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Mortgage Sale. DEFAÜLT HA VING BEEN MADE IN THE conditioris of a certaiu mortgage executed by I.ydia Kirehhofer, of Manchester, lu the County of Waehteunw, and State of Michigan, to Jared S. Lapham, of INorthville, Wayne County, lu said State, hearing date the Sevtnteenth day of Apiil A. D. 1879, and recorded Ij the office of the Re irister of deeds lor said County of Waihtenaw, in Uber 55 of mortgages, on page Ü6, and by whick default the power of sale contained in naid mortpajre having become operative, and no f uit or proceeding at law or in chancery baving been instttutcd to recover the mount due on said mortgage, or the note accompanylng the same, and there bein Dow claimed t be due ou said note and mortgage, the ram of Tivo Thonsand Two Huurt red aud Seventy Dollars and Seventy cents [$2,270 70]. Notice is therot'ore hereby given that said mortgage will bc foreclosed on Friday the Niueteenth day of September, 1S-84, at 10 oVlock in tbc foreioon of tbat day, by sale at public auction to the highest bidder at the sonth front door of the Court House in the city of Ann Arlior in said county of Washteuaw, (said Court House being the place of holding the Circuit Court for said connty) of the mortgaged premises described in said mortgage, or so mucb thereof as may bu necesary to utuiy the amount due on said note and mortgngo with reasonable costa and expenses; which suid mortsaged premises are descriiied in said mortg -u;e, as follows : All those certain pareéis of laúd sitúate and being in the Village of Manchester, in the County of Waabtcnaw, end State of' Michigan, known and described as lots tour (4), ttfe (5), six U), seven (7) and eight (ü; iu lilock me (IJ in Qianser and Morgnn's additkm tu the Village of .Manchester, accorciiug to the record d plat of said additton. Dated, June lTih, A. D., 1881. JAKEU S. LAPHAM, E. D. KINNK. M..rtgee. Att'y for Mortgagee. 1201-121.) Eslaie of (ieorge II. ültls. STATE OF MICHIGAN. Couuty of Waelitenaw 88. ' At a leaalOD of ttio Probate Court for thuCounty ol Waalitenaw, holden at the Probate üülce. in the city of Ann Arbor, on Tuesday, the seveiiteenth day ot June, in the ycar one thouoand eight huudred nrid eighty-fonr. Prannt, Wiliiaiu D. Harriman, Judge of Probate. in the matter of the estáte of Ccorpe II OM: deoeusd. Ou readlng and üling the pciltiou, dulv rertaed, of Almira C. Ülds, prayins that adininistration de lioms DOB, With tt will annexad, of eaid estut.', mm be grautcd to Jewett Canfleld. i.r simie ottier BalUibra person. Tfaerenpou it is ordered, that Munday, th rourtoentb day of July next, at ten o'clock in the toreiioon, b inlgnad for tlie hearing of said petiiiou, and that the devlsues, lavateM and heire at law of said decnmd, and all other persons Interaated in said esiate. are nqolrad to appear at a Berslon ol said court, then to bc holden at the Probate Ofticc, in City of Ann Arbor. and show cniiHo, lf any tliere bc, why tlie prnyer of the I petltloner should not be granted. And it is further ordcred, that said aduiinistrator give m)tice to the persons intcrested in snid estáte, of the pendeucy of said pet it ion, and the hearing thereot, by causini: a copy of this order to ba published in the Ann Arbiir Vourter, a newspaper prlnted and circulatingin said county, tbree successive weeks previoils to suid day of hearing. (.A truc copy.) W1LLIAM D. IIAHK1MAN, Jadffe of Probate. WM. G. DOTY, Probate Re-rister. 1990-1Í08 C. H. MILLEN, INSURANCE AGENT! Xo. I Soutli Main St., Ann Arbor. TheoldestagDoyln theoity. Establlslieil il quarter ot a oentnr; no. RepreaentlDi Ilie foUowlng litst-eliiss coa) punios : Home Ins. Oo. of N. Y !?7,-l8S,C45 Conünental [ns. Co. of N. Y.... 4,807,442 NUgara In. Co. of N. Y 1,874,014 Slrard Ins. Co. of lMiiliuli'lpliiu. 1,259,907 Oriënt Ins. Ca ot' Hartford 1,419,522 Commercial Union ofLondou. .11,048,948 Liverpool, Loiulon and Qlobe. .4,402,085 Rates Low. Losses Liberally Adjusled and Proniplly Paid. 0. li. mii.i.en.


Ann Arbor Courier
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