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Compiled from Late Dispatckes, CONGRESSIONAL. Oicthe Ttli, onmotion of Mr. Hale, the Sonate reeeded from tts amendment to the bil muking1 touaporary provisión for the navy n mol ion of Mr. Bayard, a vot of thanks was g:iven to Mr. Edrmind for the abiïity. eourtesy and imartiality with whioh he had jHiformed the duties of President pro tem. Messrs. Shorman and Bayard were appointed a to join the committee of tha hOUSfl in infOrmtng the Presiaen 1 liat ('otiffifss, nnishod ÍU businoMi was ready trt adjourn. At S:ti p, m. Mr. Edmundo (Vice-PreMdent pro torn). made au appropriate farewetl address and then deel a red the sossion of Conffresa adjourned without date in the abae-nce of Speaker Carlisle Mr. Blaokburn was chosen Speaker pro tem. of the Hout-e. Messrs. Kanlull, Turner, und Hiscock were ppointed a committee to wait upon the President and ascertain whether he had any further cowmunication to make. On mot ion of Mr. Woltord the Itill papsed inrreaing the pension of soldier who have lost au arm at the shoulder-joint to tbe iimouitt raoefved by thoso who have lost a U'ir at the joint. Át two o'clock Mr. Kau.11 unnoiiiu rd that the President had no iurther communirations to make. W hon the bour of adjournmont arrived tlio Spcaltci' pro tem., wi?ihin oacM and every inember a Bftft return to his home, declared the Honse kdiourued wiihontdv. DOMESTIC. At Caldwell, Tex., J. S. Mitchcll was shot dead recently by Walter B. Barens, who had assaulted the former'ï daughter. The Grand Jury had failed to indlct Rarens for the crime, and Mitchell lost his life in attempting to obtain revenge. At Baltimore early tfa other morning (ns Slater, nephew of a noted gambler, shot and killed "Frince" McGowan, a wellknonn sportins cbaracter, as tbe result of a quarrel begun in a saloon. The Bank of Mobile, at Mobile, Ala., closed its doors on the 8th. It was aniinunced tliat depositors would be paid in iull. A DAUOHTIB of B. R. Wells, a Chicago merchant, was killed recnntly by a cyclone In Weber County, Utah, where sh was visiting;. A. Dtatt & Co., the firm with whlob John C. Eno, the absconding bank President, transacted busiuess, failed at New York on the Sth. William W. Reed, a wealthy citizen of Cantón, O., was found guilty on the 8lh of forgerj', for which he was indioted two' years ago. Luke ÍS. Cürrier, of Michigan, one of the most daring oL counterfeiters, was arrested at Erie, Pa., on the 8th. He was wanted in ïew York, Detroit and Chicago. Mr. George W, Chii.ds, ot tho Philadelphia Ledger, gave a dinner to eight hundred newsboys a days ago. AVhile going to church ou the eveninj of the 9th at Erie, Pa., Adam Brabender, President of the wrecked Erie County SaTings Bank, was arrested on the charge of having embezzieri the funds of tba institution. $100,000, and was committed iu default of $100,000 bail. James Sampson", of Fairview, Erie Countj-, Pa., was arrested on the !Kh for workiojc in his hay-field on the Sunday previous, he fearing tliat a tlireatening storm would destroy his erop. Sampson, who is wealthy, said that if convicted h would prosecute the niini-iter, organist, choir, and all paid meinbers of the church for working Sunday. Early on the morning of tha Oth W. L. l.ainli, of the extensive Toledo tobáceo firin of Isherwood & Co., caught a burglar in his house. White trying to overpower the criminal he was fatally shot. The assassin escaped. The Baltimore & Ohio Company has purchased the Pittsburgh, Cleyeland & Toledo Road. Twelve acres in the Toledo (O.) lumber district were burned over on the 9th, the property destroyed belonging to the Mitchell & Rowland Lumber Company, in whose yard the flre started, Nelson, Holland & Co., and J. B. Kelly. The loss was $385,000. Sixty-three children started from New York on the !th for the country, where they would remain for two weeks at the txpense of tho Tribune fresh-air fund. At Severance, Kan., Augusted & Smith's elevator, containing 25,000 busbela of grain, and sereral other buildings, were burned a few days ago. Secretary Folokr has alvanced $333,"¦':.', to the President of the World's Exposition at Scw ürleans. The Baltimore Manufacturers' Record recently published the semi-annual statement of the progresa of the South, showing that during the last six months nearly 70,000,000 have been invested in new industrial enterprises and in enlarging ILiose already established. It was alleged on the lOth that the late President W. R. McGill, of the Cincinnati & Kastern Uoad, who was killed recently tjy falling frora a car, procurad about $30,U00 on spurious notes, and that his victims were frieivls. These