, made considerable amusement for lookers-on, Monday afternoon, in taking a drunken subject down to Hotel de Wallace. Messrs. John and George L. Moore W. Tilomas, W. H. Jackson, C. H. Ludlow, Mr. Seymour, and several others, with thtir families, are enjoying a picnic at Cascade Glen to-day. One of Polhemus's horses attached to the 'bus slipped and feil in a peculiar nianner yesterday in front of Goodycar's. The bystanders rendered assistance in putting the horse on his feet again. A slight mistake in one of our city papers ïeferring last week to Lou Taylor as being lined for ridfng a bieyele on the sidewalk. Ile wasn't. By the way, Lou is aot aceustomed to ride on the walks, eitlier. Rev. S. H. Adams, of Chicago, has contraeted for the purchase of the Otis propeity on West Huron Street. Tliere are about twelve acres in the plat. He will lócate here in the fall to give his children the advantages of the schools. Fred Hubbard, now in Prescott, Arizona, sent last week to his people here a box of apiicots grown in Prescott. The joke of the matter is that, though nicely packed, nothing was left of the apricots but the stones when the box arrived here. Last Saturday nighr, while the Democratie fireworks were being exiloded in front of the court house, Dr. O. C. Jenkins's horse broke loose from the post to wliicli be was tied and ran a short distance before being caught. Dainnges slight. Company A had about forty of the boys up Monda}' night for irregular atteudanee at drills. The names of fifteen were dropped from tlie rolls. C. M. King, Albert Sorg, and J. L. Duffy were appointed a committee to rnake camping a-rrangements for next mouth. ün another page is given a detailed summary of Prof. Greene's report of a system of city water works for Ann Arbor. The report, together with the map of the city showing the location of the piping, the hydrants, etc, inay be examined any time during banking hours at Alderman Hiscock's office at the Savings Bank. _ That was indeed a "sly coou" party which last week Wednesday evening camc down upon Miss Fannie Steelc's residence on Fifth street like a cyclone ; they constituted a rather ghostly crowd arrayed as they were in sheets and pillow-cases. It was a most enjoyable and complete surprise of about thirty of Miss Steele's fiiends. The electric llght company are placlng a sixty-horse power boiler and engine in position at the Goodrich furnace building on Fourth street, for the purchase of which property wc understand they have contracted. They will begin putting up the poles next week, and thelights, about thirty in number, will be ia operation in three weeks, it is expected. J. Wm. Hangsterfer sold out his store Monday to W. H. Burleson and others. Mr. Burleson has been in Mr. Hangsterfer's employ for two years past and is well up on the confectionary business. The store will be continued on Huron street by tho flrm of Burleson & Co. Mr. Hangsterfer is moving his Wholesale stock to Detroit, where he opens out in the wholesale business. The Merchants' Dispatch Transportation company, of New York, and also the National Car Company, filcd bilis recenlly in the circuit court to enjoin the Auditor-General from issuing warrants for the collection of taxes under the act of June 5, '83, providing for the taxation of companies loaning cars to be run on railroads in this state. The suits are for the purpose of testing the constitutionality of the act.