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BACH A ABEL'S COLUMN. BACH & ABEL,. Notice to the Readers of The Courier Who may be Interested Personally or Relatively In the Subject of Dress and House Snpplies. The fundamental principies of this establishment are : lst. To sell only proper quality of goods. 2d. To stand by every representntion. 3d. To take bick anything that is wrong in price or quality. 4th. To do a business large enoujjh to afford the smallest of prolits. A good merctiant cannot fail on any of these points, or he should be wanting in his duties to those. he is offering to serve, and who depend on his vigilanoe and faithfulness. Z. A store like this (unsensational) established for a steady business, must maintaiu a stock as nearly perfect as it can be made. A store like this can neverbe undersod. Let prices go down for any reason, elsewhere, tliey are sure to ?o down the same day here. A store like this dare not mislead when it itisists on the return of any article over price or under quality. T!tis is the platform we submit to all parties. BACH & ABEL. PARTICULAR NOTICE. Many lots of our dress goods never were as high in price as advertised to have been sold elsewhere, and tlie prices now are guaranteed as low as sold anywhere. Get samples if you like, and compare, or bring back your entire purchase and take payment, if you find anything otherwise. BACH & ABEL. The grcatcst bargains we know of just now are : lst. Our Silk Ilosiery, 75c ; fornier price, $1.25. 2d. Our Summer Silks at 40c ; former price, 50c and öOc. 3d. Our Colored Silks at $1.10 ; foruier price, $1.25. 4th. Our Parasols, at prices nevcr before named for the same quality of goods. 5th. Our AU Silk Ottoman Wraps, at $15; former prices, $25, $38, and $30. They are triunned vcry nicely witli Spanisu lace, and are very di'sirable prarinentg, but we propose to sell theni if a low price will do it. Cth. Our Ottoman Brocades, now $1.00. 7th. Our Ottoman Silks, now $1.00. 8th. Our celebrated B. & A. Musquetaire Kid Gloves, 6-button, $1.40; former price, $1 75 ; in all colors. BACH & ABEL. SCROFULA. A remedy that can destroy the germs of scrofula, and when once settled has the power to root it out, must be appreciated by those afllictcd. The rcmaikable cures of young childrcn and the more wonderf iri cures of those of middle age and late in life, as ilIustrated by our printed testimoniáis, prove Hood's Saesapahilla to be a reliable remedy, containing remedial agents which do positively cure scrolula and eradicate it f rom the blood. Wakker, N. n., Jan. 21, 1879. IlESSRS. C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass.: Gentlemen- For ten years previous to the early part of 1877 I had been a constant sufierer from scrofulous ulcers or sores, which had fmally reduced me to a helpless condition, as described in my letter to you in September of that year. The continued excellent health which enables me to keep house for my aged father and to enjoy life, keeps allve my intense personal interest in Hood's Saksap ABiLLA.and I cannot ref rain from expressing my gratitude for the permanent cure this wonderful medicine eftected in my case nearly two years ago, while living ia Lowell, wnen all my physicians eave me up as being in an incurable condition. One thlng before I close. I have recommended your Sarsaparilla to hundreds, and ITIiink more than a thousand cases, and my faith in its invincibility in curing scrofula has become absolute by tbe wonderful cures lt ba3 etfected aside from my own. I trust you will not be slow in making the merits of Hood's Sarsaparilla known everywhere, foritisaduty you oweto mankind. With best wishes I remain very truly yours, SARAH C WÓITTIEK. HOOD'S SARSAPARILLA Is a skilfully-prepared compound, concentrated extract, by a process pcculiarly our own, of the best remedies of the vegetabla kingdom known to medical science as alteratives, blood-purifiers, diuretlcs, and tonics. Sold by all druggists. l'iice $1, or six lor ?5. C. I. HOOD & CO, Lowell, Mass. BICYCLES AND TRICÏCLES FOU THE BOYS a" GIRLS! A lot Just recelved rarglng in prte from $7.60 to 33. Also, the following descrlüed second-hand Bicycles : 54 inch Harvard Special, all bright, ball bearlng $100.00 54 " Expert- full nlckeled- ball bearings 125.00 52 " Expert- half nickeled, ball bearlng g 100.00 52 " Harvard special, full nickeled, ball bearfugs 125.00 52 " BrltlBh Challenge- full nickeled, ball bearlngs 120.00 52 " Haryard.all bright, ball hearings. 100.00 50 " Expert,, full nlcUeled, ball bearlugs 100.00 Dood second-hand bicycles wanted. For further particulars send stamp to C. W. WAGNER, 21 S. Main St., Ann Arbor, Michigan. n93i205 Sè THE PNEUMATIC á ÍSÍ FRUIT DRIERS. m mm? Awaed the Silver Medal Ï5f HmJ yr flH competí tors at Liew Hh EBfeffl ' k3 oiHrati'on ia ftnch that ,: jSfc t6! retain Üie natural fruit HWliB'Bmifl fl-ivor. 'J'lie eyaporation i Uit) HBmii- 31 mout rapid, with least f nel. iNVl ¦¦ AlUizt-K forfarniorfactorjnse. fCMW Vemanul'iirtiirettu'tH-HtEvaiioniMnSSr ranrH lrmakin8:ApplefeIly ¦V jfti .Sfiid lor JUuHtraicil C;rci:!ar. ?Vt, Farm Machine Co., 1202-1210. Cure for Piles. The first symptom of Piles is an intense tchlng at night aftergetting warm. This unpleasant sensation is immediately relieved by an application of Dr. Bosanko's Pile Remedy. Piles in all forms, Itch, Salt Rheum and Ringworm can be permanently cured by the use of this great remedy. Price 50 cents. Manufactured by the Dr. Uosanko Medicine Company, Pioua, O. Sold by Eberbach & Son. 1 1 202-1 253.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News