developments gave rlse to the balieL that he committed suicide. Üaud S., while exercising at Cleveland on the 30lh, trotted a mile in 2:12V. A letter from a Chinese official to a wealthy and influential Chinaman at San Francisco, made public ou the lOth, state d that the Pekin Government had deterniinei to coinbat the French, at the same lime orderiny a tax to be levied on all Chinamen living in the United States. A secret treaty was also said to exist between Germauy and China whereby the formerwouli support the latter in a war with France. ïhe body of Gertía Phillips, aged seventeen, was found on the lOth in a wood near her home at ÏSalineville, O., shot tlirough the hrad. George Hunter, with whomshe was last seen, had been arrested on suspicion. ADOLPnus Scipio," an Italian farm laborrar, of White County, Ind., has, it is said, fallen heir to 78),000 francs by the death of an uncle in Italy. Under orders from Secretary Lincoln, all settlers will be compelled to leave the región known as Greer County, Texas, which is said to belong to Indian Territory. The failure is announced of Best & Co., of New York, dealors in children's clothing, with liabilities of $180,005. The reinarkable performance of the pacer Westmont at the Chicago Driving Park on the lOth placed him at the head of the turf. He paced a mile with a running mate in 2 :01 Ji. ' The Comptroller of the Currency on the lOth erderwl an ossessment of one hundred per cent. on the stockholders of the Marine National Bank of New York. The Louisiaaa Board of Health on the iOth instructed quarantine offlcers to detain all .vesselcmlñg;f rom Toulon7 Marseilles or other chotara-lniscted ports. 1 Two Childben, of „DaVid Hollands, a boy of seven an#a-prtíofJflTÍ, were killer! on thelOth at,theirhoinOia;fwmiles northwest of Víctor, la. AídteTick had been made to stack'hay, whichrfell , killing the bey. instantly. The girtdied two hours a f ter. ! A fire whidi broke out In Mrs. Charles Reiblysbakery at'Bradford, Pa., early on the morning of the llth, destroyed ten structures. Two children f Mrs. Reibly amT a domestic perisbed in the flames, and the frenzied# mother received such burns in attempts to rescue her babe that she died in a short time. Four other persons were injured, two being girls who jumped from upper stories, one recemng a fatal hurt. Charles Keibly, the husband and father of the victims, was drowned two weeks ago, and now the entire family has perished. The following executions took place on the llth : Charles and William Hamilton, brothers, at Warrensburg, Mo., for the murderof Cari Steidle; "Shioe" Forrest, at Paris, Tenn, for killing his mother and tirandmother, and Thomas L. Thompson, a white man, John Davis, a fullblooded Choctaw Indian, and Jack Womankiller, a Cherokee, at Fort Smith.ArJcior murders committed In IndiaaTerritwry. Á. iujs and thuudur atoj-tn oi-Mvuilad at. BtiT.nnovft lor two hours on Elje lITft, tö water falling in sheets, ftaodinjthe callars and first floors oC business and dwelling houses, and doing V'iu.U'W daroage. Tbe removal of t'urnitur and merchandisa to upper floors was a neeessity in some cases. During the storm an infant child of Mrs. Williams was killed by lightning while lying in bd. A sanitary circular, urging that precautions be taken to prevent and counteract the inroads of cholera, and suggesting the cleansing of streets, alleys, etc, bas been issued by the 1 Hmois State Board of Health to cities, towns and villages. A recent fire among the oil tanks of the Cleveland (O.) Refining Company dastroyed six hundred barrels of oil and other property. While the three-year-old daughter of Cornelius Hudson, of Saratoga, N. Y., was playing with a small boy the other afternoon, he poured a full of hot coals down her back. Her cïothing caught fire and she wasfatally burned. William Hart, the only person indicted for the burning of the Cincinnati C'ourtbouse during the late riot, was acquitted on the ] Ub. Secretart Frelinghuyseií States that no reciprocity treaty with Canada has recently been negotiated. In a saloon quarrel at Baltimore early the other morning George W. Sanner, Jr., a gambler, shot and killed William J. Crump, son of a dcceased Virginia Judge. The estimated yield of wheat in Michipan this year is ül,9ftVo,lU bushels- 1,512,41 bushels less than the erop of 1883. Everett & Weddell, private bankers at Cleveland, O., made an assignraent on the llth for Jl,OO,000. It was thought the suspension would only be temporary. lx the United States and Canada there were 209 business failures during the seven days ended on the llth, against 1T3 the previous seven days. The distribution