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AKlMö POWDER AbsoEutely Pure. TIiIm powder ever varíes. A marvel of puity, strengthuml wholesomeness. MoreecouHiiicul tlmn the ordinary kioüs, and can nol e sold n cumpetition wltli the multitude oi ow test, sliou weight, aluin or phosphate powders. Sold only In caus. Royal Baking ,'owdeh Co., 106 Wall 8t.. N. Y. llftllf IS THE TIME 11 NilW tocure llVlf SKIN HUM0RS.II XTisat ïhis eeason when the Pores open freely nnd the l'erapiration is abuodant that Disüiuruk liuiuois, Humiliatlng Eruplion Itching Tortures. Snit Hheum or Eczema, Faoriasin, Teiter. Kingworm, Baby llumors, Scrofula, Scroiuluus Sores, AbscessëSi and Discharginii Wounds, und :vit species ot Itchins, Scaly, and Fimply Uiswatet ni ihe Skin and Scalp are most speedily and üi.onomically cured by the CrncuiiA Uemedik-. IT IS A FACT. Humlredg oi' letters in our posseaplon (copies of whieb niïiy b luid by return inail) are our uuthori;y for the at-tteriion that fckii;, öcalp aud Blood Ilumorf, whether Scrolulous, luheriied, or Coutagious, may NÜW be purmai ently cured. by CUT(UURA Hksolvk.nt, Ihe uevv Blood Purifler, hiternaliy, it; one Imli the time and u une liu-i" tue expeuse ol' au other suasoa. CREATESTON EARTH. CuTiounA 1ÏBVKDIK9 aro the greatest ïm-diciues n eaïtL. Uuütlte worst. c&M öalt Kheum iu thitf 'uuntry. JA y mottier luid it twenty year, and in aci died trom u. I buliyve Cuticuka would have iaved ler lile. My anus. breas t and head were :overed for tnree jöjtr, uhich nothlna relieved )T t'ured uatil 1 ued tbe Owovmn. KtCi-OLVKNT, nteriially, and Guticuua aud Uuticura Soap, ,'xtenmtly. J. W. Adams, iSewark, O. GREATBLOOD MEDICINES. 1 h half has Dot been toldas to the great curative ut the UUTiCUiu Remedies. I have puid hundreds of dollars tor medicines to cure [lineases ot iliu blood aud skin and never fouud tmythiug yei to tqual the CoriCüBA Remedies. CuAe. A. Williams, Frovidence, R. I. "cure in every case . Your Cl'Ticoba Remedies ontsell all other medicines I keep lor skin diaeases. My customers and patients say that they have eflucted a cure in every iustance, where oiher remedies have failed. H. W. HiiOCKWAT, M. ü. Frsnklla Fallf, N. H. Sold by all drug;ist8. Price: Cuticubi, 50 C.8.; Resolvent, Í1; Soap, 2.jcts. Poiter Deug and Cuehical CJo., Boston, Ma's. Send f.n -llfi to Care skin IHseawes." ¦nTI TTnr"VFor Suuburn, Tan and JtJi,.U X JL GreafySkin, Blackheada l-iinpiü, süin Bleuiisüeé, ana ïnfantile Humors, üae cuticura Soap, a real Beautifler. SANFORD'S RADICALCÜRË FOK CATARRII. o Complete Treatment with Inhaler for One Dollar. rpilE Great Baleamic Distillation ƒ X of Witch Haze', American Pine Pm. r-.n:uln Fir, Mariaold, Clover. jJiSa i;!,,.,,,-, etc. called Waöfordu W HiKiicul (ure, for the imme W diate reliefand permanent cure.ol i every for in of Catarrh, from a SfJ simple Cold in the Ilead to Los i M of Sraell, Taste and Smell, Cough CSC and Catarrhal Consumptien. ComIS-i plete treatment, coneisting ol one fU i bottle Kadical Cure, one box Ca Mil .- tarrhal Solvent and one improved il É Inhaler, in one packiige, may now B''to V be nad of all Drugíists for $1.00. N5-4 Aek tor SANFORü'S KADICAL CUIiE. .ti. ra i holute speciflc wc know of. -Mea. TteSï. ÏKbSt vre hve found in a liletime ol Pottkii Dbuo and Cuïmical Co., uoston. . , ... Hew Ife for Shattered ftl L I N CïNnrves, Painful Mnscle and fJl -"li Weakened Organs. Colw VOLTAIC li,,s' Voltalc !" Smfs f5& l'last-r instanily tflects rW2 Js-wS} the uervous syetera and i''v'j VX banishes pain, nervouniess T lï&Ët"l debility. A perfect , 7? Klectro - alvaiiic LLEOTRIC Battcry comliinj-d ASTti' inal IMastr lor 2 Cts. All drugyists. $11950 IN CASH GIVEN AWAY To SMOKERS of Blackwell's Genuine Buil Durham Smoking Tobacco. pjift.ñfa Wü5 fissMiSs WSSÏ'Sffi-oin.tter'unr email the number of bags retuxned may be. Office BlackvM' Drham roJwM Cc.,1 J)rl,am, W. C., May 10, 1884. i Ti sYi we in.iose you $U.95u.oo. whlch Offir, of Ihe Bank öj Drham.i Durham. N. C, May lü, 18ÍM.Í J. S. CARR. ESQ. h ToharM o, .HiÏwnfflSo liSVprobJert glY. C„hler, None genume withomtnre of BULL on tao tirset pur other amotmoement. ëvëryIjvFme rch ant IX ASS AKBOK. Should Advertise in THE COURIER.


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