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Mortgage Sale. DEFA17LT n.WING BEEN MADE IN THE condtltona of a certain mortijage eïecuted by LydlaKlrchhofer, of Manchester, in the Couhty ii u ubtenaw, and State of Michigan, to Jared S. l.aptiam, of Nortbville, Wayne Cüunty, in said stau-, I,:iiiij; daio the Seventeenth day of April A. I). 7'.), and recorded i i the office of the Klister of deeds fur said i'oniity of Washteaaw, in iiber .Vj of mortgticegj on page 596, and b v wblctt default the power of pale contain:d in waid muñíale hnviuii become operative, and nu suit or proceeding at law or in chancery having been insütuted to recover the niniwm! due on said mortpaííe, or the note arcompanyiufí the fame, and thcre bfini: now cUilmt-d to be due on said note and mortgai', the sum of Two Thoueand Two I drfd and tjeventy Dollars and Seventy cents[},LTÜ 70]. Notice is thiTcioru hereby ?lven tbat said nurtagf will be foreclosed ou Friday the Nloeteentb day of September, 1Í84, at 10 oVlock in the forenoon of that oay, by sale at public auction to the hif heet bidder at the sontli front door of the (Jourt House in the city of Ann Arbor in eaid county of ffaabtaoaw, (said Court House belna the place of holding the Circuit Court tor said connty) of the mortgaged premises described In I snid mort-:iL'e, or so mnch thfreof as may be uecesaiy tci s uisi'y the :mount due on eaid note and mortuaRe with reasouable coste uud expense i whicii snA mortaged premises are deecribed in said m.rtg ige, as lollows : All those certain parcelü ot land sitúate and beiug in the Villaec of i .Manchester, In the Oounty of VVasbu-naw, and I state .il Michigan, knou-n and deacribed as Iota four (4), flve (.5), six {ti), ecven (7) and eight (Si in blocli oue (1) iu Uranser and Morgan' addition to the iUaee of Manchester, accuriiin" 10 the r- cord d plat ot said addition Datud, Jnne 17th, A. D., 18S4 n riMwp JAKEi) s. I.APIIAM, B. I). M.VNK. Kortaanee Ati'y tor MortgLgLe._ i2Ul-12T:j C. H. MILLEN. INSURANCE AGENT! Xo. I South Main St., Ann Arbor. Theoídestágeneyln the city. ksUbltthed a quarter ert u oantory no. Etepresentlus the lollowaig ürsl-classcoiSpanies: Home lus. Oo. of N.Y $7,488 643 Contltientullng. Co.of N. "ï 4 861 142 Nlagar lus. ('o. of . y i.7i'oi Qliard fn8.Ca of Plilladelphia. 1 250 967 1 t rui Lu. Co. of Hartford 1419'523 C mimercial l'nion ofLomloii. .11,01;! Hl:: Llvsrpool, London and Globo. .34,'402,085 Hales Low. Lames Libornlly Adjusled and I'roinptl) Puitl. C. H. MILI.EN. BICyCLESlÜRiCYCLK FOR 'lllK BOYS"GIRLS! -¦-, ,'"' ;',IH '''ivtl r-clD in prlse fi-otn ? ,dU IO if O üírlr'h-i'" '"""wi"s áerorlbed .mwI-Ihuhi ."il liu-li Harvard Special, ill bflKbt, b&U bearinga iioooo ¦il " Expert- full nlokeletf- balfbëariSH J.V-m 63 " Expert-halfnlokeled. biiibëarV "ifi ïin (K) 53 Harvard ipeclal, mu iiïcièïëd, ' lall benriiiES tjg oo 53 " Hrltlsh l'li11ll..iKC-fullulckcü:;i, -.. .. tt bftlk bearlnga i-ooo ..- Harvard.all bright, ball bearlng luooo 6U Expert,, fun nlokelod, ball bearIlIgS J) Q ( :oc ni srroiui-hniui blcyclewuited," Kor fiirthor iai ticiilars somt stamp t,i C W. WAGNER, 21 S. Main St., Ann Arbor, Michigan. 1 198-1208


Ann Arbor Courier
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