was as follows: Miildle States, 38; New Kngland States, 31; Western, ,"9; Southern, 33; Pacifi States ani Territories, 33; Canada, 13. PERSONAL AÑD POLITICAL. Tuk Democratie National Convention reassembled at 11:30 o'clock on the morning oftheKih. William F. Vilas, of Wiseonsin.was elected permanent Chairman, and addressed the convention. A large number of resolutions were offered relating to the reduction of the rever.ues of the Governmoit to the limit of ils expenses, tarín" revisión, civil service reform, election of postulasteis bythepeople, disposa! of public lands and the labor quest.ion, after wbich, nominationsbeing in order, Thomas F, Bayard was nominated by George Gray, of Delaware: Joseph E. McDonald was neminated by T. A. Hendricks, of Indiana; Allen G. Thurman was nominated by J. W. Breckenridge, of California; J. G. Carlisle was nominated by J. A. McKenzie, of Kentucky; and Grover Cleveland was nominated by Daniel Lockwood, of New York. Senator Grady, one of the Tammany leaders, aigued at length agaiust the wisdom of making Cleveland the standard-bearer. At 0:30 o'clock the convention adjourned to 10:30 on the lOth. Philip Hamii.tox died at Poughkeepsie, N. Y., on the 9th, aged eighty-two. He was the youngest son of General Alexauder Hamilton, who was killed in a duel by Aaron Burr. The first monument to a woman raised in the United States was unveiled at New Orleans on the 9th in memory of Margaret Haughery, knawn as the Orphans' Friend, whese benevolence was extended to all worthy calis for assistanee. The Democratie National Convention, upon reassembling on the morning ot the lOth, resumed the cali of States for noininations, which was concluded at 2:30 p. m., when an adjournment was taken until evening. At the evening session the Com mittee on Resolutions presented majority and minority reports, tbe latter being the exclusive wrk of General Butler. The former document, which was adopted, pledges the Democratie party to a revisión of the tariff in a spirit of luimes-. to all interests, not proposing to injure domestic industries, leaving customs duties as the chief source of j Federal revenue. A ballot was the n taken for President, with the following result: Cleveland, 392; Bayard, 170; Thurman,88; Randall, 78; McDonald, 56; Carlisle, 27; Flower, 4; Hoadly, 3; Tilden, 1; Hendricks, 1; total cast, 820; necessary to choice, 547. At a late hour the convention adjourned to ten o'clock a. m. on tae llth. After reassembling on the morning of the llth convention proceeded to take the second ballot, Mr. Randall's name having been previously withdrawn. During the progress of the ballot many changos were made to Mr. Cleveland, and he received sufficient accessions to insure hls nomination, which was then made unanimous. George W. Fleeoer has been nominated by the Republicans of the Twenty sixth District of Pennsylvania-for Congressman, and A. C. White is the nominee in the Twenty-fifth District. Paul Morphy, the famous chess-player, was drowned in his balh-tub in nis renidence at New Orleans on the lOth. He was forty-seven years old, and had been demented for some years. James T. Johnson has been nominated for Congressman by the Republicans of the Eighth Indiana District. Upon the reassembling of tbe Democratie oracional Co'nrantion on the morning ot tbe llth a second ballot was taken, which gava the Fresidential nomination to Grover Cleveland, of New York, who received 683 votes, Thomas F. Bayard standing second with 81. After arecess there were named íer Vice-President General Kosecraus, Governor Glick, General John C. Black, Joseph E. McDonald and Thomas A. dricks. The formal ballot proceeded for a j short time, when Hendricks was nominated by acclamation. The convention then adjourned sine die. The Republican State Central Committea of Arkansas has decided that it is inexpedient at present to place a State ticket in the field. FOREIGN. A Paris telegram of the 9th stated that war between France and China was contidered inevitable. Pkof. Grimley, the aeronaut, who, together with G. B. Walton and Charles A. Owler, left Montpelier, Vt., in a balloon on the evening of the 4th, reached Mantreal, Can., on the XI h. They landed in a potato patch during a severe storm. Their greatest height was 14,800 feet, where, although a buzzing in the ears was experienced, no other uucomfortable sensations were feit. DcRiNGthe twenty-four hours ended at six o'clock on the evening of the 9tli there were twenty -three deaths from cholera at Marseilles and eleven at Toulan. At Ath, a Belgian town, a Liberal mob attacked a procession of Catholics a few ' days ago and wrecked the Catholic