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Tlirec cases of 88:: uit lid batlerf nre booked at Jnstlce WcMabou'a to-Uny. Quite a heavy rain storm eanie up today s'iortly after twelve o'ilock, noon. John Heinzmann will soom have a new stone walk in front of his store room. The stone ia already deliveied. Mrs. Dawson vacatcs the St. AnUiew'i rectoij' Aufrui-t ]st, and II oeeupy Prof. Pattengill's house on North Injralls streef. Wc fouiul Frank Hangsterfer rotding the news of 18G2 thismorniiifr, In üarper'i "Weekly for August 30 of that year. He found the paper among apiiekage stowcd away and forgotten. We can put or fingers on three younr gentlemen of the city who will ere long doubtless take tlie step that oceasioned Punch 's atlvice of '-Dorrt." AVe would not, however, be understood is suggestng this adviee in any of the three instances referred to. Who are they ? A horse standing in ftontof Uie Farmers' and Mcchanics' bank this forenoon got a foot over the tie-strap and tbrew itself in the glitter. Several persons camc to the rescue and helped the animal out of the diffieulty before the owner put in in appearance. The fullowing order was issueil by Captain Schuh on MomUy evening: Headquarters Comi'ANï A, Fikst Regiment, Fikst Brigade, Aan Arbor, Micli., July 2, 1884. General Order No. 1.), Coinpany A will assemble at tlie armory ou Wednesduy, August 6, 1884, at 8 A. M., and report tor c.niip ditty. [Official.] By order of J. K. Schuh, Captain C'oniuianding. S B. RevknauGII, First Sergeant. Word direct from Rev. Talbot, of Macn, Mo., to whoin St. Andrew's, of thls citj', extended a cali lecently, has not been received as yet as to liis acceptance or otherwise of the invitation. It seems quite probable, however, tliat he will be unable to accept; and, indeed, in a recent issue of i clnirch paper, in Chicago, it was s'ated, along witli au uiinouncement of the opening of bis school, etc, at Mocan in the fall, that he had declined the cali from tliis point. If true, St. Andrew's is eutirely at sea again o far as a new rector is conceined.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News