clubbouse. Twenty-six workmen from Bohemia were arrested recently at Vienna for holding secret meetings and having seditious letters and prints from America in their i possession. AMAGiSTRATEat Lurgan, Ireland, named Liddel, was recently fired upon while driving with his wife, the latter receiving a severe wound. The Masonic Grand Lodge resolved on the 9th at Rockville, Ont., that the presence of intoxicants on refreshment tables of subordínate lodges was not desirable. Hugh Murray, of Hamilton, bas been elected Grand-Master of the Fieemasons [ of Canada. The yacht of tbe Priuca of Monaco was wrecked recently at C'arlscrona, Sweden. The Prince was saved, but all the crew were drowned. Lord Trkvelyan, Chief Secretary for [relamí, said in the House of Commons on the lOth that the persons recently charged with odious crimes in Dublin would ba prosecuted. A dispatoh of the lOth from Assouan to l.midon confirmed the reported treachery of tha Mudir of Dongola. The Christians ;here had been imprisoned and compelled ' to turn Mohammedans. Twenty-six deaths from cholera were reported on the lOth from Marseilles and ten at Toulon. I).-. Koon was of the mn Ihat. th sfeoferjè wm ijitrcíluced lyy an Knglish sbip. Forty prsOns were njured by a recent ollifion of a freight and passenger tiaii nfliir Bayeux, Flanee. ï)URitt the twenty-four hmirs ended on I evening of the 1 Ith there were twentyI four dcatbs from cholira at Marseilles and ixteen at TohIoii. On death from the disflase was reported at Paris. The Oermmn Government had requested the varimis Federal States to adopt maasures for j the prevntim of the introdmrtion of ehol era intoGerniany, and Italian troops weri I blockading the roads leading into Italy. Krance forwarded to Pekín on the llth j demand for the payment of indemnity, and ci vu one week'a time for an answer. She had made full preparations for an agressivr naval movment. The Mexican Government, it is nnonneed, has agreed to give a bonus of ifty dollars per head for importad Cb uese. LATER NEWS. Thrik prominent young business men of St I-oras, J. B. Rose, Harry Jasper and V inceut Angelo, were drowned in the riTer at that place a few evenings ago by the boat in which they were riding coming in contact with a ferry-boat and being crushed. Durino the twenty-four hours ended at nina o'clock on the evening of the 13th there were flfty-seven deathv from cholera at Marseilles and thirty-six at Toulon. The New York bank statement on the 12th showed that the banks held $2.';,861,000 in excess of their legal requirements, being the largest sum held by these institutions for years. The flrst case for violation of the Pro hivitive law was tried at Des Moines, Ia., on the r.'th, the defendant, who alleged that the beverage he sold was mead, beinj fined one hundred dollars. The New York drygoods house of Hnlstead, Haines & Co., which was established in 1804, made an assignment on tho I2th for the benefit of its creditors. The liabilities aggregated about $2,000,000. At Valois, a watering place about fourtoen miles fiom Montreal, Miss Ross, daughter of P. S. Ross, of Montreal, and her cousin, Miss Barry, of Glasgow, Scotland, were drowned a few evenings ago while bathing in the river. By the burning of a tenement house on Becond avenue, New York, early on the morning of the 13th three of the inmates were fatally injured by jumping from the windows, and others were badly bruised. A coal oil explosión a few day ago at West Winchester, Ont., caused a flre whish resulted in $200,000 damage. Worn & Co. 's furniture factory at Williamsburg, N. Y., was damaged by a recent fire to the extent of 5300,000. lx wns announced on the VlÏÏi that the loss by the recent storm in Baltimore and vicinity would reach Í200.000. Over ona thfusand hou-ies were flooded. ir was announced on the 12th that General West had declined to accept the nomination on the Greenback ticket for i President with General Butler. Jeruv Patande, aged sixty, liis son Frank, nged nineteen, and Joseph Mascotte were killed the other day by an explosión in a stone quarry near Burlington, Vf. In various sections of New England considerable damage was done on the 13th to crops by a severe hail and rain-storm. The six-days walking-match in Chicago closed on the evening of the 12th with the i fnllowing score: Panchot, 469 miles ; Vint, 44H; Gillis, 439; Schock, 6; Kliroua, 4)2. The Illinois Department of Agriculture repoi ted on the lüth an average yield of I winter wheat in the northern división, and about three-fourths of a erop in the central I and sou hern poitions of the State.


Ann Arbor Courier
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